Simulaatio 3D, 10.-12.06.2005, Varkaus / Finland
category: general [glöplog]
..and there was much rejoicing \o/
more alternative than alternative party _o/ _o/
Fuck, now I need to make two productions in the summer instead of just the ASM one
preacher, you're forgetting your SE entry.
yay simulaatio!
yes! the place to be _o/
wohoo! everyone must come
Do you really mean the place to be? really?
Yay! Summer and Simulaatio. There can't be anything better. And it's in 3D too!
But do we need goggles ?
dasyobi: quote from the website:
"When you arrive at Simulaatio 3D, you'll get a pair of specs that will not only make the party look a whole lot of trippier, but add a real third dimension to the compo entries as well."
"When you arrive at Simulaatio 3D, you'll get a pair of specs that will not only make the party look a whole lot of trippier, but add a real third dimension to the compo entries as well."
shit! i'll miss having the bbq in the snow!
and dont forget to come to inerciademoparty2005 ;)
stickytopics would rule ;-)
stickytopics would rule ;-)
I hope the goggles will be like this:

also come to altstork!
now where's the ultra cool 3D-invitation?
hmmh, i wonder if anyone has already made 3d porn?, apparently so.
okkie, no i meant this kind of 3dporn that you have to view with 3d-glasses.
rendered porn is boring.
rendered porn is boring.
ahh ok sori. yeah, that'd rule.
skrebbel = okkie? i'm skrebbel? skrebbel is me???
poser porn rocks though!!!
poser porn rocks though!!!
forgive him okkie, for we wouldn't be able to distinguish him from him any of the other swedes either.