fr-026: 34b mul & cycle by Farbrausch [web]
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popularity : 68% |
alltime top: #4093 |
added on the 2002-07-21 12:22:27 by ryg ![]() |
popularity helper
big respect, ryg. i wish some more people in western europe would be into sizecoding, till now it's more an eastern phenomena...
ehh, if you check around and you can see there *where* many west-europeans into sizecoding, but people is always kindof "Late" in eastern parts ;)
sorry i forgot
stefan, fyi, i am actually living in western europe (germany). i also know that many west-european people are/were into sizecoding too, but it's still too few. in russia for example, there is a sizecompo on nearly every party.
i dont see why sizecoding should be considered as outdated. the greatest challenge is always the self-limitation. no matter if you do a 4ch mod, a 256byter or an intro for exotic/old hardware.
and i really cant understand you thumbing this down. can you do this in less than 34 bytes ?
i dont see why sizecoding should be considered as outdated. the greatest challenge is always the self-limitation. no matter if you do a 4ch mod, a 256byter or an intro for exotic/old hardware.
and i really cant understand you thumbing this down. can you do this in less than 34 bytes ?
dipswitch stefan's only motives are to piss people off, he's a troll
you just won't learn will you
greatest challenge is to get realize whats in your sick head..
nevertheless, i really like this kind of fractals!
dip> perhaps iam just tired of stuff that looks like shit, and doesnt give anything.. i mean there are sizecoding pages.. true pouet has a platform for 128bytes intros.. but it starts to get really booring, therefor my vote down, sure it may piss all the sizecoding fanatics but seriously.. a <4KB intro can only excite a coder, whom are very bored. iam not THAT bored atm.. sorry.. :)
well, i am definetely not a coder, but it gets me really excited to see what people can get out of limitations. for me it's still one of the greatest challenges a scener can face. and i think, even if you are "tired" of it, it has the full right to be on pouet as i'm for sure not the only one who likes such stuff. perhaps it's really a matter of taste, but giving a thumbs down for a product just because you dont like the whole category is somehow strange.
its really not strange, everyone thumbsdown dxm intros because they all suck generally its the same point here for me , so what?
intros don't suck, DXM does
It's flickering, it's ugly... But hey, it's small :)
SWEET! There is nothing like pushing limits.
another winners:

stop the fucking pushing limits 'blah'. it's just a matter of doing some smart tricks to squeeze a desired effect into a certain amount of instructions. it's nothing godlike.
second point is that 128b/256b "intros" tend to look like shit because you can hardly put anything visually appealing into an executable that size, and that's a *fact*.
fuck all you assholes.
and to ryg: no offense, i just had to say this somewhere :)
second point is that 128b/256b "intros" tend to look like shit because you can hardly put anything visually appealing into an executable that size, and that's a *fact*.
fuck all you assholes.
and to ryg: no offense, i just had to say this somewhere :)
DAS ist 'ByTeGeiZ'ig!
ryg rocks!
ryg rocks!
sizecoding mekka ;)
stay tuned for the next event feb. 2003seems we have to exclude ryg from our compos in order to keep them exciting ;)))
sizecoding mekka ;)
stay tuned for the next event feb. 2003seems we have to exclude ryg from our compos in order to keep them exciting ;)))
the colours nearly freaked me out - trim that bloated code
Ryg is really rocks / sorry for repeating /
that was more nice and clean extremelly tiny intro than others..
Nice for 34bytes, but not astounding at all :P
sizecoding rult
nice, the effect looks familiar. shouldn't this be in the 64byte section?
what js said
not bad, but i couldn't exit it.. neither with ESC nor with ALT-F4.. so.. piggy
That's a pity it hasn't 32 bytes.
Nicely put together.
++ for the onparty fun included
Hahaha, good! Really!
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