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type : platform :
type prodname platform group release party release date added rulez piggie sucks avg popularity
demo JavaScript Old School 2nd at AbelLan 2014 february 2014 february 2014 2 5 0 0.29
demotool wild JavaScript vecx Jumalauta february 2014 february 2014 1 3 0 0.25
128b JavaScript dragon punch Ribbon february 2014 february 2014 12 6 0 0.67
1k JavaScript 704.2 march 2014 march 2014 17 2 0 0.89
demo JavaScript secondrealm.is Satori 5th at NVScene 2014 march 2014 march 2014 53 13 1 0.78
demo JavaScript Holly Cabbibo 8th at NVScene 2014 march 2014 march 2014 27 3 2 0.78
4k JavaScript Tuhkamaa The Royal Elite Ninjas Inc. 1st at Instanssi 2014 march 2014 march 2014 15 5 0 0.75
1k JavaScript JS1K Game of Thrones: Dance of Dragons WMcode js1k 2014 march 2014 april 2014 8 2 0 0.80
1k JavaScript DragonDrop 1st at js1k 2014 march 2014 june 2014 19 3 0 0.86
demo JavaScript Drunken Hobos Damones 1st at End of the World 2014 march 2014 may 2015 1 1 0 0.50
game JavaScript Stickerfixer Wursthupe 4th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 12 3 0 0.80
demopack procedural graphics JavaScript Forth Shader Collection SandS 5th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 25 2 0 0.93
demo JavaScript Oldschool Never Die Hemoroids 9th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 28 16 11 0.31
demo JavaScript Shambala Alcatraz 6th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 13 15 1 0.41
demo JavaScript Insurance
CyberCat 10th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 14 0 0 1.00
1k JavaScript Hammasvagina Faemiyah 11th at Revision 2014 april 2014 april 2014 2 4 5 -0.27
demo JavaScript Aurora Zomgtronics 2nd at The Gathering 2014 april 2014 april 2014 5 5 3 0.15
invitation JavaScript Demokerho invitation Demokerho 6th at Stream 2014 may 2014 may 2014 10 4 0 0.71
invitation JavaScript ScenePT Demoilta 1 may 2014 may 2014 3 1 0 0.75
invitation JavaScript Sillyventure 2014 Invitro Hemoroids 4th at Very Important Party 2014 may 2014 may 2014 26 8 0 0.76
demo JavaScript deep in my heart
Flo 1st at Stream 2014 may 2014 may 2014 25 7 0 0.78
demo JavaScript When Stereotypes Fail Paraguay 4th at Stream 2014 may 2014 may 2014 7 6 2 0.33
demo JavaScript Qarmine Syn[Rj] 3rd at Very Important Party 2014 may 2014 may 2014 9 6 0 0.60
demo JavaScript Synchronous Catastrophic Monitor Overload Wide Load 5th at Stream 2014 may 2014 may 2014 0 4 0 0.00
invitation procedural graphics JavaScript ALÈS ACTE II may 2014 may 2014 2 9 2 0.00
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