fr-017: area 51 by Farbrausch [web]
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popularity : 71% |
alltime top: #1558 |
added on the 2002-01-27 19:20:00 by ryg ![]() |
popularity helper
thanks for greeting me!!
Ok, Great work, but, it is ugly.. ;)
its ok not more
the is soo slow on my 800mhz. i hope nobody finds out that you could do the same on 14 MHz Amiga 10 years ago :)
bartman: did you not understand that this file is less than 64 BYTES, that's less bytes than RYG's posting.
I think Bartman kinda knows what he's talking about.
Anyway, I still don't like this, small or no. :)
Anyway, I still don't like this, small or no. :)
just too bad it was done before, back in the footer intro days. this was probably before ryg was around, so it's excused :)
Ryg did it again :)
In a fast computer it seemed to me very fast as I remember (No vsync) but I ran it in my home PC and it's good!
No it was my idea.. I think it is vsynced. It's just that the movement changes randomly and this making the effect looking dizzy.. but it's still a good entry for 64bytes sure!
warum warst du nicht zur party?
0a000h...roxx but email entries suxx
0a000h...roxx but email entries suxx
what did ryg do again?
cD: being better than you, though, i must admit, this is no great achievement.
Well, what can I say?
It's clearly the best 64b intro of 0a000h but I don't really care about these small intro compos. Most of them just suck.
It's clearly the best 64b intro of 0a000h but I don't really care about these small intro compos. Most of them just suck.
nice ryg
the small intro compos made a lot of fun -> they don't suck they rule! :)
the small intro compos made a lot of fun -> they don't suck they rule! :)
I agree completely with Spacey^BG. I think small intros tell a lot about how small code actually can be.
It s a very cool code it is a geniusly code to rotate texture !sorry for my bed english
i never seen that before
if you peoples who know asm see that code : than you see the imposible
Oh ! I see ! RYG is not a human, he is a .... I dont know Who is he and from what planet ? but .... i cry , cry becouse the human race ... not make it before
If anyone undersaund that! you cool too
greetzz to all humaNOIDs and ASMonoidz like me!!!:) forever
RIP duke
nofpu forever
.model small
i never seen that before
if you peoples who know asm see that code : than you see the imposible
Oh ! I see ! RYG is not a human, he is a .... I dont know Who is he and from what planet ? but .... i cry , cry becouse the human race ... not make it before
If anyone undersaund that! you cool too
greetzz to all humaNOIDs and ASMonoidz like me!!!:) forever
RIP duke
nofpu forever
.model small
peoples!!! ---broncs sucks!!!!!---
FR --- cool---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FR --- cool---!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry I am not a Spamer
very cool
size coding rocks...
size coding rocks...
wow ! that is really wicked...
Dude.. we need a "FUCKING TINY" category to go for any stuff under 128 bytes :)
Shameless self-promotion, sorry:
49 byte version
49 byte version
True... sorry...
x86 has some fearsome asm codes :)
what to say
only amiga makes it possible
Rotate is so fast and smooth!
47 bytes.
bits 16
org 0x100
start: lds bp,[bx]
mov al,013h
int 010h
frame: mov di,0xfdcf
mov ax,bx
imul di
add si,dx
mov ax,si
imul di
sbb bx,dx
ylp: push ax
push dx
mov cx,0x140
xlp: mov [di],ah
xor [di],dh
dec di
jz frame
add ax,bx
add dx,si
loop xlp
pop dx
pop ax
add ax,si
sub dx,bx
jmp short ylp
C5 2F B0 13 CD 10 BF CF FD 89 D8 F7 EF
01 D6 89 F0 F7 EF 19 D3 50 52 B9 40 01
88 25 30 35 4F 74 E5 01 D8 01 F2 E2 F3
5A 58 01 F0 29 DA EB E6
-> ryg <- !!!
just click you retard mouse.
Nicely done!!!
Great and oldschoolish.
I'd farm those puppies
the colors are actually sorta cool
for the music
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