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Boring noiseprod by NecroStudios [web]

Boring noiseprod - A 4k by slack/Necrostudios

Win32 version by shash^Collapse, as usual :)

---- Spanish senseless rant goes here (english version below)

Hola apigos. Es tarde y no se que escribir, asi que aqui va el "making of" de
la intro.

En los ·ltimos meses hemos podido ver montones de prods que lo unico que
hacen es sacar ruido en pantalla mientras una musica extra±a suena de fondo.
Como no tengo ni idea de arte me aburren soberanamente, y pensΘ que quizß
serφa una buena idea intentar reproducir eso en 4k para darle algo de
aliciente desde el punto de vista tΘcnico. Ademßs, tenia que preparar una 4k
para la BGparty y esto parece algo adecuado para ver cuando vas ciego XD

La prod en si es horrible. He cogido el c≤digo de generaci≤n de textura que
escribi≤ shash para nuestra 4k de la kindergarden (grevox) y le he dado unas
cuantas vueltas (literalmente ;-). Un poquito de colorcycling y movimientos
chungos de camara y ya estß. El efecto queda, IMHO, bastante result≤n. 

El sinte es el de siempre, con el player ligeramente modificado para variar
aleatoriamente el tono de los patterns en cada repetici≤n, porque dejar 10
minutos con exactamente la misma m·sica me parecia demasiado cruel. 

Como habia sitio, adaptΘ la rutina de dibujado de textos que no lleguΘ a usar
en la Voxel Bukkake y empecΘ a meter cosas. En principio pensΘ en adornar los
10 minutos con scenepoetry sin sentido, o incluso con sentido si se me ocurria
algo, pero la poesφa no es lo mio y puse los greetings XD. La cuenta atrßs de
10 minutos estß ahi para que no me descalifiquen en la party, en realidad la
prod deberφa loopear eternamente, simbolizando cualquier cosa (por ejemplo "el
paso inexorable del tiempo", inserte aqui su significado favorito).

Cuando ya lo tenia todo montado se me ocurri≤ que quizß no se notaba
del todo el toque humorφstico de la intro, asi que decidφ meter el falso
final a los dos minutos y pico. Un fadeout, un fadein y a la marcha.

Espero que nadie se ofenda por lo de "boring noiseprods can fit in 4k". Es
solo una broma sin mala intenci≤n ;)

Y como es tarde y tengo sue±o lo voy a dejar aqui.

Saludos a todo el mundo, especialmente a aquellos que me haya olvidado en los
greetings de la intro :)


P.D.: "\o_ AIIIIIII" a±adido a petici≤n de ayame. No, tampoco sΘ lo que es la
integridad artφstica.

---- Senseless rant (english version)

Hi people. It's late, and I don't know what to write, so here goes the "making
of" of this intro.

In the last months I've seen lots of prods that only show some noise in-screen,
while some rather strange tune is playing in the background.  As I'm not an art
expert, they really bore me, so I thought that it would be a good idea to try
to imitate that in 4k, so at least it's a bit more interesting from the
technical side. And, as I had to prepare a 4k for BGparty, this seemed to be
the perfect ocasion to code one of those prods enjoyable while drunk.

The prod is horrible. I took the texture generation code that shash wrote
for our kindergarden prod (grevox) and changed it a bit: added a bit of
colour-cycling, some camera movements and done. The effect, IMHO, looks nice
in the end.

The synthesizer it's the same used in my later prods, only with the player
a bit modified to allow some random variatons in the patterns tone of each
iteration, because 10 minutes of the exact same track seemed like a bad idea.

As I still had some spare space, I readapted the text writing routine that I
didn't use in "Voxel Bukkake", and started to add some text. At the beggining,
I was going to add about 10 minutes of scenepoetry without any meaning, or
maybe some meaning... But as I'm not a good poetry writer, I decided to only
write some greetings XD. The 10 minute countdown it's there just to show that
I'm not breaking the 10 minute rule, but the prod could loop forever, and you
could give some strange meaning to the prod (like "time passes without stop",
well, insert here your favorite meaning...)

When the prod was nearly done, I noted that the funny touch was not as clear as
I wanted, so I decided to insert a false end at about 2:XX. Fadeout, fadein,
and voila.

Don't get offended for the "boring noiseprods can fit in 4k". It's just a joke
without bad intentions.

And, as it's late, and I'm sleepy, this is the end.

Greets to everyone, especially to those that I forgot in the intro greetings :)

 [Badly translated by shash/Collapse]

P.D.: "\o_ AIIIIIII" added to ayame's petition. No, I don't know what artistic
integrity is.

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