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1 Finger by Kewlers [web]

1 Finger by Kewlers
Released at Revision 2013 demo compo
March 29th - April 1st 2013, Saarbrücken, Germany

Music: Little Bitchard
Effects and "synching": Curly Brace
3D graphics: Tron Jeremy

Made using:
GNU Rocket: http://rocket.sourceforge.net/ 
RocketEditor by emoon / TBL: https://github.com/emoon/rocket/ 
BASS: http://www.un4seen.com/ 
OpenGL Mathematics (GLM): http://glm.g-truc.net/ 
sbt_image: http://nothings.org/stb_image.c 
One shader using GLSL noise by iq/rgba: http://www.iquilezles.org/ 

Video footage recorded at gogbot festival (special thanks to anja and 
vincent), Stream demoparty, Kasko and Huoratron gigs Special thanks to 
scoopr and unclex


Linux port by Marq/Fit. Needs at least GLUT on top of the normal stuff.
Give any parameter to run the prod windowed (1280x720).


Windows port by Gargaj / Conspiracy.
No need to give parameters because we can open GUI windows. :P
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