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Euphoric Illusion BBS

           ·-+*(%] hOLy cOw bATMAn!, tHis fiLe gOt wARPEd tHREw [%)*+-·
         _____________ ______________ ___  ____________________  _______
    <====\_   _____/  |  \______   \ |   \/      \______   \___|/       \====>
     |::::|    __|_   |   |    ____/ ~    \   |   |    |  _/   /    |___/:::|
     |::::|        \  ~   |    |\    _    /   |   |    _   \   \    |   \:::|
     |:::::::|___|/   |/   |    |  /   ______/__|/  _   \|    \|   |::::::::|
     |:::::::|   |    |__  |__  |  \____   \|   |   |    |     |   |::::::::|
     |ZB!::::|   |    |  | |  | ~  /   /    \   |   |    |  |      |::::::::|
        └[  e   u   p   h   o   r  i   c   -   i  l  l  u  s  i  o   n  ]┘

           (+four.five) - five.eight.five - two.zer0.five - seven.three

                            f r e e   d o w n l o a d

                      o p e n   2 4   h o u r s   a   d a y

                                .::] sTAFf [::.
              ZubFataL^g0d - YOU!?^sLAVe - YOU!?^fiLESUPPORTEr

                             .::] oNLiNe sTUFf [::.
     cRACKs % mUSic % hOMEWORk % mODDiNg % viDEo-cd sTUFf % cHEATs % cODiNg
         dEMOs/iNTROs % sOURCEs % uTiLs/tOOLs % aRt % tEXTs % mAGAZiNEs

                             .::] aFFiLiATiONs [::.
      iMPURe^dKHq ·+· ciRCe^dKHq ·+· niTROPHUSiOn^dKHq ·+· aLPHAFORCe^dKHq
       pUNGAs de viLLa mARTELLi^dKHq ·+· wASTEd oBFUSCATEd eVOLUTiOn^dKHq
              t-REx^dKHq ·+· fUCk oFf or die^dKHq ·+· sAVAGe^dKHq
                            eiGHTBALl iNDUSTRiEs^dKHq
              tHe dRONe cREw^diSTRo ·+· oUTLAw diMENSiONs^diSTRo

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