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category: general [glöplog]
this just in: pouet.net will have a weekly demoscene week. which is a week that happens weekly where they (the people of pouet) dedicate a lot of attention to the demoscene. i would like to notify you all about this, so that you can check this weekly demoscene week out at pouet.net. if you miss a week, dont worry, there are other weeks!
added on the 2010-05-20 12:15:16 by el mal el mal
Brilliant! I'm going to check that out.

Pouet.net is a great site for other stuff btw - check out their daily trolling day some time!
added on the 2010-05-20 12:21:45 by psonice psonice
That's amazing. i always wanted to know what a demo scene looks like.
It's always trolling day on pouet.
added on the 2010-05-20 12:27:11 by raer raer
how can i get demos now the pd companies have closed down?
added on the 2010-05-20 12:52:46 by 4mat 4mat
wow, pouet.net will actually be relevant to the demoscene?!?
added on the 2010-05-20 13:23:04 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Isn't pouet relevant to the scene?
Then somebody fooled me to believe so.
added on the 2010-05-20 13:42:15 by Defiance Defiance


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