Aatnos by Lieves!Tuore [web]
======================================= Lieves!Tuore presents an intro called AATNOS ======================================= Lieves!Tuore is back with a new intro. Coded in less than a week for Tiara Joulu '97 (Vammala Party 4). Took 2nd place in the demo competition. Code : Marq Music : Yzi Gfx : Man & Marq Greetings to Fit, TFCIM, 5coders, RNO, Wainamo, Zenon, Minic, Theta, Sturm, Galvados, Rex, Prager, Suovula, Terox, Kryten, Rock Lobster, Toni Siira, Harri Meriruoko & the rest. http://www.modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~marq marq@cc.tut.fi or man@sci.fi ==================EOF==================
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