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music box 1.3 by Resource [web]

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|  |    |_____|______|______|______|____\__\  |_____|______/____|____\    |  |
|  `-------------------{  b  l  a  c  k  -  b  o  x  }--------------------'  |
|                                                                            |
|                          "Music Box Version 1.3"                           |
|                                                                            |
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  |  |                          w . h . a . t                           |  |
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|                                                                            |
| Music  Box  Version  1.3,  the  latest version of the advanced and popular |
| GameBoy  Color  and GameBoy music and soundeffect player and editor can be |
| used  in  games, demos and tools, with new examples, new commented sources |
| and   two   brand   new,   really   large,  well  formatted  and  detailed |
| documentations.  A  must  have  for  GameBoy Color and GameBoy developers, |
| hobby  programmers  and  composers.  The  system  can be licensed together |
| with  its  next  generation,  more  advanced  PC  version,  Music Box 2 to |
| commercial  games,  demos  and  tools too and can be freely used in public |
| domain  games,  demos  and  tools.  For  more  informations read the large |
| documentations.                                                            |
|                                                                            |
| The  system  runs  on  the real target machine, the GameBoy Color (in full |
| colours)  or the classic GameBoy (in greyscale). So the composer will hear |
| really  the same the gamer will in the end product. Also this system makes |
| it  possible  to  compose  music outdoors what can be great fun. Even your |
| kids will like it.                                                         |
|                                                                            |
| Some  more brief infos about the system. It is possible to make multispeed |
| music  with  the  system  and  it doesn't need too much CPU time and other |
| system  resources.  Also  it is using all the four channels for both music |
| and  soundeffects (including the third wavetable channel). The size of the |
| music is also really small.                                                |
|                                                                            |
| For  more details read the whole included documentations. If you seriously |
| want  to  use  the product, really read them at least once, without it you |
| cannot use the system.                                                     |
|                                                                            |
|                         c . r . e . d . i . t . s                          |
|                                                                            |
| all code, design, graphics, documentations by...zsolt minier and ray nemes |
| thanks for the help (ideas, tests, example songs)....jukka-pekka luukkonen |
| thanks for the help (ideas, tests, documentation works).......attila szoke |
|                                                                            |
|                           released on 26/02/2001                           |
|                                                                            |
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  |  |                            w . h . o                             |  |
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|                                                                            |
| Black  Box is a game development team currently specialized to the GameBoy |
| Color  system.  We  are creating games and tools to help the GameBoy Color |
| development. We are also demoscene people (fyi demoscene is a really large |
| international community of artists making every kind of art and multimedia |
| presentations  on  computers  and  other  platforms)  and  releasing hobby |
| projects too sometimes like intros and demos.                              |
|                                                                            |
| If you need a team to create, convert, port, finish or modify a game, tool |
| or demo or make musics and soundeffects for your company then contact us.  |
|                                                                            |
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  |  |                        w . h . e . r . e                         |  |
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|                 visit the following URL's if you want to:                  |
|                                                                            |
| Black Box.....................................http://blackbox.resource.cx/ |
| Resource...........................................http://www.resource.cx/ |
| Success and The Ruling Company.....................http://www.scs-trc.net/ |
|                                                                            |
|                   and send us an e-mail if you want to:                    |
|                                                                            |
|                            blackbox@resource.cx                            |
|                                                                            |
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