Do it demo style! by Teh Weeabooz
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popularity : 61% |
alltime top: #4551 |
added on the 2008-08-31 21:11:23 by AceMan ![]() |
popularity helper
Well done - nice idea! Especially loved the greetings part.
rulez added on the 2008-08-31 21:44:17 by Stebo 

very well made, great effects, demo style is definitely there, the connection with anime characters is a bit far-fetched but enjoyable, specially for an ex anime watcher :)
1 Porygon ahahaha \o/
Some quite nice stuff all chopped up in there, that short tetris cube thing was really nice, would like to have seen more of that :)
Some quite nice stuff all chopped up in there, that short tetris cube thing was really nice, would like to have seen more of that :)
Very nice (except it hangs at the beginning ;)
not sure I get it - but I like it. the music is good and the graphics are massive.
very very cool :)
For clearing things up - yes, it's an AMV (Anime Music Video)
No, it isn't (or we have not the same definition of what an AMV is).
We are pretty aware that since it's
a combination of two quite different
art forms, the video may be weird and
unclear for demoscene community.
It's a mix of common demo motives
and anime related memes. If you're
not familiar with some of them
(and most likely you aren't) -
- google it ;)
Even though you may not understand
everything we put in this vid,
"If you don't like it, you are idiot" ?
You don't need to add lame excuses like this to justify your work :).
we still hope you will enjoy it =^.^=
I did, I really liked it, so thumb up, even if "it's in 75% timbalanding" :).
1 Porygon!
Weeaboos! :)
Good and funny production!
Good and funny production!
1 Porygon!
AMV with no AM...? :(
Despite the borrowed material, it was fresh
Despite the borrowed material, it was fresh
Nice one...
Indeed nice one!
Nice flow.
Nie zaprosiliśmy Timbalanda
(, tak jak Coca-Cola na swój festiwal tydzień temu, bo ten wykonawca wystarczająco zasłużył się już dla demosceny. Zgodnie z zeszłoroczną tradycja przypominamy, że nie przyjmujemy prac mających cechy twórczości Timbalanda.
Really liked this!
Loved the demo style logo!!
The demo...I'd be more impressed by a realtime version, but this, not so much.
The demo...I'd be more impressed by a realtime version, but this, not so much.
teh boring
do it like teh weeabooz!
really enjoyed it at the party. rox
nice =)
Great stuff!!!
Nicely put together. Great soundtrack, Aceman!
Wow! I really really enjoyed that!!! I wish it was a real demo too :)
For the music!
for some reason, it reminded me we are the strange's trailer's bof although it's not that similar
what Optimus said :)
if 4chan made a demo, what would it look like
Hmm.. why do you think it isn't?
I didn't see any clip coming from an anime.
Ouch, sorry if you got offended.Rly, now that you pointed that out I think maybe it was unnecessary to write stuff like that. Guess I was a little oversensitive about the whole thing ;)
I was a bit harsh, but you get the point :)
No thanks. Also; "guru meditation"-jokes.. OOOOOOOLD!
Well this was totally stupid. Pig for making me unable to decide whether it was good stupid or bad stupid. At least you credited your timbalandings.
Pretty cool, though not as cool as I imagined when I first started the d/l.
Good music and sync - liked
crazy stuph! =)
Nice dezign
+ za chęć i pracę :) składanie tego na pewno zajęło sporo czasu.
+ scenowy klimat
- szkoda, że nie demo..
Ogółem świnia, bo całą produkcję można było spokojnie zrobić jako demko - i wtedy byłoby super!
+ scenowy klimat
- szkoda, że nie demo..
Ogółem świnia, bo całą produkcję można było spokojnie zrobić jako demko - i wtedy byłoby super!
back to amiga 1995 ? crap.
funky stuff :D
Fun stuff, plus the bluish part after the second loading screen was cool.
nice effort. somehow i like this. ok, guru meditation jokes still suck, but anyway....
I enjoyed it a lot. Some scenes are really beautyful. Good syncing and some fresh ideas as well.
Demo wa sugoi desu! :D So fresh and nicely synced. And lots of NIHON demostyle <3
Enjoyable. Nice trick on Amiga crash. ;)
doesn't really do it for me
Definitively cool wild. Sons of NHD and Holocaust you are :)
haha i get it
Great track!
Overall good fun. Porygon up.
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