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Toasted by Cubic Team & $eeN [web]

                   Welcome to the final version of TOASTED

                       IT'S EVEN BUGFIXED THIS TIME!!!

Hi folks.. this is pascal speaking.

The first thing I want to announce in this document is my retreat
from cubic team. Some reasons might be:

-The name "cubic team" as a demoscene group name sucks
-I will definitely not cooperate with some member(s) again in any way
-I disagree about the membership strategy of cubic team
-I disagree about other member(s) oppinions
-I disagree about financial strategies
-I disagree about everything
-I feel much better that way
-They might be better off without me

This does not mean I will no longer continue on cubic player or
coding demos. I might also do demos with $eeN members. This only means
that you should not expect any more quality productions from cubic team
(If it will continue it's existence, but I do not care) and if you
greet cubic team in your production, I will not feel addressed too much.

Other points of view about this would have been welcome, but as there is
no contributor to the demo within reach, it is not possible right now (what
a pity!). Anyway, I did not decide to write this shit, but it has to
be done, as many other things I won't bother you with.

Completing this demo is my final action as a member of cubic team.


Now back to what this file is about.

To run the demo simply type CTSTOAST.
If you have problems running toasted, eg. you hear no sound or
the screen is strange use CTSTOAST SETUP next time.
You should also use a vesa 2.0 driver like univbe 5.1. It might
make better video modes available.

files needed for toasted:
  CTSTOAST.EXE  the program
  CTSTOAST.PAK  data files
  CTSTOAST.XM   the sound
  CTSTOAST.NFO  this file

As you might know Toasted ranked #2 in the democompo at Assembly '96...
What you probably not know, is that it did not even make it through
preselections. Someone forgot to unpack or copy something and the demo
did not execute. With the great help of some nice people the demo was
eventually shown on the bigscreen. :)

Sorry, that the final version took so long. There were some serious bugs
in the demo, and still are... That kind of bug, that modifies memory
somewhere and makes everything crash later on. sometimes. And it did
not quite make me too enthusiastic about it. This is also the reason I
use dos4gw, and not pmode/w. If the program crashes under dos4gw it
will not crash the system, while under pmode/w you'd have to reboot.
In the final version I tried to fix the worst looking things about
the demo, such as pauses, cuts and misplaced objects. My experience
with the demo shows that it may crash in the knotted torus part
(Problems with division by zero, I guess), and in after the warp.
The first bug occurs sometimes, but I don't really care.. The second
one is quite serious, but I can't find it. well. You won't miss too
much then. :(
With this bugfix the problems seem to be solved finally.

overall credits:

       code: pascal, submissive, scholar
   graphics: submissive, jj cybergecko (sorry, if I got your handle wrong)
      sound: doj

credits for parts / comments:

name "toasted":
       idea: submissive

video setup:
       code: scholar, pascal
        gfx: submissive

sound setup:
       idea: pascal
       code: sahara surfers (sorry, guys.. ;) ), pascal

cubic team logo: highcolor
       idea: pascal
       code: pascal

$eeN logo: highcolor
       idea: submissive, pascal
       code: submissive, pascal
        gfx: submissive

contributors' names: 256 colors
       idea: submissive, doj
       code: submissive

toasts in toster: highcolor
       idea: submissive
       code: MPEG II public source my MPEGroup modified by pascal
     camera: doj
       hand: doj

monochrome voxelspace: 256 colors
       idea: A member of Oxyron (I hope I'm not wrong here...)
       code: pascal, scholar (major speedups)
     flight: pascal
  landscape: pascal

    It's not a common voxelspace. You can turn in *every* direction.
    Up and down is possible and will be displayed *correctly*.
    This is *not* "sectortracing", like it's usually done, it's
    true raytracing. Pixels are traced, not columns.
    And it's fun flying around...

colorful voxelspace with reflections: highcolor
       idea: pascal, a member of Oxyron (Whose name I forgot. Sorry!!!)
       code: pascal, scholar (major speedups)
     flight: pascal
  landscape: pascal

    This even has a z-buffer included, so one could add objects in... :)
    We tried it, but in the end we had no good animations or objects for
    it, so we dropped it again. Adding the reflections was only a matter
    of minutes. Just had to invert the z-direction of the ray!

rings: 256 colors, 2 parts
       idea: doj
       code: pascal

wobbler: highcolor
       idea: pascal
       code: pascal
        gfx: pascal

knotted tori: 256 colors
       idea: pascal
       code: pascal, scholar

    about 1000 faces... gets quite slow in my stupid vector engine...

shakra wobbler: highcolor
       idea: submissive
       code: submissive

blurred rings: highcolor
       idea: pascal
       code: pascal

    This is my favorite...

demon: highcolor, 256 colors
       idea: pascal
        gfx: jj cybergecko
       code: pascal, submissive

    Don't let this beast of evil get you...

rollercoaster: 256 colors
       idea: pascal
       code: pascal
       path: pascal
        gfx: submissive
  modelling: pascal, doj

    I had the idea back at TP4, my first party. Finally realized.
    Probably the most important part in the demo.
    The model eats up some megs in memory. There are several tricks
    involved to get a decent framerate. Man, you should have seen the
    first version of the coaster... just flat triangles indicating
    the track, no reference like a horizon... no loops, no corkscrew... ;)
    If you plan a trip to LA sometime, don't miss Magic Mountain, if you
    like this one. :) (batman and viper are just great!)

warp: 256 colors
       idea: pascal
       code: scholar, final: pascal

    Wooosh... A warp, with rather uncommon sound fx.

space coaster: 256 colors
       idea: pascal
       code: pascal
        gfx: submissive

    And you land on the moon with the coaster.
    Thrown up already? =) Maybe too long and too much...

toast out of toaster & toast zoom: highcolor
       idea: submissive, pascal
       code: MPEG II public source my MPEGroup modified by pascal
    editing: submissive
        set: pascal
     camera: doj

    Argh.. crash.. you hit the surface, but you realize it's all been
    a dream. That toaster woke you up.

    (I just tell you that, because you might not have noticed it... ;)
     That was the "story" of this demo... =]   Ah.. forget it! )

things you might not have seen:

soundsystem: pascal
linking: pascal
low level routines: pascal
phone bills: Deutsche Telekom. (we love you all!)
info file title underlining: pascal (ok.. it sucks.. :)
color reduction: submissive, pascal
Ick bin ain Berliner: Kennedy
tools: submissive, pascal
Nicht vergessen, sonst komm ich in Teufels Küche: Manfred Krug
info file: pascal
bad mood: pascal
grey skies: Hamburg

I hope I did not forget too much.

personal greets:

  David Hernandez (At least your realname will stay the same for some time!)
  Georgi Marinov
  Michael Baekow
  Michael Erdmann
  Onyx (Jens)
  Os2\Man (ASM 97!)
  Sandro Richi
  Other nice guys on irc I talked to lately and the ones I forgot.

As I said before, I could not contact any other contributor, so no more
personal greets.


  Niklas Beisert, Oberstrasse 84, 20149 Hamburg, Germany (no replies)

  Nils Pipenbrinck

  Andre Peters

  Dirk Jagdmann

If you see toasted in shop windows, please tell us.. :)
Ask us before putting it on a cd, please. If it is a noncommercial
demo scene oriented cd, it's ok.

PS: find that secret feature.

  version finale 1.1
  cubic team & $eeN
     numero 2 at
assembly 96 demokompo
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