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Religious demos

category: general [glöplog]
I've recently been reading a lot about various aspects of religion and cults and I'm wondering if anyone can point me to some demos with (proper) religious content. I am not looking for stuff like Radiance or Jesus Christ Motocross or demos with religious iconography for purely aesthetic reasons, but for demos that have some sort of "message" in them. Any religion or form of spirituality goes.
added on the 2024-08-28 20:50:47 by Preacher Preacher
I got into the hunt earlier but can't find much... this is maybe the stuff you're not looking for https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=7413

Tangentally I'm sure I remember some genuinely esoteric content in Grapevine diskmag from maybe issue 14 onwards -- articles on tulpas, sigils, etc. IIRC credited to "Lucifer".
added on the 2024-08-28 21:29:31 by Fell Fell
Not sure how serious those are, but LoveJesus
added on the 2024-08-28 21:29:37 by evills evills
I don't know what you are looking for exactly but I immediatly thought of this one:
A Significant Deformation Near The Cranium by Kewlers

Also, spirituality is personnal and wide enough to fit a lot of thematic demos which can be understood at different levels:
Transmitting Beyond by Hackers.

And finally demo with a message (sorry for self promotion - not intended really):
New World Order by The electronic Knights

I don't know if it's what you were looking for and there are probably many more but these are the one whoimmediatly came in mind for me.
added on the 2024-08-28 21:37:36 by ok3anos ok3anos
Cool one hitchhikr :) Totally missed this one!
added on the 2024-08-28 22:27:49 by ok3anos ok3anos
The winner of the symposium 96 4k compo.

added on the 2024-08-28 22:50:13 by CiH CiH
Try again with a working link.

added on the 2024-08-28 22:51:06 by CiH CiH
This one is not about religion, but it's about a cult. They called it..
added on the 2024-08-28 23:11:18 by v3nom v3nom
This one is pretty much anti-religious, but it touches your soul: give me future or give me death
added on the 2024-08-28 23:17:45 by v3nom v3nom
Heaven 7 feels quite spiritual at times (and I guess “heaven” can be counted as a religion reference).
added on the 2024-08-29 00:06:44 by Sesse Sesse
Preacher: Does BITS qualify as a kind of cult? Illegal telepathy and all.
added on the 2024-08-29 01:47:32 by keops keops
There are some satanic demos, if that counts as well
added on the 2024-08-29 06:21:42 by v3nom v3nom
(Still) there at least have some spiritual qualities in
added on the 2024-08-29 07:23:10 by Puryx Puryx
… in my eyes.
added on the 2024-08-29 07:23:45 by Puryx Puryx
While primarily political/philosophical, THE CURE does touch upon religion/spirituality as well.
added on the 2024-08-29 12:29:34 by Blueberry Blueberry
Oh, and how could I forget... Valhalla has a specific religious theme throughout.
added on the 2024-08-29 12:36:37 by Blueberry Blueberry
https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=22349 and to a lesser extent other works by that same group
added on the 2024-08-30 15:03:05 by havoc havoc
I am surprised MFX Deities still hasn't been mentioned, so here you go Deities by MFX https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=24487 .. Also the "remix" by "i forgot who" is also really cool.
if someone knows what I am talking about ?
added on the 2024-09-04 09:34:32 by Shantee Shantee


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