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internal affairs BBS (1a) by Rebels

                  .____                                            .____
        __________:    l    ______   _________  __________________ :    |
   .---/_______.  \    |___/__ -__>_/______   \/______. /_____    \l    l___
  /     \/     :   \   ._____/ /    \/        <  /    :   \/    -  \    :   \
 /      /      |    \  :    \        \    .    \/     |    \    :   \   .<ph>\
<______<_______l     \ ______>________>___:    <______l     \___l    \ _______>
. .::<=======|________>==========<affairs>l______>==|________>=|______>==>:::..
 .:::. .    internal affairs  -  rebels hq  -  tea shq  -  fluid shq   . .:: .
 . :        4 speedy nodes of 28k8 (vfc/v34) - novell network power!    . .:
  .i .          staff -  phreaksmith - junkie - m:et - darkmind            i
   |        running under the latest version of pcb - daily imports!       | .
 . l. .                   currently accepting new users                  . l
. :::.  .  +46-31-527817, +46-31-582172, +46-31-582134, +46-31-582136     ::: .
 ..::<===================================================================>:: .
 .:: .                                                                   .::
.  .                                                                   .   .  .
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