Hugi #32 - Say It With Flowers by Hugi [web]
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popularity : 67% |
alltime top: #3433 |
added on the 2006-08-01 00:01:18 by magic ![]() |
popularity helper
ill read this before I go to bed. hopefully it will be a good diskmag to read, so i thumb it up now. and if it sucks ill quit the scene and never come back. yes.


dubmood, if it id really you, u ought see that the "religious" men are not soldiers. and if YOU do know some judaistic issues u ought know that HABAD or other HARD Religious people dont even support the being of Israel as a state. they believe in Messaih Only. The photos are irreleveant because it is not a real relfection for what or which "types" of religious jews go to the israeli army. and another thing, they, like hizballah has supporters, just there, they're also the warriors, in the photos those Habad or even Breslav ones are making a happy hour but dont really wear a uniform them selves. do YOU know why? OR did you ask WHY? sure you Did not, You Live in sweden and you want to know or hear what you want to...Dubmood if it is really you and not a fake user i think you're a smarter guy than a one whom just adds photos without asking the right questions or just questions. if it is you...something has got with you then..
Sorry to interrupt the pouetization, but I think this looks and sounds pretty good and has enough interesting content for a thumbup.
and yeah it is a real nice issue.
i didnt spot the screenshot used on pouet.. O_o
adok: add on the links article thing next issue..
was decent enough mag to worth checking. i dont see where the 16 megs went though..
adok: add on the links article thing next issue..
was decent enough mag to worth checking. i dont see where the 16 megs went though..
musicselect is a joke, overall interface "is not the best", gfx rule, sound is k, lots of content...interesting article about the japanese scene...
ps: while adoks and especially eps overhyped bs flooding over the last weeks would deserve a careless downvote, it would be unfair for everyone who put some effort into this...
ps: while adoks and especially eps overhyped bs flooding over the last weeks would deserve a careless downvote, it would be unfair for everyone who put some effort into this...
very fine! thumbs up!!!!
boring as usual.
nice issue...
Love the graphics and the music is ok, but the contents were so boring! It's just a bunch of random philosophical thoughts and memories put into words. I felt like I was reading a collection of academic essays on the subject of the scene.
Come on guys, get some controversy and entertainment value in there! I'm gonna have to give it a thumb down I'm afraid.
BUT it was so cool to see my name 2nd in the most unconventional scener chart! I've never been ranked in the charts before and I feel very happy. Thank you for the votes! Soon I will run for scene president and my loyal supporters will be given respectable and powerful positions!
Come on guys, get some controversy and entertainment value in there! I'm gonna have to give it a thumb down I'm afraid.
BUT it was so cool to see my name 2nd in the most unconventional scener chart! I've never been ranked in the charts before and I feel very happy. Thank you for the votes! Soon I will run for scene president and my loyal supporters will be given respectable and powerful positions!
hey... wow!
decent music, good gfx, good articles! i like the mag really much. just as i hate the overly lame behaviour of its editors in prior to the release, with all the annoying spamming and article-begging.
magic, i pull my hat! why do you have to be such a stupid dork on pouet while you're actually a pretty good editor! although your critique on the last pain graphics is quite doubtable - confronting tomic/bypass with the "fact" that he "can't pixel" is quite absurd.
extreme props also for the altstork report - 1-day warez by maija! :) while, T$, don't take it personal, but writing comedy articles is not for you. :P while the one by CiH made me laugh indeed... some nice interviews in here, too. i didn't know, for example, that manwe was behind strogino.
the charts were quite sad though - not representative at all with such a few votes. my advice next time - stop spamming so excessively, then more people might probably want to vote.
decent music, good gfx, good articles! i like the mag really much. just as i hate the overly lame behaviour of its editors in prior to the release, with all the annoying spamming and article-begging.
magic, i pull my hat! why do you have to be such a stupid dork on pouet while you're actually a pretty good editor! although your critique on the last pain graphics is quite doubtable - confronting tomic/bypass with the "fact" that he "can't pixel" is quite absurd.
extreme props also for the altstork report - 1-day warez by maija! :) while, T$, don't take it personal, but writing comedy articles is not for you. :P while the one by CiH made me laugh indeed... some nice interviews in here, too. i didn't know, for example, that manwe was behind strogino.
the charts were quite sad though - not representative at all with such a few votes. my advice next time - stop spamming so excessively, then more people might probably want to vote.
+ music, gfx, few articles
= few articles
- few totally unfit articles and pictures
= few articles
- few totally unfit articles and pictures
no <a href="">Awakening</a> music disks reviews ?
too bad ;o because our disk is one of the most popular music disk on pouet for last few months.
It is really something different, really something new on demoscene and we are replacing the old stereotypes (i think)
Ok ok ok Nevermind. Thumb up for the effort to do mag like this, really nice diskmag with good gfx/msx and good other articles.
btw - mantra title pic is better ;]
Buzka ;)
Savage#9 SOON ! :P
too bad ;o because our disk is one of the most popular music disk on pouet for last few months.
It is really something different, really something new on demoscene and we are replacing the old stereotypes (i think)
Ok ok ok Nevermind. Thumb up for the effort to do mag like this, really nice diskmag with good gfx/msx and good other articles.
btw - mantra title pic is better ;]
Buzka ;)
Savage#9 SOON ! :P
I wasn't even going to download this, but then i noticed ps and dipswitch had actually thumbed it up - so i did..
dunno what mag they thought they read but at least the articles I've looked trough so far didn't do anything else than annoy me, with the exception of diamondie's alternative reports. that one alone isn't enough to save it though.
dunno what mag they thought they read but at least the articles I've looked trough so far didn't do anything else than annoy me, with the exception of diamondie's alternative reports. that one alone isn't enough to save it though.
-rereleased old pictures, allready seen on the web years ago
-boring articles
-charts (better give it up and let worldcharts/pain doing the job)
+acceptable music
+no ranting from adok/ep
enough to vote it down as it was just interesting for 10mins
-boring articles
-charts (better give it up and let worldcharts/pain doing the job)
+acceptable music
+no ranting from adok/ep
enough to vote it down as it was just interesting for 10mins
Great gfx, ok music (Sinescape by Nightbeat is great tune), quite nice articles (from what i did read).
I spent enough time to let the tunes start playing twice so i think it's thumb up.
I spent enough time to let the tunes start playing twice so i think it's thumb up.
@magic: imagine every demogroup would cry for help on pouë bbs everytime they make a production.."need coder, need gfxartist, need sound, need textures, need weed" etc... wouldnt that be annoying? and if some group would act in such a way, wouldnt it be more annoying if they would open thousands of topics relating to their production ?!
also less content would be better - besides good articles, hugi is filled with a lot of shit.
also less content would be better - besides good articles, hugi is filled with a lot of shit.
magic: i need a beer, and also a proofreader. someone give me a beer. i'm a *insert some funky coalization* member, i demand a beer for my not-so-common intellectual status. come on, give me a beer, or let's talk about the situation in the southern world 'cause we are all angry of those debacle. mind you, i'm not teasing you, i just feel in the mood about talking of cool things and asking for a beer. in the meanwhile i propose a new name for what we're used to call beer. i propose the word "an evil substance which arises our renal activities". and don't forget to vote for the mystic-elite world&universe chart featured by our mindloving mag! bla bla bla. but that's ok, indeed. nevermind...
Visually and soundwise it's quite great. Much better than the previous issue in this aspect which was also improved. It's great to see that the latest issues keeps improving in that direction. Also, there seem to be a lot of interesting articles for me to read, as always. Don't get me wrong, I like thoughtful articles on the scene and real life :)
When I first downloaded it, I thought "It's a pitty I couldn't make anything for it", no articles, no votes. But hey, I totally forgot I had vote and wrote the usual CPC article (that is released too late now :). I was happy to see the article there :). Though, I had in mind quite more articles and some project I had with ep I never finished, but things went the negative way in my mood. Maybe next time :P
When I first downloaded it, I thought "It's a pitty I couldn't make anything for it", no articles, no votes. But hey, I totally forgot I had vote and wrote the usual CPC article (that is released too late now :). I was happy to see the article there :). Though, I had in mind quite more articles and some project I had with ep I never finished, but things went the negative way in my mood. Maybe next time :P
I think that was solid, and a massive improvement over the past editions.
wow! rulz issue! gfx, music rulz! Articles good! Thanx for this rulz prod!
very nice
it's at least better than the last few issues - a return to the good old sub-mediocrity of the early 20s issues.
the interviews (i mean the ones by adok and magic here) were fucking piss-poor. magic just seems to use the same question sheet every time, without a thought to who he is interviewing - have some respect and know who you're talking to. i'd be insulted if an interviewer did that to me. come on, when you're interviewing boyc you can surely think of some interesting questions to ask, not generic shit like "what is the best routine/_music_ you have ever made? and why?" or "what programs do you use for making a demo/intro"?
adok's were just completely lacking in depth or interest. interviews could be one of the best parts of a mag, but here they are generally awful.
printing the lame-ass reply from the ellesdee guys about grapevine - that's something most self-respecting diskmag editors probably wouldnt touch.
some of the music and gfx is rather familiar, btw. and the charts had so few voters that they were pointless. oh well.
the interviews (i mean the ones by adok and magic here) were fucking piss-poor. magic just seems to use the same question sheet every time, without a thought to who he is interviewing - have some respect and know who you're talking to. i'd be insulted if an interviewer did that to me. come on, when you're interviewing boyc you can surely think of some interesting questions to ask, not generic shit like "what is the best routine/_music_ you have ever made? and why?" or "what programs do you use for making a demo/intro"?
adok's were just completely lacking in depth or interest. interviews could be one of the best parts of a mag, but here they are generally awful.
printing the lame-ass reply from the ellesdee guys about grapevine - that's something most self-respecting diskmag editors probably wouldnt touch.
some of the music and gfx is rather familiar, btw. and the charts had so few voters that they were pointless. oh well.
solid work
Seems ok and it's at least getting better comparing to previous issues.
Fuckings to every diskmag for not releasing all the articles in the internet. Diskmag engines are lousy shit.
Fuckings to every diskmag for not releasing all the articles in the internet. Diskmag engines are lousy shit.
Great Issue.
Respect fro Adok.
Respect fro Adok.
while i share some of the negative thoughts put forward....
i do however still appreciate the effort put into making it..
i do however still appreciate the effort put into making it..
diskmag? why? there is a thing called internet.
smash kinda put it right. charts are a laugh and as for the articles there's some interesting content but all-in-all it still doesnt meet up with the older hugis several years ago... the interface and music at least got a bit better again, keep this line of progress.
I totally agree with Smash!
One thing I seriously don't get is why you attribute this release to Assembly 2006 when you already state it's not that time of the year yet. Couldn't you just *wait* two days, or were you guys so desperate for some extra clicks that you falsely tagged it to ASM?
It does make it tempting to start committing demos to pouet for Breakpoint 2007, doesn't it.
It does make it tempting to start committing demos to pouet for Breakpoint 2007, doesn't it.
I won't tell you why now. Just wait a couple of days.
... which is as shifter suggested what you should have done. After all you wrote it yourself in the 10 years of hugi article: "It's better to have a good quality than to rush". So why not wait a few days for a proper release?
Anyhow, the mag itself is quite ok (fuckings for the pro-Israel propaganda though!) and since IMHO production pages are ment to rate the contant of the actual production and not the people who made it you get my thumb.
Now please grow up, stop trolling pouet and keep going in this direction with Hugi and you might actually gain back some goodwill from the scene.
what sparcus said. still, the content doesn't strike me as thumb worthy.

Well, we have "planned" the following for Hugi 33:
1/ I'll interview Dipswitch, Analogue, ps, and some other sceners you love if they agree (we can't force anybody to answer our email / pouet inquiries). Interview will be live and I'll not use the same question sheet because it's annoying for everybody this way
2/ Smash, bartman, 4kuma4, Maali will release very interesting articles in their field, with huge content of excellent quality
3/ We will invite Pouet Team to provide feedback and we will try to follow it so we will be able to improve Hugi: this will benefit everybody
Right now I've yet wrote an article in the coder corner: How to save bytes. And I await your comments, ideas and examples at Adok's email.
Thank you very much, long live Pouet, Hugi, Pain, the Scene and all active sceners.
1/ I'll interview Dipswitch, Analogue, ps, and some other sceners you love if they agree (we can't force anybody to answer our email / pouet inquiries). Interview will be live and I'll not use the same question sheet because it's annoying for everybody this way
2/ Smash, bartman, 4kuma4, Maali will release very interesting articles in their field, with huge content of excellent quality
3/ We will invite Pouet Team to provide feedback and we will try to follow it so we will be able to improve Hugi: this will benefit everybody
Right now I've yet wrote an article in the coder corner: How to save bytes. And I await your comments, ideas and examples at Adok's email.
Thank you very much, long live Pouet, Hugi, Pain, the Scene and all active sceners.
ps: 16 Mb is from my recipe.
saving bytes is easy:
Why an article for that?
Why an article for that?
Good issue, but next time I'd like to read something about palestinian or lebanese scene.
quite a decent issue. too bad i didn't have time to finish my article about the increasing problem of heroin use in the demoscene!
More cookery articles next time :)
quite good issue. big improvement over the last issues.
i think diskmags in general are totally obsolete. this one didn't prove me any diffrent. i liked the half naked chick though.
Blade^absurd: next time if I DO find any palestinian computer fans i will write about them and the art-demoscene. never got to know any of them. BUT!! to let you know, there're some nice hackers from there. especially from lebanon , lybia :). one is even named EPSiLON and he seems to be ex <or current> hacker for the lebane army. he has knowledge about the mid east like a intelligence guy. check his nick on efnet. he can tell u too :)
and btw, i forgot, palestinians have real good hi tech companies: cellular ones and others sattelite services. they also do nice re makes of hardwares. i met them in 2000 at some big meeting in Israel, in Tel Aviv. they have quite lot, but they are not there anymore. they have movied to other contries, only offices are in gaza+jericho
just thumbing this down because adok and magic are huge faggots.
saving bytes is easy:
Why an article for that?
Thanks KB, this made my day. :D
what's the point?
Well, we have "planned" the following for Hugi 33:
1/ I'll interview Dipswitch, Analogue, ps, and some other sceners you love if they agree (we can't force anybody to answer our email / pouet inquiries). Interview will be live and I'll not use the same question sheet because it's annoying for everybody this way
NO. he should forget it. and if you let him mingle with hugi again the mag will be completely lost - for me a as well for the majority of sceners.
2/ Smash, bartman, 4kuma4, Maali will release very interesting articles in their field, with huge content of excellent quality
i have better things to do than supporting a dead diskmag, ep.. let alone my work appearing in the same production as YOU were involved with would already be reason enough not to even bother starting notepad++ ... and that should apply for almost everyone i guess :P
kb: you totally rule! By the way. Yet another Hugi release...
why the hell didnt i get any votes?! :)
Hooray (and better let EP restrict himself to cooking articles only, that one wasn´t that bad)
Ha! From now on I'll be harnessing the awesome power of L.In.O.L.E.U.M. by directly accessing REGISTERS!
NO. he should forget it. and if you let him mingle with hugi again the mag will be completely lost - for me a as well for the majority of sceners.

Adok nice works.
great gfx and good music.
some article are better. (interview, etc)
but, because the chart has PAIN, I do not feel the meaning.;)
but, totaly nice demomagazine.
anyway good work!!
great gfx and good music.
some article are better. (interview, etc)
but, because the chart has PAIN, I do not feel the meaning.;)
but, totaly nice demomagazine.
anyway good work!!
"the ship is buring", being one of the most interesting artilces in this issue, really did deserve some proofreadling. Also, hugi background and animal attraction backdrops, seem quite a bit irrelevant. It still is a worthy issue, great graphics and massive content in this one. So, massive thumbs up!
ironic isn't it. "the ship is burning" anyways.
I won't tell you why now. Just wait a couple of days.
Worst loading bar ever. You lost my vote.
again this issue was great!
By the way, Magic... the guys from Lemon say "Hi" and wonder if you remember the good times from TP'94...
TP'94, shifter? when you was an little child? :)
not the bestest diskmag in the world anymore ;) but this issue is rather good!
Thanks for hugi.
awesome charts!
tho ive not yet downloaded it but after seeing 32 thumbsup and reading comments, i would give it a thumbsup already! :D.
you are lamer
you are lamer
After seeing 33 thumb ups and reading comments... Ok ok, I'm not gonna make that joke :p
Nice issue and great gfx as usual. I didn't have time to read all chapters yet, but so good so far.
Nice issue and great gfx as usual. I didn't have time to read all chapters yet, but so good so far.
i don't know wtf is wrong with you ass-fucked no life bitches ? I am free to vote it as thumbsup because i think those 32 people who've thumbed it up have it thumbedup because of some reason. Now if you two big holes thinks that it makes me lamer or its funny than i can safely say you two are mentally retarded...get your asses checked, you might be a threat to your mom and sisters (ahh i won't tell you how you are a threat to them :P).
and i got two wors for ya
PS: i am sorry if i am very abusive and use very coarse language but it really makes me sick when some assholes open their holes and say bullshit.
and i got two wors for ya
PS: i am sorry if i am very abusive and use very coarse language but it really makes me sick when some assholes open their holes and say bullshit.
tho ive not yet met ILA but after seeing numerous people calling him lamer and reading his arrogant comments, i would call him a lamer already! :M.
you don't thumb this up because the quality is great or not great, maybe this is your problem meen...
or maybe you thumb this down because your internet is really fucking slowly he ?
you don't thumb this up because the quality is great or not great, maybe this is your problem meen...
or maybe you thumb this down because your internet is really fucking slowly he ?
"you two are mentally retarded...get your asses checked"
hm, is that area really affected by the mental retardation?
hm, is that area really affected by the mental retardation?
ILA. you're a faggot!
""you two are mentally retarded...get your asses checked"
hm, is that area really affected by the mental retardation?"
Yes it is.
hm, is that area really affected by the mental retardation?"
Yes it is.
wie8: wtf is wrong with you if i vote as thumbup because other people are doing or thumbdown because i cannot download and not because of its quality. I don't see a fucking rule saying "You must thumb it up because of its quality". I just see a thumbup and thumbdown option so i can thumbup or down and don't need a fucking reason for it. If that makes me a lamer than infact you are yourself a lamer.
Think Different okay ?
Think Different okay ?
like i said:
I don't see a fucking rule saying "You must thumb it up because of its quality"
so stfu...if still have a problem with it, come get a ride on my cock and get a thumb up your arse ;)
I don't see a fucking rule saying "You must thumb it up because of its quality"
so stfu...if still have a problem with it, come get a ride on my cock and get a thumb up your arse ;)
you have a problem :P
If that makes me a lamer than infact you are yourself a lamer.
interesting content except the thrilling life of Mr. Adok and great gfx & zik even if a bit too 'fleur bleue' ;)
good to see hugi fully back :)
good to see hugi fully back :)
for more fun with that ila dude, check this thread...
ohh and i forgot one thing wie8...according to you
If other people are voting as thumbsup then you want me to vote as thumbsup it means you want me to do what others are doing to somebody else's prod or other stuff right ? so if other people are giving you their cock,you want me to give it too ? or if your daddy and other people are giving their cock to your mom, i should too ? or if your sister boyfriends are giving cock to her then i should too ? man you are so me asap i don't want to miss this oppurtunity who knows you might change your mind :D.
but after seeing 32 thumbsup and reading comments, i would give it a thumbsup already! :D.
48 thumbs up
I am free to vote it as thumbsup because i think those 32 people who've thumbed it up have it thumbedup because of some reason.
48 people. Reason ?
If other people are voting as thumbsup then you want me to vote as thumbsup it means you want me to do what others are doing to somebody else's prod or other stuff right ? so if other people are giving you their cock,you want me to give it too ? or if your daddy and other people are giving their cock to your mom, i should too ? or if your sister boyfriends are giving cock to her then i should too ? man you are so me asap i don't want to miss this oppurtunity who knows you might change your mind :D.
This is your way of thinking, not my
I vote objectively
I vote objectively
i quoted your words
tho ive not yet downloaded it but after seeing 32 thumbsup and reading comments, i would give it a thumbsup already! :D.
your words ]:->

So please learn english's nuances.
This is your way of thinking, not my
yea this is what i am are forcing me in that thread ( to thumbsup because other people are thumbingup because you think what other people are doing, i should do too and you even force me to do it (if i refuse to do so, you call me a lamer :( ) you want to me to do what other people are doing to you,your mom,your sister because other people are doing it!!...goddamn man now don't say you didnot meant this...i knew you will change your ain't fair :(( come on tell me where you live so i can have some fun too ;).
you don't thumb this up because the quality is great !
aaaahahahahahahaha... what a madhouse.
you don't thumb this up because the quality is great !
I said
I don't see a fucking rule saying "You must thumb it up because of its quality" You are free to vote it as thumbsup or thumbsdown on whatever reason you think
but you were having problems and forcing me in another thread to thumbsup because other people were doing this so what this means ? like i said you force me to do what others do and that includes know it ;).....if its not true why the fuck does i see your post asking me to do what others do ?
because this is the irony for your words.
wow you're the unholy fusion of optimus, the old dipswitch and titan members gone insane.
The clusterfuck boggles the mind.
The clusterfuck boggles the mind.
The mag is quite nice, but here's my thumb down for all the fucking spam on pouet and each and every scene related irc channel and website out there.
get your asses checked, you might be a threat to your mom and sisters
or if your daddy and other people are giving their cock to your mom, i should too ? or if your sister boyfriends are giving cock to her then i should too ?
so you want to me to do what other people are doing to you,your mom,your sister because other people are doing it!!
what's this fixation with his mother and sister(s)? are you trying to pull a Materazzi on him?
for retard spamming at and being boring and stupid questions at interviews by magic
lol Jeenio. Thumb up for going through the effort a diskmag takes to pull off, no matter what everyone says. Just cut down on the spamming :)
yeah, Axel. true! if one<s> hate adok it should not be a hate for a whole diskmag or a hate for people whom have made a big effort into it: other crew members, guest releasers, voters and so on, unseen, did not think you, like dubmood or other will be this way, especially as one whom like guesting and doing stuff. it is strange for to see those suckie comments. and again, me, personally dont see even a thumb down or up for something which has a huge variety of issues and it does not suite is like a name/person voting than real voting or commenting here. come on guys!
Adok or/And Magic..yeah well might been nagging..i understand them, because of the passion to finish the disk,ag, but it might also have been a massive one. but it does not matter, it is them and it is hard to change them!
Adok or/And Magic..yeah well might been nagging..i understand them, because of the passion to finish the disk,ag, but it might also have been a massive one. but it does not matter, it is them and it is hard to change them!
Nice music & lovely splash screens as always. Good colly of articles and always much more variety than PaIN.
"Another Death For GV" article - the defence now rests!
"Another Death For GV" article - the defence now rests!
tho ive not yet downloaded it but after seeing 32 thumbsup and reading comments, i would give it a thumbsup already! :D.
Hahaha! I had been doing the same thing some times in the past just to get the glops before watching the prods =)
Liked it.
I've just read my CPC article and noticed some terms which were wrongly changed by the proof reader. Any mention to bob was converted to blob (shadeblobs, 3d blobs) which is wrong here because the term bob exist and it's coming from the Amiga (bob = blitter object) and it's the right one for the demo I talked about. Not that it mattered me much but just so you know. It's just funny to see that the proof reader has "corrected" words on my article that shouldn't be changed :)
Music, graphics, some articles are very good. Shame on lazy voters, only 31 voteforms in charts! Hey, people, be more active!
Say it with a thumb down.
@ILA: I wouldn't bother banging heads with the numbnuts in here - you are pissing in the wind brother.
ILA: thumbing stuff up/down/whatever you havent seen is just pathetic.
in generall i am not satisfied with that issue because of the poor coding corner.. what has macro media flash to do with coding at all? please come back to the quality of hugi 16 to 21. nuff said
in generall i am not satisfied with that issue because of the poor coding corner.. what has macro media flash to do with coding at all? please come back to the quality of hugi 16 to 21. nuff said
Optimus: Terrible. For old hw/sw articles there should be an 'oldschool' proof reader ...
Nice pictures by CritiKill, Mantra & BridgeClaw + the music is fine, so bend over and receive my thumb :-P
Nice pictures by CritiKill, Mantra & BridgeClaw + the music is fine, so bend over and receive my thumb :-P
Arr, music ... sounds like it comes directly from some '96 hentai game, please.
I really tried, but, no ... really. No, i really didn't try, actually.
I really tried, but, no ... really. No, i really didn't try, actually.
Nice mag.
Assembly is over now for a couple of days, we'd like to know the answer now."One thing I seriously don't get is why you attribute this release to Assembly 2006"
I won't tell you why now. Just wait a couple of days.
madenmann: the answer is actually 42
I second rmeht 42 times.
hmm not rules but better than ok. :) lots of random stuff in there this time... article on starcraft? hmmm ok. isn't that pretty much antithetical to the scene?
I was a bit disappointed by the coding articles and interviews, but it's still better than nothing. ;)
Assembly is over now for a couple of days, we'd like to know the answer now.
It doesn't matter. It was released before ASM anyway. I have quietly removed the reference shortly after ASM was over, same for the "1kb mac" thing.
Piggy for the mag. Quite decent this time around.
Arr, music ... sounds like it comes directly from some '96 hentai game, please.
Review those for ;)
nice issue
nice issue
Oh Btw:
Slashy, nothing against rampant fanboyism, I mean that's why ICQ clients have builtin ignore features and all that, and nothing against reusing samples of other tracked modules, everyone did that, BUT:
Taking an eight years old XM song of mine (Returned - Gate 3), deleting the patterns and then making a new song with all of my samples? That's so ST-0x it hurts. Seriously.
Slashy, nothing against rampant fanboyism, I mean that's why ICQ clients have builtin ignore features and all that, and nothing against reusing samples of other tracked modules, everyone did that, BUT:
Taking an eight years old XM song of mine (Returned - Gate 3), deleting the patterns and then making a new song with all of my samples? That's so ST-0x it hurts. Seriously.
I've just read my CPC article and noticed some terms which were wrongly changed by the proof reader.
Same old, same old, then...
I just wonder how you liked/disliked my reviews? Nobody has commented on them yet. I've never written reviews of music disks and demos before. This has been a premiere in this issue.
Here's a comment: Try to actually write about the review subject. Hint: "My favourite is #7" is not a review.
4 the first issue i c - its okay! reminds me a bit of R.A.W. ..
nice GFX
nice GFX
"One Time Pattern (OTP) can be broken by the dedicated attacker." -signed: The basics of cryptography explained by Adok.
I wish the author would have come up with sources for his smattering. Besides somebody made a real howler with that one, you can read this issue.. Nothing more, nothing less..
I wish the author would have come up with sources for his smattering. Besides somebody made a real howler with that one, you can read this issue.. Nothing more, nothing less..
hugi is deaTH1111twoeleven
Seems like this is the Hugi messageboard...? Magic: why don't you write him an email, sms, pigeon mail?
adok, if you can break otp can you decipher me some messages from "number stations" ? ...
axel: it seems that magic is bit "slow" mind. i mean, he doesnt got all marbles in his cup. if you know what i mean?-)
axel: it seems that magic is bit "slow" mind. i mean, he doesnt got all marbles in his cup. if you know what i mean?-)
hugi sucks :(
submit changes
if this prod is a fake, some info is false or the download link is broken,
do not post about it in the comments, it will get lost.
instead, click here !
The official release will be at Assembly
2006. Which start the day after tomorrow.
My thump goes up for everything inside of hugi I
didn't was involved in. Cant thump my own
work up you know ;-)
Remember there are more important issues going
on in the world. Stop fire Isreal & Hamas..
May there be peace soon!
Dedicated to everybody who needs it
down there in the middle east!
Enjoy this issue of hugi & read it without
prejudice! Thank you..