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type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
musicdisk Atari Falcon 030 Gwime gwEm :: DHS november 2012 november 2012 16 1 1 0.83
invitation Atari Falcon 030 SillyVenture 2k12 invitro Extream october 2012 october 2012 19 5 0 0.79
musicdisk Atari Falcon 030 Screaming silently DHS july 2012 july 2012 8 5 0 0.62
report Atari Falcon 030 Report 2012 XIA :: GGN :: ACCA 3rd at Sommarhack 2012 june 2012 july 2012 13 2 0 0.87
demo Amiga AGA Atari Falcon 030 Kioea MadWizards 1st at Revision 2012 april 2012 april 2012 130 13 0 0.91
game Atari Falcon 030 Sweety thingies Paradize :: Sector One 4th at Silly Venture 2011 november 2011 december 2011 7 1 0 0.88
demo Atari Falcon 030 We Reached Stars Vital-Motion! :: Orion_ 1st at Alchimie 2011 november 2011 november 2011 46 10 0 0.82
game Atari Falcon 030 Downfall Falcon Reboot n/a at Retro Gaming Connexion 2011 november 2011 november 2011 16 2 0 0.89
invitation Atari Falcon 030 sv2k11 invitro Mystic Bytes september 2011 september 2011 34 6 0 0.85
musicdisk Atari Falcon 030 The Smell Of Old Electronics DHS not shown at Outline 2011 june 2011 june 2011 8 4 0 0.67
demo Atari Falcon 030 Davids Raster Demo Paradize 5th at Sommarhack 2010 july 2010 july 2010 1 2 10 -0.69
demopack Atari ST Atari STe Atari Falcon 030 no fragments - archive 11: partyarchive 07-10 tSCc Outline 2010 april 2010 may 2010 9 0 0 1.00
demopack diskmag Atari ST Atari STe Atari Falcon 030 no fragments - archive 10: diskmags tSCc april 2010 april 2010 21 1 0 0.95
musicdisk Atari Falcon 030 Amanita DHS march 2010 march 2010 31 5 0 0.86
musicdisk Atari Falcon 030 Sidetracked Collapze january 2010 january 2010 11 2 0 0.85
invitation Atari Falcon 030 Codein - Sommarhack 2009 invitation DHS 2nd at Outline 2009 may 2009 may 2009 42 8 0 0.84
game Atari Falcon 030 Jewelz Paradize january 2009 january 2009 10 1 0 0.91
game Atari Falcon 030 Tron preview tSCc december 2008 december 2008 3 2 0 0.60
4k game Atari STe Atari Falcon 030 Spy 4k Paradize december 2008 december 2008 6 3 0 0.67
game Atari Falcon 030 Chainz Paradize september 2008 september 2008 16 0 0 1.00
game Atari Falcon 030 Grenzüberschreitung tSCc 3rd at Outline 2005 june 2008 june 2008 15 2 1 0.78
musicdisk Atari ST Atari STe Atari Falcon 030 Fading twilight - excerpt 12 tSCc n/a at Outline 2008 may 2008 june 2008 8 1 0 0.89
demo Atari STe Atari Falcon 030 Wee Wee Special Dildo Fatwa 4th at Outline 2008 may 2008 may 2008 1 4 13 -0.67
slideshow Atari Falcon 030 Videl Visions Cerebral Vortex january 2008 january 2008 16 12 7 0.26
slideshow Atari Falcon 030 Outline 2007 slideshow Paradize november 2007 november 2007 2 10 0 0.17
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