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Blast 64k by Surprise!Productions [web]

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                  P . r . o . d . u . c . t . i . o . n . s

---[information about this production]---------------------------------------

   Blast 64k

   by Surprise! Productions in 2006 

   @Function Party06 in Budapest/Hungary

   Design.........................................Chenmy1, Tetanoise, Nuke

---[how to contact us]-------------------------------------------------------

   world wide web......................http://www.surprise-prodcutions.com
   intro inferno..............................http://www.intro-inferno.com

                 for further information refer our website


    all Function 2006 visitors, Racers, Rebels, Speckdrumm, Trsi,
      Glenz, Syn[RJ], Fresh!Mindworks, Hardread, Bitfellas, Damones,
       Chemical Reaction, Bongfish, Titan, Accession, Mainloop, 
      Equinox, Scoopex, Nuance, Metalvotze, Moonhazard, 7th cube
                           etc. etc. etc. ;-)
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