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Top Hat

category: offtopic [glöplog]
First of all, I hope the thread about indie game is acceptable here. Just skip/ignore it if you disagree.

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Hi, as you may know (or not), I've been working with Nikas on Top Hat. I'm responsible for music, sound and some code issues. Today is a great day for us since we started with Steam Greenlight. It would be nice to see your feedback.

What's the matter?

Top Hat is a dynamic retro action/platform game - if you are weaned on NES and you are looking for challenging games and you've had enough - this game is for you.

The game offers:
- varied in many ways levels,
- several hours of challenging play,
- boss fights,
- mini quests,
- funny cutscenes and flavours,
- achievements system,
- smell of nostalgy adorned with full chiptune soundtrack.

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Here's YouTube trailer:


I hope you will enjoy and you give some feedback!

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You can buy the game now, directly from our store - if the game passes Greenlight, of course you will receive Steam key!

You can also download the soundtrack, from bandcamp or my site:

Useful links:

Don't hesitate to visit us @ Facebook.

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added on the 2014-07-02 02:48:58 by Jakim Jakim
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added on the 2014-07-02 09:40:48 by g0blinish g0blinish
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DUB approves of this games title! :)
added on the 2014-07-02 10:01:54 by Puryx Puryx
Your store link is 404 :(
added on the 2014-07-02 10:06:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
First of all, I hope the thread about indie game is acceptable here. Just skip/ignore it if you disagree.

You can buy the game now, directly from our store - if the game passes Greenlight, of course you will receive Steam key!

Yeah... no. I'm not going to shut up. This isn't simply "a thread about an indie game", it's an ad. And ads does not belong here IMO.

IMO, this should be deleted, similar to what we do with spam-bot posts. Using the demoscene community forums to try to sell games is abuse.
added on the 2014-07-02 10:39:08 by kusma kusma
kusma: but it's made out of really big pixels! has to be relevant!

(nah, I agree actually..)
kusma: So we also must immediately delete AMcBain's keyfob selling thread, and any thread about demosceners' kickstarters and whatever?
Arent party threads also "ads"? In case there's some kind of a price for tickets like there usually is :)
added on the 2014-07-02 12:56:19 by Serpent Serpent
I have no problem with this as long as these kind of posts stay occasional.
added on the 2014-07-02 13:09:31 by Tomoya Tomoya
Yeah, let the guys be happy about doing a game and post about it. he's asking for shares or promotion, he's just enthousiast about doing a (p. fun looking!) game!
added on the 2014-07-02 14:17:37 by okkie okkie
added on the 2014-07-02 14:22:55 by revival revival
Since he's an active demoscener and not here on Pouet only to promote the game: What Tomoya said. :)
added on the 2014-07-02 14:25:02 by Kylearan Kylearan
added on the 2014-07-02 14:37:05 by MuffinHop MuffinHop
Looks like crazy fun and I hope it's a big success for you. Also, what Tomoya said.
added on the 2014-07-02 14:37:53 by raizor raizor
My first Reaction after opening this Thread was like kusma´s...
...but scrolling down to the username reading "Jakim" made me forget about it fast!
Basically what Kylearan said: An active demoscener/pouetian is allowed to do so...i am even happy to see what others are working on (see random WIP-Thread) or had been working on in the past! ;)

I wish you the best of luck with your Greenlight! But to be honest i think you should´t get your hopes too high about it...there are plenty "retro"-games nowadays, and while your game looks like a lot of fun to be had, there´s hard competition out there on "that" market! ;)
I ofcoz hope for you that i am completely wrong, anyways: keep us updated here please! ;)
Saga Music: No, why?

Serpent: They are, but they are very much on topic. This isn't a gaming site.
added on the 2014-07-02 15:15:07 by kusma kusma
kusma: Sure, true that. This kind of "slip" from the rules once in a while, when talking about for example Jakim here, is ok imho though. Basicly what Tomoya and others said.
added on the 2014-07-02 16:58:17 by Serpent Serpent
What tomoya said. But I demand a Megadrive port for that real retro feeling ;)
added on the 2014-07-02 17:23:03 by Kabuto Kabuto
mind you theres also a lot of promo for commercial music projects done by sceners and pouet isnt music related as well.
As a more gray-areaish example theres even some (mobile) games in the db with full-versions available for purchase.

so yeah a little promo is ok in my eyes as long as the OP (ha, a new acronym i learned on the internet!) has some connection to this community and is not spamming fire-and-forget like.

if some of you are really feeling offended by it (since its against the uncommercial nature of the scene) i propose an extra bbs category that can be filtered, like with the "residue" one.

just my 2 cents...
added on the 2014-07-02 17:46:35 by wysiwtf wysiwtf
by Saga Musix:
kusma: So we also must immediately delete AMcBain's keyfob selling thread, and any thread about demosceners' kickstarters and whatever?
by kusma:
Saga Music: No, why?

Serpent: They are, but they are very much on topic. This isn't a gaming site.
Er, well, if my thread is an ad, it's doing a pretty poor job at it. :) Though in a way it does advertise my services, it's mostly my hobby stuff, and only tangentially related by way of being about demoscene groups, logos, and the like. I see it as closer to the waterslides thread, except with a higher volume of posts from the topic starter.

However, I'm not really here to defend my own thread. If people think it's spam and would rather I didn't, whatever. What I think though is that this sort of stuff is acceptable, and I don't mind it, as long as it's not one thing a day of this sort by the same group/person. We have people here who post links to their new album releases which, unless they're composed only of compo entries and demo soundtracks, are at best tangential too and we're seemingly fine with those. It's not like Jakim joined Pouet just to post this. He's a well known demoscener who has been around a while. :)

Less complainy, more talky on thread topic. Oooh, what pretty GIFs.
What about the two threads about New Gianna Sisters? Nobody complained.
added on the 2014-07-02 22:15:42 by v3nom v3nom
what about people posting bandcamp albums? nobody complained about 4mat and goto80 releases for example.
it has fake retro scanlines!!!! then it must be as good as razor intros!
added on the 2014-07-03 00:21:11 by el mal el mal
if DUB approves i can approve also.
points given to Tomoya
added on the 2014-07-03 02:42:43 by gentleman gentleman
it looks like the game was not just made for money but also for fun.
so good luck with it!
added on the 2014-07-03 08:57:27 by whizart whizart


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