Disgust by Camorra
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popularity : 65% |
alltime top: #2876 |
added on the 2001-08-12 17:35:45 by bigcheese ![]() |
popularity helper
I remember this one as being quite good. Unfortunately, it looks like it doesn't run properly on newer/faster computers. Maybe someone else will have better luck, or perhaps this can be brought back by emulation or video capturing on an older computer, by 'some rambo' ;)
added on the 2001-08-12 17:38:08 by bigcheese 

bigtime effect show ;-)
a *memorable* effect show ;)
Great music, and as always goodlooking effects.
typical object show but a nice one!
maf products rox as always!
bigcheese: there is a fix coded by MAF, it worked fine for me - http://www.nukleon.pl/TP7P5FIX.COM
bigcheese: there is a fix coded by MAF, it worked fine for me - http://www.nukleon.pl/TP7P5FIX.COM
Ahh, one of my old favourites. Had almost forgot about this one. Clean and inspiring.
Runs just fine on my P166 laptop.
Runs just fine on my P166 laptop.
Great show, great design, great music. Maf, Yours demos roxx after years as f... hell :)
Didn't I voted for this? (I am missing many stuff) I liked it because it was a fast and impressive object show in my old 486 back then..
Camorra quality!
Massive showoff of good objects and quality effects.
another camorra great!
love love love love love. Texture phong! Not as good as the xtacy 3d rotators, but has brilliant music and "the special feeling"
Great music, Camorra for president/king/dictator!
woot futuristic design :) great music indeed.
Real masterpiece!
Great effects and music.
Thank you for rip the video,rarefluid!
Thank you for rip the video,rarefluid!
was one of my top 10 favorite demo in 96. It got nice music and an nice color combinations. also nice graphics from Made.
Nice effects =)
my thumb
bring back the only demo art!
awesome soundtrack, nice effects+transitions.
awesome soundtrack, nice effects+transitions.
Really loved this one back in the day, especially the music -- which still holds up exceptionally well!
runs under dosbox. neat.
whoops, thumb was missing!
Wtf, i havent thumbed this one up yet. Fantastic music, graphics and code.
Camorra was a top group, way way underrated
Camorra was a top group, way way underrated
Masterpiece! music, code, gfx, design - everything is great.
Kicks really ass!!!
Sure. All the Polish scene was...
Camorra was a top group, way way underrated
Sure. All the Polish scene was...
Basically a typical mid-90s object show, but very Amiga-ish and overall well executed.
Typical, but likeable, though I'd have preferred not having the "name of the effect"-bar.
really cool effect show!
wow, this is what i call a demo :) i love it!
Camorra produced some extremely fast code, I agree they were underrated. For 18-bit fakemode fun, don't forget to check out Gustar.
amazing product! trip to the past, good old times :)
Quite solid for its time and being a PC demo =)
As an object show, it is still somehow pretty cool :)
ahem... some boring object show vs nice design and good music but...turbo pascal! :)
Nice colors and well synced, it's pleasure to watch it. I remember running it smoothly on 486.
technically fine, but with the soul of a commercial for a 3d engine
ou, this was really unexpected, it fits together nicely.
quite good
I fail running this many times in some PCs nowadays.
Thing is, it froze in the beginning, but then I switch a PCI card with an ISA in my Pentium and it worked.
Thing is, it froze in the beginning, but then I switch a PCI card with an ISA in my Pentium and it worked.
Another quite nice production from the mid-'90s. Many cool visuals with nice music!
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