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 ____ ____________    ______                                      
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|    |   /    \  \/  >      <                                     
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█                   iNFOFilE - 12/29/2013
█ [─-- -  -   -    -       ·                      ·       -    -   -  - -──]
█ Creditz for this demo:
█ concept&code.......................................PolyzeiOberMeister
█ 3d art - ...........................................HauptWachtMeister
█ soundtrack.........................................UnschuldsVermutung
█ greetings (in no order) go to our friends in
█ salva mea, digital overflow, kolor, farbrausch, occult, freestyle
█ smash designs, pap, padua, access denied, size, teklords, haujobb
█ digital excess, black maiden, die wissenden, msp, anarchy pc, nme
█ scala, ircnet #szene.ger, all underground conference visitors,
█ evoke organizing team, ms organizing team
█ and all we forgot
█ historic greetings go to
█ amable, pain, keen like frogs, wtb, the coexistence, n-factor,
█ xography, radical rythms, sanction, surprise!productions, der harte kern,
█ e/m/s, purge, fbk, d-lusion, krewel krew, moz[ic]art, legend design,
█ imphobia, hbe, native force, poison, phat, funk, escape

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