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Silly Venture 2k16 by Dune & Mystic Bytes [web]

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 /   /   ___   /_\_\  //   /_/ /   /_/\___\/     /
 \  /    \____/  /  \//   /__\/   /__\/   /     / --- SILLY VENTURE 2k16 ---
 \\/______      /    /  _/   /  _/   /   / _   /       GDANSK - POLAND
  \  /  \/     /____/_______/_______/______/  /   --- 11th-13th November ---
   \/_________/    /_______ ____  ___ _______/_____ ___ _________ ________
      /  \        / ______/     \/  /    /__/     /   /  __     /   _____/
     /    \      / ____/__      /  /   ____/__   /   /   \/____/ _____/____
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      \     \  /________/___/\___/__________/______/_____/_____\_________/
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        \    /_______ /___/\/__/_________ /_____ /____ /_____ /________/
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          \/                  SILLY VENTURE 2k16
                            Long life Atari scene !

                          Silly Venture 2k16 Invitro.
                          For Atari Falcon 030 14 Mo.

                       11th-13th day of November 2016

                                more info at:

               Code ................ : Thadoss  / Dune
               Biker anim .......... : Wiecz0r / Mystic Bytes
               SV logo & end pic ... : mOOnie / Mystic Bytes
               Music ............... : BeWu  / Mystic Bytes
               Text ................ : Grey / Mystic Bytes
               Backgroung picture .. : Mic  \ Dune
                                     : Ooz   \ agenda
                                     : Ukko   \ Live!
                                     : Piesiu  \ Mystic Bytes
                                     : mOdmate  \ Checkpoint

                           Have fun, stay (H)atari
                              See you in Gdansk.
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