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Your demoscene dreams

category: offtopic [glöplog]
I often dream that I'm at a demoparty or at least something looking like it.
It arrives about every 2 months, but I can't remember every dreams.
Last one was last night.

It was in a place looking like Buenzli and some friends of mine were sleeping on tables in their sleeping bag. I came to the first one and simulated a sexual intercourse in order to wake him up. To the second friend I perpetrated a tea bagging on his face to wake him up. Nothing more I can remember on this one. We had a great gross laugh...

Before going to Breakpoint 04 I can remember that I made a dream where finally, the breakpoint was more like a secondhand trade holding in a covered open space... KB was there (but he was like a photo of him I saw when he was about 15 yo from the HVSC) praising some vintage fourniture seller... Then he introduced us his father who came to the party in a kind of an old Ford camping car. Sleeping rooms of the party were like some monastery cells or medieval prison cells...

I made many more but things are too fuzzy to write them... I'd try to remember.
added on the 2006-11-23 21:00:03 by doh doh
images not unlike paniq-powered prods fill my head when i close my eyes.
added on the 2006-11-23 21:08:27 by noouch noouch
I used to dream about winning 1st place at Assembly for some reason. Then later I won so no more demoscene dreams.
added on the 2006-11-23 21:11:12 by dairos dairos
strange you post that today...
last night I dreamed I was at some place with some Titan members...
added on the 2006-11-23 21:19:13 by EviL EviL
I dreamt i was a good coder once. =)
added on the 2006-11-23 21:21:01 by nystep nystep
Before demoparties I quite often dream about coming to the party without prod and seeing Aleksi win all the compos :(
I dream about party organizing a lot - most are nightmares containing a mixture of Breakpoint and other parties I've organized. In most cases it turns out that I'd forgotten something extremely important like electricity, food and drinks, find that out during the party and it gets impossible to fix the issue and I have the feeling it's the end of the world... I also recently had a dream where the info desk staff at a strange Breakpoint-party told me after two days of party that they didn't know they had to take entrance fees. I also found out that the party network consisted of a single CAT5 cable coming out of the nowhere.

I really prefer not to have demoscene-related dreams ;)
added on the 2006-11-23 22:37:26 by scamp scamp
added on the 2006-11-23 23:01:45 by _-_-__ _-_-__
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added on the 2006-11-23 23:11:48 by texel texel
I often dream that I'm throwing tomatoes in your face Doh.
Eventually, it happens.
added on the 2006-11-23 23:13:19 by oxb oxb
added on the 2006-11-23 23:14:13 by oxb oxb
Like most of my other dreams, my demoscene related dreams are completely out of this world. In one dream I learned how to code an effect so that it would come out of my monitor and fill the entire room. I'd like to see that at BP or Asm :p

And I'm not even a coder :)
added on the 2006-11-23 23:39:35 by teel teel
You mean like Rob Is Jarig? Every time I see that at a demo party, I'm amazed at how they managed to code that dancing-people-filling-the-stage effect.
added on the 2006-11-24 00:03:43 by gasman gasman
Most nights I have this dream about Scarab World Domination. It has a sort of post-apocalyptic atmosphere, and it's all very depressing and sad. Through it all there are these five shadowy figures, and I somehow know that they're coders, and that they're responsible for everything, but I can never see their faces. I usually walk around in this fucked up cityscape. The shops are deserted and anything useful has long since been looted, most of the buildings are falling apart, and I see people dying in the streets. I feel very sorry for myself, like, defeated and humiliated, and I know there's nothing I can do to make it all better, like it's too late. Invariably I end up sitting in this dark room converting fonts for Stingray, remembering how it all used to be better. Sometimes this man comes and brings me a floppy. So I insert the floppy and it has these sources on it, like amazing_scroller_by_scicco.s. I try to compile and run them but nothing happens, and then I look at the source and all I see is a long list of NOPs. For some reason I start to panic and try to scroll through it, looking for some actual code, but there's nothing there. And I keep scrolling and hammering on the keyboard, more and more desperate to find some meaningful code, and just when I think I can't take it any more, I see those five coders again, just briefly, and I recoil, like something's exploding in my face, and then I wake up all shaky and sweaty. Sometimes I'm screaming, other times I'm crying, but after a few moments I pull myself together and turn on my computer to look at some of the fucked up brilliant shit I've been putting together. And that's when I know it was all just a dream and Scarab will never dominate the world. So I go back to bed and dream about kittens and sunshine.
added on the 2006-11-24 00:23:46 by doomdoom doomdoom
gasman: It's fake. It's pure prerendered animation. I can't believe people get away with that sort of thing.
added on the 2006-11-24 00:25:22 by doomdoom doomdoom
I hate to admit that but Doom, you rule. :D You will never dominate the world tho, you know, covered boobs and stuff.
added on the 2006-11-24 00:29:42 by StingRay StingRay
The night after bp04 we stayed at a local inn.. I woke up sweating in the middle of the night after dreaming I woke up at yet another party. It was a serious nightmare. I woke up, tired and too drunk to stand on my feet, and then after a while stuff started burning all around me. Drunk, demoparty, fire, can't take it.. no.. more.. please..
added on the 2006-11-24 13:35:55 by arcane arcane
Oh well, i dream about how Civilisation will be in like...10000 Years or so? Then making a demo out of it...

On parties, i dream mostly that i miss the prizegiving ceremony by sleeping!!

Today i dreamed we are all living on giant, yellow/orange painted aqueducts, but only on the sides of them, the top of them are giant motorways...
Second dream was, im working for a pimp in a whorehouse, making up the signs for the doors. It was just a slum areal with tiny cracked up houses...after work was over, one of the girls invited me in, when i wanted to get naked, i had to undress many pullovers and shirts...when i was finished, i woke up...

Hmm, i rather want to dream about organizing a party!
added on the 2006-11-24 13:55:06 by Exin Exin
scamp haha :) i kinda expected you to have such dreams
added on the 2006-11-24 15:32:49 by uncle-x uncle-x
scamp :)

is the fear of desk staff not knowing they have to take entrance fee an irrational one, or has that actually ever happened?
I have dreams of demoparties quite often (I remember my dreams very well, usually several per night), especially Assembly, Breakpoint and Simulaatio. They're often held in obscure places, eg. Assembly is often held outside and Simulaatio was once on mountains. Sometimes we're making a demo or intro in the dream. I've had a few dreams about missing a deadline, I'm at a party and suddenly I realize the compos are about to begin and I haven't handed it anything.

The coolest dream was one where Hartwall Areena (the Assembly venue) was four-dimensional and walking through the different entrances inside the place got you into different places.
added on the 2006-11-24 23:32:36 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
Back in early 90s, when I was rather active on Amiga supplying my friends with some logos/fonts, I had a dream I coded a vector routine (or sth like that, and you know, with coder-colours) for a demo. What I remember from the dream was that I was sitting on the tiny chair (for 3-4 years old child) and while streching my back from tiredness I was assembling the source-code. Looking at my results I was happy of the final effect.

When I had a C=64 I was a die hard Ikari and Talent maniac and I had some contacts with an ex-swapper (or maybe it was not him), never the less my second dream I remember was around 1995. I dreamt that at my place, in my room we had a small, private copy-party of mentionned group. Some fun, beers and so on. The funny thing was that afaIr my grandma was also in the group in some way. But do not remember have she cracked a game or coded an intro =). But she was there.
added on the 2006-11-25 02:56:33 by sim sim
I dream in 72 bit colour.
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added on the 2006-11-25 16:18:55 by sparcus sparcus
I had few dreams of visiting demoparties, some german, french and greek ones, few of them taking in industrial areas, one in a luxury hotel and other strange places. I have also seen I've visited a netcafe which had Amiga's instead of PC and tried to run some demos in them, also I have seen Pouet of the year 2018 or something and I was still there in the top of the glops, lol. I also remember that one I dreamed that I met a french scene girl who was an Amiga coder and when I woke up I didn't forgot the name of her 40k intro and tried to find it in Pouet in realworld with no success :(
added on the 2006-11-26 15:31:15 by Optimus Optimus


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