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Counterfactual by Andromeda Software Development [web]

Asdinfo.txt ³

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             This text file contains information about a new demo
             group called Andromeda Software Development (A.S.D).
          We are just a small  group and this file intends to inform
          you about our existence although  we are sure that it will
         not be this text that will make us worthy of your attention.

  Our group consists of three members
  (whose names are given in random order) :
           Stelios Mintsidis         IncuS
           Kostas Pataridis          NaviS
           Nikos Batalas             Amoivikos
  ASD was founded on a beautiful saturday evening, when S.M and K.P got
 together at S.M's house (for their usual programming ideas and insults
 exchange).They thought of setting up a group called Nuclear  Software,
 but  something just did not sound right. They finally came up with the
 name Andromeda Software Development which they decided to keep.After a
 short while Nikos Batalas joined the group as well.

  We have programmed  many  utilities  for the PC  (S.M, that is) but we
 have recently become demo-oriented. Until now you should not have heard
 of us, none of our software was ever distributed anyway. It will not be
 long ,however, before you find some of our intros, demos and  utilities
 in your local BBS.
³  Our Releases so far :                                                     ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Cdemo5.zip           Our first demo , 320x200x256                        ³
³                        includes some nice pictures                         ³
³                        and great vga-effects. NO MUSIC.                    ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Demi.zip             The intro that came first in a local                ³
³                        competition. Nice graphics , color-cycling          ³
³                        effects AND adlib-music.                            ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Vertex.zip           Vertex MegaDemo. The first megademo of              ³
³                        A.S.D. Took one week to program it.                 ³
³                        Includes: Two Scrollers , Moving Checkboard         ³
³                        Bouncing Balls , Endless Snake , Scrolling          ³
³                        Multiple Sprite Managment and many many more        ³
³                        like pictures and ADLIB-music.Made with ZERO-MODE   ³
³                        graphics . Still , nowone else has seen it except   ³
³                        us... :-).                                          ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Copper.zip           This intro is based on a scrolly message and        ³
³                        some copper bars on background. Fast code ,         ³
³                        and ADLIB music... it was written in one night      ³
³                        from scratch.                                       ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Whow.zip             A very nice presentation of some morphing           ³
³                        routines.                                           ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Whow2.zip            Even better morphing routines. Nothing else...      ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Seeing.zip           Another intro - addy for a future release ...       ³
³                        Starfield and vector-morphing. Supports ADLIB       ³
³                        music.                                              ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   LandScap.zip         A mini-intro presenting filled-polygon landscape    ³
³                        routine ... 386+                                    ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Cdemo6.zip           A brilliant intro for Cosmos BBS. Very nice         ³
³                        hand-made graphics and more...                      ³
³                        CODE     : Amoivikos                                ³
³                        GRAPHICS : Amoivikos                                ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Vector.zip           Another mini-intro . Very fast Vectorballs.         ³
³                        386+.                                               ³
³                        CODE : NaviS                                        ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Digital.zip          Digital Dreams is a mini-demo                       ³
³                        created in one day (!!). It includes : Starfield,   ³
³                        Vector graphics , Nice Filled Polygons , Plasma     ³
³                        Effect , Vertical Scroller ... it supports Sound    ³
³                        Blasters 4-channel music...                         ³
³                        CODE            : NaviS                             ³
³                        ADDITIONAL CODE : IncuS                             ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Cdemo7.zip           The seventh and so far the best demo-addy           ³
³                        for Cosmos BBS.                                     ³
³                        CODE            : NaviS                             ³
³                                                                            ³
³   Counter.zip                    ú Counter Factual ú                       ³
³                        Counter Factual is our last Demo. It came           ³
³                        First at The Gardening 95 Demo compo.               ³
³                        CODE            : NaviS                             ³
³                        GRAPHICS        : Amoivikos                         ³
³                                          Ars Nova                          ³
³                        MUSIC           : NaviS                             ³
³                                                                            ³

    For the time being,  we can be reached at COSMOS BBS
 where you can either leave a message or download  some of our releases,
 both  demos and utilities. Further information on how  to contact us is
 given at the end of this text.

  You will not be hearing very often of any new releases from us, as we
 all have other more important engagements to look after. After all, we
 are still at school (or university)
 Our Fido addresses are :
³ Stelios Mintsidis ³ no-address :-(  ³
³ Kostas Pataridis  ³ 2:410 / 204.10  ³
³ Nikos Batalas     ³ 2:410 / 204.9   ³

Signed ,
...Amoivikos of ASD...
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