Some OpenCL job spam
category: general [glöplog]
All at Imagination Technologies in the UK:
OpenCL Compiler Senior Design Engineer
OpenCL Driver Design Engineer
OpenCL Compiler Design Engineer
All at Imagination Technologies in the UK:
OpenCL Compiler Senior Design Engineer
OpenCL Driver Design Engineer
OpenCL Compiler Design Engineer
Why being sorry even before having written something?
Because it's effectively spam and might not be relevant or appealing to potentially every single person who reads it. Still at least it's not a "woman with food" thread...
very interesting job! good luck finding someone ;)

Imagination Technologies? What kind of idiot would work there?!
(actually, i really hope it's a super smart idiot.. that's technology i'll most likely be using in anger when it's done. *goes back to banging head against iphone code signing failure*)
(btw pete what's the reward if you find someone? :D )
(actually, i really hope it's a super smart idiot.. that's technology i'll most likely be using in anger when it's done. *goes back to banging head against iphone code signing failure*)
(btw pete what's the reward if you find someone? :D )
'imagination technologies' does sound like some firm out of a simpsons episode though :)
I think they are a decent company and in a nice area of England (if a bit expensive). The job sounds cool too.
No affiliation. JSYK
No affiliation. JSYK
OpenCL Senior Engineer with 5+ years experience.
BSc in Engineering or Computing with up 3+ years experienc
Really, an engineer doing compiler design? o_O
crimbonice, not sure about the reward or if there even is one :) I won't spam every new vacancy here though, I just thought these ones were interesting.
imbusy, the experience presumably refers to any related commercial experience (ie. any compiler/driver work).
Christmas Device, if you have 3 years related commercial experience it doesn't really matter what your degree is in as long as it's vaguely related.
imbusy, the experience presumably refers to any related commercial experience (ie. any compiler/driver work).
Christmas Device, if you have 3 years related commercial experience it doesn't really matter what your degree is in as long as it's vaguely related.
no one has senior experience in brand new technologies - (dilbert) LOL.
sortof "Hello. I've been using openCL for 20 years."
i keep reading "job scam"
"Imagination Technologies" is just a front for Pete's organ-harvesting scam. Apparently people will pay more for kidneys from compiler designers...
Gargaj, do you actually approve of ANY topics on the BBS anymore? Do all pouet admins turn into miserable goths eventually? :D
blokey, that was never proved.
blokey, that was never proved.
who needs approval if you've got imagination!
pete: companies usually pay agencies a few grand to get staff for jobs like that, so there's often a few hundred quid in the back pocket if you can find somebody. Worth asking if you do :)
And of course, you could then harvest their organs and double your money.
And of course, you could then harvest their organs and double your money.
For the record, I know half a dozen guys with 5+ years in compiler design and implementation in the UK - maybe I should move into recruitment?
now that there's a bit of shortage here and there the recruitment business is growing quite large indeed -- e-mails, linkedin requests, near everbody worth a quarter is hammered with them on a weekly basis nowadays.
where did all these people come from and what are they gonna do when things even out again? :)
where did all these people come from and what are they gonna do when things even out again? :)
Oh and by the way the canteen has a Virtua Tennis arcade machine in it.
Finding excellent compiler designers/writers is a hard task. Good luck :)
Haha, at Amuze we were always playing 4way virtua tennis on the lunch breaks on the dreamcast until the project manager "accidently" stepped on the dreamcast. (the machine was promptly replaced and we continued playing 8)
pete: but i _WAS_ reading "job scam", dunno why :o (as for the miserable goth part, just look around, how would you feel running this place? :)
Goth. I would feel goth.