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Jinkaku by Yoe [web]


a fast demo by immortals and yoe at The Movement'98, Ashkelon, Israel

the demo was done in 1 day, including all graphics, music (except for 1
sample that was recorded on a synth. a few days prior to that), anda all code.

uhh, nothign special to say, I don't want this to beanother one of the long

Concerning code tech. :

1. lots of usage of Alpha Blending.
2. Combination of mpegs with realtime scenes, I'm talking real combination,
not just showing an mpeg. This was first presented (to me atleast) ay Bleam
the windemo by statix+vic from Assembly'98. I think its a great idea, which
a friend of mine (who has never seen bleam before) came up with. Since we 
hand't time, etc, etc, etc, we cam up with only two parts like this, but this
is something that can be really cool if done correctly.
3. uhh, what more, fades ? not new, hmm, thats it, oh yeah, circles ;)

sum' kredits:

kode    : Kombat, some code by rage (persp. tmapper, etc), some credit to Silvatar,
          since I just wrecklesly popped out sources from Matt (stere0mike), and
          some of his lines may reside there ;)
          All Immotrals ;) and some Re****ion

musik   : Shudder, with a neat tune that even I like, 
          proud member of yoe

graphiks: BlackLight and JoNny, two excellent max2'ers. great guys and some
          great art.
          proud members of yoe and of Re****ion
          Falcor_, great pixeller, responsible for 'Pelle' and 'Rider' who were
          intended for 'FreakShow/Immortals' and 'Stere0Mike/Immortals', but 
          due to minor technicalities were proudly include dhere,
          proud member of Immortals.

more    : Yon, ahla guy who tuned up the video capture, worked with premiere,
          photoshop, and much more, great guy.
          dunno what group ?, invited to imr anyhows ;)

more more : madmongo, for sitting and asking to be in the credits ;)
            gambit, for sitting infront of us, and , letting us use a raytraced
            image we didn't eventually use ;_)
            nick-stealer for comming by sometimes and for the idea of a 
            monster truck maddness style scene.

lots of hullo to all, especially to yoe members chrunch and scrollock.
hullo to flood members, wij members (mboy,yoyo,coaxcbl,?), quasars, 
smallbrain, bacter, and all else in the party, sorry if iforgot you,
all on #ilcoders, #coders and #taat

and special extra thanks to civax for the party and the pils that held me from
dropping dead at the party place and giving me the minimal strength to sit
and do this demo.

yalla bye

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