After life by kiki-prods [web]
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popularity : 60% |
alltime top: #13532 |
added on the 2002-12-16 21:23:49 by TawnY ![]() |
popularity helper
bah, crashes in the middle... but seems to be a nice prod overall. i love that slogan (see screeshot).
added on the 2002-12-16 22:01:33 by jazzman 

oh well.
Kiki improved the overall quality of their stuff with this production. 3d scenes & in-scenes effects looks finally nice, overall graphic quality is better. Now it's time to work on coherence, transitions. Music can be improved too. Thumb up for the progress. Keep it up !
big progress since synthesis 2k2, but there's still a lot of 3ds and few effects.
Continue like this, guys, and it will be very nice !
See you @ SP 2k3 I hope.
Continue like this, guys, and it will be very nice !
See you @ SP 2k3 I hope.
all is ugly...
I haven't seen a screenshot that gross since Nextempire.
agreed.. makes me really wanna see if the rest of the material is equally ugly 8)
Yeah, i'm agree with Blaine, the're some progress since i know kiki prods... Next Demos will be perfect =)
more quality in this demo.
i put a thumb up for all your work.
i put a thumb up for all your work.
true scene spirit..
doh, not all of demomakers are nerds like u .)
"we are the demomakers and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Some parts were ugly, but it was fun to watch..
They try to hide bass.dll and most of their other files too and you can see the borders of the light source pointsprites. =) Also, there seems to be something wrong with the demosys. Experienced long loading(?) pauses, although it doesn't seem to be necessary at all.
Gfx is somewhat messy, music ...uh, can't remember, guess it was a typical goa/techno tune. The initial theme was something fresh for a change. Unfortunately, there was no real story line etc.
They try to hide bass.dll and most of their other files too and you can see the borders of the light source pointsprites. =) Also, there seems to be something wrong with the demosys. Experienced long loading(?) pauses, although it doesn't seem to be necessary at all.
Gfx is somewhat messy, music ...uh, can't remember, guess it was a typical goa/techno tune. The initial theme was something fresh for a change. Unfortunately, there was no real story line etc.
in first: Very sorry for my poor english, (i'm probably best in chineese language).
I'm ready to answer to your crashs or problems,
En cas de problemes avec une de nos demos faites moi signe,
Write to for any questions or problems with any kikiprods demos, remember to join the logfile, or this not exist entire list of files of the demo directory.
Ecrivez ... euuh a (non ayeayeaye pas la tete!) en cas de pepin,
Only french sorry but if i traduce the suite in english i can have a justice problems :)
si ça ramme je ne cautionne pas les 486!!! :))
Bon je sais c pas top rapide, mais c'est ameliorable et ça le sera surement (ça depends du sens du vent de la marée et si j'me suis pas couleuvrisé entre temps).
Sachez que c plus rapide en 32Bits a cause des alphas et de la resolution du ZBuffer que je demande (sur 16bits), Que j'ai constaté que ct plus rapide sur Geforce1 que sur Geforce2MX400, et que le disque dur est tres sollicité a cause du log(donc si driver pas udma=lent!, dezolé..).
En cas de soucis n'oubliez pas de m'envoyer l'enorme fichier KikiProdsLog.txt que ponds le petit ex (comment un si p'tit exe peut pondre un si gros log? ben c la tout le mystere que seul moi meme peut expliquer :)) )...Dans les prochaines demos on fera en sorte que ça puisse se lancer d'un cdrom.
Et si quelqu'un est partant pour un portage linux, faites signe!
(Au debut le moteur a ete commencé sous linux, mais sous mandrake/drivers nvidia d'epoque ct vraiment inutilisable, crash de XFree toutes les 3 ou 4 executions avec eventuellement vautrage de reiserfs.)
Y'aura certainement des corrections de bugs et si ça fait chier tout le monde je desactiverais le log pour la version officielle.
Et bon ketchup tout l'monde!! :)
I'm ready to answer to your crashs or problems,
En cas de problemes avec une de nos demos faites moi signe,
Write to for any questions or problems with any kikiprods demos, remember to join the logfile, or this not exist entire list of files of the demo directory.
Ecrivez ... euuh a (non ayeayeaye pas la tete!) en cas de pepin,
Only french sorry but if i traduce the suite in english i can have a justice problems :)
si ça ramme je ne cautionne pas les 486!!! :))
Bon je sais c pas top rapide, mais c'est ameliorable et ça le sera surement (ça depends du sens du vent de la marée et si j'me suis pas couleuvrisé entre temps).
Sachez que c plus rapide en 32Bits a cause des alphas et de la resolution du ZBuffer que je demande (sur 16bits), Que j'ai constaté que ct plus rapide sur Geforce1 que sur Geforce2MX400, et que le disque dur est tres sollicité a cause du log(donc si driver pas udma=lent!, dezolé..).
En cas de soucis n'oubliez pas de m'envoyer l'enorme fichier KikiProdsLog.txt que ponds le petit ex (comment un si p'tit exe peut pondre un si gros log? ben c la tout le mystere que seul moi meme peut expliquer :)) )...Dans les prochaines demos on fera en sorte que ça puisse se lancer d'un cdrom.
Et si quelqu'un est partant pour un portage linux, faites signe!
(Au debut le moteur a ete commencé sous linux, mais sous mandrake/drivers nvidia d'epoque ct vraiment inutilisable, crash de XFree toutes les 3 ou 4 executions avec eventuellement vautrage de reiserfs.)
Y'aura certainement des corrections de bugs et si ça fait chier tout le monde je desactiverais le log pour la version officielle.
Et bon ketchup tout l'monde!! :)
I really hate it when they zoom in on lowres textures, looks really cheap I think!
Nice to see a Hate Microsoft - Linux Rules group still being active on Windows or is Linux still having OpenGL problems??
Take some time to make better textures & more detailed objects and suddenly it would atleast look half as bad.
Nice to see a Hate Microsoft - Linux Rules group still being active on Windows or is Linux still having OpenGL problems??
Take some time to make better textures & more detailed objects and suddenly it would atleast look half as bad.
and they still suck major ass
good quality product. piark you did good work since the last party :)
i like the demo concept and the rendering is quite nice. continue this way. soon your prods will be perfect =D
i like the demo concept and the rendering is quite nice. continue this way. soon your prods will be perfect =D
Crash it goes, but I predict that wasn't a big loss. The quality option seemed a bit funny without any explanation (texture quality or what), like there were three different versions of the same demo, the sucky, the mediocre and the superrulez.
like this one, there is much work
Ah, yes... Kiki-prods. Famous for their pro-Linux/anti-M$ demo that only runs on Windows because Linux supposedly has openGL issues.
At any rate, this effort is much better. There are even some quite nice looking moments. (Unfortunately not nice *moving* moments...) But ultimately everything leaves me feeling cold. I was not moved.
At any rate, this effort is much better. There are even some quite nice looking moments. (Unfortunately not nice *moving* moments...) But ultimately everything leaves me feeling cold. I was not moved.
the kalityz - low=640x480 - med=800x600 - hi=1024x768
it's in progress :)
there is some "bug" or unfinished scenes, maybe the motivation...we "hide" some files for guyz who try to click everywhere.. thanks for all the comments.
the kalityz - low=640x480 - med=800x600 - hi=1024x768
it's in progress :)
there is some "bug" or unfinished scenes, maybe the motivation...we "hide" some files for guyz who try to click everywhere.. thanks for all the comments.
no doubt, it's the kikitouch ;-)
Hum Hum...
(no comment)
we have pro linux, it's new now :)
And Qnx, Solaris(intel), BeOs, th'ats shit?? no!!!!
But , if you WANT to have an compatible executable using accelerated opengl on ALL pc, you have a reduced choice of Operating System..
and we have not responsables of this....
I have make an windows executable for this reason and because when i have start Marmotte3D engine developpement (script/3d engine of the demo) i've start 3nd version on LINUX.
But linux at this time (2001-2002) have to young opengl drivers from nvidia (and with lot of bugs, XFree crashes all 4 times)
(no comment)
we have pro linux, it's new now :)
And Qnx, Solaris(intel), BeOs, th'ats shit?? no!!!!
But , if you WANT to have an compatible executable using accelerated opengl on ALL pc, you have a reduced choice of Operating System..
and we have not responsables of this....
I have make an windows executable for this reason and because when i have start Marmotte3D engine developpement (script/3d engine of the demo) i've start 3nd version on LINUX.
But linux at this time (2001-2002) have to young opengl drivers from nvidia (and with lot of bugs, XFree crashes all 4 times)
tain, piark! arrête l'english :/
please piark, stop speaking english !
please piark, stop speaking english !
up for the same resons as splif
you are getting better...
keep the good way
you are getting better...
keep the good way
i've sended my comment by email to them
so, for you : some good effects, some ugly things, one good picture, some bad textures
no coherency, and a very bad music wich kill the demo.
they can do a very good prod with these effects, but they are bad used, and i hate the blue 0000FF :)
take a look to the 1st tunnel and the heart effect, it's good.
so, for you : some good effects, some ugly things, one good picture, some bad textures
no coherency, and a very bad music wich kill the demo.
they can do a very good prod with these effects, but they are bad used, and i hate the blue 0000FF :)
take a look to the 1st tunnel and the heart effect, it's good.
Happy new year and merry christmas!
Bonne année les zozios et noyeux joel!
Que la force soit avec vous!!!
Bonne année les zozios et noyeux joel!
Que la force soit avec vous!!!
okay i already used to dislike the french before i watched this, but this is absolutly... bah!
Piark> Love your english =)
Anyways, an average demo with mediocre music and textures, with a few neat effects. Worth checking out. (arrrgh! CODERS, STOP ZOOMING ON LOW-RES TEXTURES) *ahem*
Anyways, an average demo with mediocre music and textures, with a few neat effects. Worth checking out. (arrrgh! CODERS, STOP ZOOMING ON LOW-RES TEXTURES) *ahem*
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