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Introducing Extensive Studio by Extensive Studio
screenshot added by Zone (leZone) on 2002-07-10 14:47:33
platform :
type :
release date : july 2002
release party : Very Important Party 2002
compo : pc demo
ranked : 1st
  • 25
  • 26
  • 16
popularity : 66%
  • 0.13
alltime top: #7783
added on the 2002-07-09 21:14:35 by front243 front243

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wasted potential
I felt like I was in china or pakistan, Chanting Not My Cup Of Tea.......Deleted!!
added on the 2002-07-09 21:45:38 by Mike 3D Mike 3D
Nice looking scenes.
The engine bugged more than once (black dots)
No coherence between scenes.
No music coherence.

I can't say it sucks, but I'm not going to watch it again!
added on the 2002-07-09 21:50:46 by pan pan
Unfortunately I was able to see but glimpses of some of the scenes, but the music was really enjoyable.
added on the 2002-07-09 21:57:47 by DiamonDie DiamonDie
yay for poorly encoded JPEGs, lightmaps, ripping ideas, and ripping music....
sucks added on the 2002-07-09 22:08:08 by tyfighter tyfighter
Where was the demo? :)
sucks added on the 2002-07-09 23:01:43 by Wain Wain
Yes, there's no coherence between scene, but i like the ambiance and dezign... this demo is more than "OK" ...

Continuer comme ca, les gars !
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 09:49:23 by cyb0rg cyb0rg
Some good scenes, but ripped music. This demo doesn't really want to accomplish anything
added on the 2002-07-10 10:25:24 by cats cats
ripping music... yeah, you know, and next time, please do anything that moves.
sucks added on the 2002-07-10 10:46:22 by kb_ kb_
Very good 3D works, lightings and motions. A shame that there is no more but camera moves, and that the music was ripped, but my thumbs up for this nice first try.
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 11:35:54 by willbe willbe
"yay for poorly encoded JPEGs, lightmaps, ripping ideas, and ripping music.... "
whats wrong with the lightmaps ??
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 11:56:22 by SharkOne SharkOne
this was okay. perhaps the best demo from vip4
ripping sucks.
sucks added on the 2002-07-10 14:18:52 by emoon emoon
cinematographical ideas and cameras positions & moves
dont care if the effects are cheated, the result is beautiful, lightening, i love this a lot!
a demo is lots of ideas, tips, and i prefer lots of tips to have a good result than waiting a 'full impossible math code' wich can't do this kind of rendering.
i really love the stairs scene, and the desertic scene at start is good too. like a hollywood movie, it's slow, clean, sunlight, smooth and impressive.
scenes are coherent, the common point is the light, and how the light can be done on these materials.
i dont remember the music, sorry, i have see it on the big screen, and these lights impress me a lot, so a rulez prod wich is at the right 1st place for the vip4 democompo.
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 15:12:53 by Zone (leZone) Zone (leZone)
optically impressive in certain parts, but it just doesn't work as a demo.
sucks added on the 2002-07-10 15:14:59 by robotriot robotriot
surely deserved a place in the top 3, but better 2nd than 1st (in my own ranking :)

by the way, as Zone said it, this demo is impressive visually, i hope next time they give us some action too :)
added on the 2002-07-10 15:23:35 by flure flure
nothing is wrong with lightmaps if you do them right...with the amount of banding in every scene in this demo, I couldn't help but comment...when someone does real-time photon mapping monte-carlo style....then I'll be impressed
added on the 2002-07-10 15:34:41 by tyfighter tyfighter
- buggy
- eats mem like crazy
- too short
- cameraflights + lightmaps
- cheesy billboarded stuff
- cliché movie stuff

impressive? nah
added on the 2002-07-10 15:34:52 by superplek superplek
I must emphasize plek's comment, except that I'll also thumb it down...
sucks added on the 2002-07-10 15:48:50 by funktion funktion
tyfighter would also be impressed if someone could spit to the moon.

just another static scene-player, this...
added on the 2002-07-10 16:15:08 by sagacity sagacity
to many thumbs down here. The other Demos are not better. I like the beginning with the Voltage Thing, and also the lighning in the other scenes. Yes. fuck ripping music. blah blah. Ripping or nor. It´s not the typical demo music stuff. but how cares. remeber "State of Mind" by Bomb. ROCK Music. I don´t care. Very Cinema like. Music from Hans Zimmer. i don´t know. i like this demo. i give a rulez.
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 16:39:06 by diver diver
Short? yes
Bad? no
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 16:51:10 by Scali Scali
state of mind was "a bit" cooler, i think that would be justification ;)
added on the 2002-07-10 17:07:15 by superplek superplek
What ruined this demo is the pace. It was just too fast. This made the music changes erratic, scenes popped up faster than the eye could follow etc. I guess these guys were so afraid of making a boring scene replayer. They should now that pace is better served with action on the screen, not by just slamming all the parts faster than light.

The white flashes did not work for me. There are better ways to give tempo. White flashes are better in techno demos, and this is not like that :-) The fine models in the begining look so much better with anti-aliasing. I think they should have forseen and used that. On the other hand, I did like the light maps, even with the minor engine errors. Some jpeg textures looked awful. And that's quite bad because you only have to pay little attention when compressing them.

Ripping music is not good. Unless you do it with music that is not known and you do it very well. As I said, music editing was brutal, and on top of that, seeing 'Hans Zimmer' on the credits does not show very well. :-) Finally, this needs some 200megs to run. At times where 128meg computers are still being sold, needing 256megs to run a swapping-like-crazy demo is exagerated imho.

It is obvious that Extensive Studio wanted to make a 3DMark-like demo and for that I don't blame them. It had great potential, nice moments, it just needed more work.
added on the 2002-07-10 17:48:53 by moT moT
The beginning is beautiful, too bad it turns quickly in a 3d engine demonstration. I guess they'll kickass stuff in the future with an engine like that.

"Ripping music is not good. Unless you do it with music that is not known and you do it very well." ahah so ripping is good if you don't get caught. Great.
added on the 2002-07-10 19:37:25 by alexkidd alexkidd
OK everything is almost said: film-like, and polished presentation ... misses some actions to really considered as a demo ...
Lighting is fairly balanced and gives some good impressions/visuals overall.
Music is ... well, i'll just skip that ( i love H.ZIMMER, that's why i won't go any further ....)

So, it's a very good start ! Now add some Scene Feelings in your prods, and you're there. That prod is ok !
added on the 2002-07-10 21:46:06 by kohai kohai
I like this, its pace could have been better as mentioned, and it has potential to really rule, but is only good.

Nice music, a bit blow to rip it, but it fits the images nicely. Next time around, get your own made.
rulez added on the 2002-07-10 22:50:55 by NoahR NoahR
ak: VIP2, State of Mind, Cadence and Cascade had ripped music that I did not know before watching them. In all these cases the music was used very well, they fit the demo nicely, and credits were given. Hans Zimmer falls into a different category in my book. I guess of course that it's also a matter of taste :-)
added on the 2002-07-11 01:47:42 by moT moT
beautifull.. but.. nothing more.. it remembers me "gods" productions..
added on the 2002-07-11 01:48:57 by mrdoob mrdoob
Faut pas perdre courrage, les gars, même malgrés les comments de tous ces baveux qui ne savent que pondre des critiques démotivantes à longueur de journée;)

This prod is beautyfull. For a first prod it's extremely promising! Dig a bit more the style, add sum more design, make it longer and more harmonious and you'll rock.

About the music, i'm not into this polemic about using musics from sceners or not. Afterall, most of the scene musicians are lazy, so keep on choosing the music that fit your productions. If the scene dont care about making marketting demos and comment them on "pouet.net" it also shouldn't be so surprised by demos including commercial musics;)

rulez added on the 2002-07-11 06:42:51 by alkama alkama
it's pretty okay, even if it's nothening more than a static scene player. these scenes are pretty good at least in terms of lighting and texturing.. and it has cinema-like atmosphere, which is a plus.. but no thumbs up, sorry - it's too short, lifeless and incoherent for that..
added on the 2002-07-11 08:00:15 by bhead bhead
Too much of a flythrough, rip off music sucks, and just didn't do anything or go anywhere. Very nice scene composition in the beginning, but things need work.
sucks added on the 2002-07-12 19:41:36 by aancsiid aancsiid
electric pylons !!
more electric pylons in demos please !!
rulez added on the 2002-07-12 20:11:00 by florent florent
Ripped music is not something to be really proud of, but the hideous editing and pasting here alone is enough to earn these guys the label "FUCKING LAME IDIOTS" - If you're going to rip someone else's work, at least respect it!!!!

The demo code is quite bad, takes ages to load and shutdown for no apparent reason. They left all sorts of debug keys for you to have fun with.

Art and design are boring to say the least.

The fact that something like this can win a supposedly "important" party is not a good sign.

Sorry to be so rough, but this thing is not simply a bad demo, it really is offensive.
sucks added on the 2002-07-13 04:51:59 by Jare Jare
you mean :
Code: 30 ms (line 411 in D:\Vip4\DemoVip4\Copie de Copie de Copie de Copie de DemoVip4Current\unrarlib.c): - Extracting >terrain.raw< from >models.dat< (password is >karole<)...
Thumb-up for the room with lights. thumb-down for the various bugs and short length. Alkama, tous des baveux :)
added on the 2002-07-13 09:55:25 by dake^cdx dake^cdx
Just the typical pompeous demo-want-to-be-a-movie production, like many that proliferated after second reality. I usually take it as an inability to find out what a demo is.. anyway this one feature ripped music, some (2 or 3 first) rather well designed scenes, and n fautes-de-gout in the scenes thereafter.

sucks added on the 2002-07-13 10:51:01 by _-_-__ _-_-__
nothing in it to make the ~10mb download worthwhile - some okayish scenes, but that's basically it. neither design nor code nor (ripped) music is convincing.
sucks added on the 2002-07-13 11:06:18 by ryg ryg
Who is extensive studio ?
1 : A graphic designer (Seb)
2 : A coder (Matt)
That's it, we're only two people.

There were no musician, that explains the ripping of music.
A spot is open though for a musician.

We also thought we could bring a little change in the demoscene often full of *boring* techno music ...

For the quick change of scenes, we just wanted to be less boring than the load of demos we've seen and add a little action.
(Too often, a camera spining around some object/effect, for way too much time ... u know what we mean)

We also wanted to point out that this was our first demo.

Cya guys
Extensive Studio

ps : thanx for the nice comments :-P
added on the 2002-07-13 17:03:27 by Matt Matt
What is that Macaw ?

>>>models.dat< (password is >karole<)...
added on the 2002-07-13 17:11:12 by Matt Matt
i dont understand why there are so many bad appreciation :o(
to my mind, it s a good demo for a first one, and the rendering is quite beautiful.
and for music, i agree with you guys, but if they had no musician, i understand them cause i got the same problem at the last moment :)
and as said Matt :
Macaw -> it's the password of the .dat of 6th. why do you post it there? :o)
rulez added on the 2002-07-13 17:25:14 by voxel voxel
Matt, this is a public forum and anyone can say anything he pleases. Thumb downs and harsh comments can be bad for your health, I know. Just take the comments and do what you think with them, keep up the good work and try to get a musician! :-)
added on the 2002-07-13 17:44:29 by moT moT
I know moT :-) i've never been against comments and critics, but some of the comments here are a little too much (the one from Jare, not to mention).
Constructive critics help making better work, insults don't.

We'll try to find a musician if we ever do another demo ;-)
Cya :-)

added on the 2002-07-13 17:58:06 by Matt Matt
Short and slow. Good potential tho, try again.
sucks added on the 2002-07-13 18:04:44 by dixan dixan
I think it's understandable that they ripped the music if they don't have a musician yet. As said by many, the demo lacks any sort of story. It's just a buch of scenes thrown together.

BUT, some of the scenes REALLY impressed me for their visual quality! (especially the first ones). Get a musician and work a bit on a story and i think you have a great future.

So KEEP IT UP. Very nice for a first prod. don't give up.
rulez added on the 2002-07-13 18:45:23 by z5 z5
nice try.

I like the settings of cameras and lightmaps (the designer seems to have a lot of talents), the rest is très boaf, plus the loading time between scenes cut off many percents of the next scene for timing reasons on my box.

About the music, I found it really too much "backgrounded" to judge (ripped or not, i don't care).

Finally, i'm waiting the next demo from ES, with maybe more effects and coherance.
added on the 2002-07-13 18:59:28 by elric elric
those comment seem more suitable than others :)
added on the 2002-07-13 19:21:54 by voxel voxel
Matt, this is a public forum and anyone can say anything he pleases. Thumb downs and harsh comments can be bad for your health, I know. Just take the comments and do what you think with them, keep up the good work and try to get a musician! :-)
added on the 2002-07-13 19:39:45 by moT moT
(oops, wrong refresh... :-/)
added on the 2002-07-13 19:40:59 by moT moT
I think the prod is ok. They have the potentials and I just we are going to see more from these guys again. And why does a lot of you guys say its boring. think its more sad to see a boring intro like 'garbage collection'.. Talk about garbage..
added on the 2002-07-13 20:10:07 by jizzy jizzy
yo kids, 10mb = 10seconds on my line ;-D
well.. next time you could submit the LoTR trailer or something... ripping sux

sucks added on the 2002-07-14 04:04:19 by c0dec c0dec
good lighting and modelling... the demo is kind of dull though. short, nothing happens... but vip4 hasnt had very good prods :( the best of the worse
added on the 2002-07-14 12:54:58 by mac mac
The beginning (before the blue tube part) was great, very movielike and graphically stunning and the coherence was still there. But after that everything just broke down. If the demo would have stayed like that for a minute or so more and the flashy parts had been cut this would have been a great ambient demo.

Oh and it ran perfectly on my (old) hardware, which was nice. :)
added on the 2002-07-16 12:00:44 by noid noid
As in simply every PC-Demo 2day:
NO REAL DESIGN, Just some very
cool rendered scenes merged together...
Oh where is the Design in these days?
sucks added on the 2002-07-17 08:28:58 by zaphod zaphod
I find it cool !
Lighting is perfect, Ambience too.
i watch it the morning and i think it s a very good way to wake up ( in other words : there is a little lack of action)
dont take care of comments like "ripping music is... nienien", its lame. This music fits the demo perfectly.
I hope next time you ll put more action inside.
rulez added on the 2002-07-17 09:22:59 by Exel Exel
i like the atmosphere... download size and startup time could be improved a lot though
added on the 2002-07-19 22:18:36 by jazzman jazzman
Hmm, as for every harsh comment about the ripped music that's valid criticism. If you rip music 'cause you don't have any it's just like stealing stuff because you can't afford them and the demoscene has shitloads of really talented musicians who work for free if you manage to earn their respect.

There are demos, like VIP2 and State of mind, with ripped music that are quite good though so I'm not just saying that becuase of principles.

And Matt? There's no action whatsoever in this "demo".

On the upside it's too short to be boring and it does show quite some potential. Some of the scenes are really nicely lit and have an ambient feeling to them. I'd say it's atleast a really good start.

I'm pretty sure we will see something really interesting from these guys, providing they only accuire INSPIRATION from other artists, not their actual work or ideas. And that goes for the lot of us.
sucks added on the 2002-07-20 23:36:28 by cloaked cloaked
Demo butchering.
A so good engine, with so nice effects to make such an insipid succession of non interelated scenes. Pity.
sucks added on the 2002-07-21 00:04:58 by Dbug Dbug
The demo starts with some nice presentation, but then degrades into an incoherent collection of uninteresting scenes.

And ripped music. Why? There's so many scene musicians.
sucks added on the 2002-07-21 17:41:47 by sea_monkey sea_monkey
Matt, I don't have anything particularly strong about using commercial music in a demo. I understand the frustration of being a beginner, not having a musician, wanting to make your first prod...

My problem and the reason for my harsh comments, is that you took commercial music and BUTCHERED it. You have no right no modify someone else's artwork. For god's sake it's Hans Zimmer we're talking about, he literally has DOZENS of soundtracks available, you could have taken one song that fitted your taste instead of picking different pieces and putting them together.

The harshness of the comments is only proportional to my opinion that you have done a very wrong thing. I will humbly apologize if my appreciation is not correct.
added on the 2002-08-04 08:55:56 by Jare Jare
Here is my Constructive Critic™: don't take easier ways of 'creation' if you can take the hardest, and, try (at least try :D) to be original.
And as this is can be an introduction, showing your nice visual skills and blahblah it's 'good' but, next time, same nice mood but with original stuff, concept... would be cool x). Hm.. too much words from a lamer like me... I'm insane... I know..
added on the 2002-08-04 10:24:07 by Zafio Zafio
Although there is much room for improvement in this demo (as said before...) I do still like the 'feeling' of it a lot.
I don't think that every production must be perfect, as long as the result is enjoyable for at least some people.
rulez added on the 2002-08-12 23:22:17 by beavis77 beavis77
ok well.. first the music is great because it's made by Hans Zimmer (and two others). The Visuals are VERY moody and VERY nice, too!!! So thumbs up for that... But bad thing is the overall design of the scenes. I mean the opening was just great. Just like a movie. but then the rest some very weird cuts which you also hear in the music. not that good. but still thumbs up for that nice opening sequence... ~_~
rulez added on the 2002-08-14 06:20:43 by elend elend
I like it!...i like music (get a musician but ...music here is OK)....i like desing....scenes....plz...do another prod...plz....plz...plz
rulez added on the 2003-02-22 00:59:34 by bansheex bansheex
I won't give a rulez due to the ripped music, but the rest of the demo simply ruled a lot, even if nothing moves :P
added on the 2003-02-22 17:14:19 by shash shash
Looks great.
rulez added on the 2003-12-06 11:47:18 by a_lee_n a_lee_n
Starts great and the upcoming soundtrack promises much.
But the styleblends in the production are a bit disturbing and take much of the athmosphere away.
Freedom of art, i would like to say :)
Like it anyway.
rulez added on the 2005-01-04 19:05:22 by checkoff checkoff
Despite the flaws in the flow (flow-flaws haha great ...err nevermind..) i still like it very much because it has that special feeling that gives me the shivers. The starting scenes are awesome.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 19:27:17 by zoom zoom
well designed, but a little bit too short
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 19:59:56 by RA RA
Opening scene looks cooooool :) But ripping music sux anyway.
rulez added on the 2005-12-09 22:26:13 by jimmi jimmi
Dudes, coherence! Please!
The textures were rather strange - they looked like if they had jpeg artifacts? Or is it just me?
And the music just didn't fit somehow. So like I don't know what ethno singing has to do with high voltage... O_o
Although, when I first saw the screenshots, I could not imagine why people were thumbing it down, because the 3d is great. But the scenes are short, or something.
And I also think you should forget the scrolling "Directed by" and such, it gives the impression of some cheesy american film seen on TV. In my opinion, at least.

But this deserves thumb up, after all. If this was a first prod, then it's rather cool.
rulez added on the 2005-12-09 23:00:01 by kelsey kelsey
when i saw this for the first time i thought wow! its a nice demo with a movie-like tune mixed by someone (probably from a movie or two). nice introduction and flowing graphics with nice colors.
Short and sweet.
rulez added on the 2009-07-27 02:05:35 by vestige vestige
Smooth yet firm
rulez added on the 2011-03-13 12:44:43 by w00t! w00t!
Incoherent flyby with movie soundtrack.
added on the 2011-03-16 01:21:53 by raer raer
This was actually quite nice. Love some of the fake lighting.
rulez added on the 2011-03-16 11:30:00 by kusma kusma
found this in an old demo collection of mine. rather unknown but pretty good stuff :)
rulez added on the 2015-05-29 00:42:41 by el mal el mal

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