Pilgrimage 2005 by Trailer Park Demos [web]
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popularity : 62% |
alltime top: #13913 |
added on the 2005-08-16 04:21:24 by sea_monkey ![]() |
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The music was so damn hilarious that I just couldn't stop smiling. Sounded almost like Baroque music or something like that! :D
The rest, a quite boring flyby.
The rest, a quite boring flyby.
I founded it great and enjoyable, with a nice wink. :)
If I had more time I would have coded more effects. Still, this demo gets the job done. Come to Prilgrimage!
Well - it's a rare treat to see some of the old effects presented in small vaults. But they did this last time - I don't think any thing new was coded on this one and maybe the engine should some lighting of something. Everything looks so steril.
Music isn't my flavour either, but it's orginal at creds for that. Keep it up!
Music isn't my flavour either, but it's orginal at creds for that. Keep it up!
same prosedyre as last year?
please think in somewhat new lines.
please think in somewhat new lines.
me likes it!
What las said!
Oh! Once again, a party that looks like a kindergarten.
Nice for a 64k. It's also very GAY.
After all the thumb downs thom did i thought he was the master of the universe of so..
Oh, btw.. the music was veery annoying, I had to press ESC, but. I won't be as pathetic as thom is, i won't thumb it down asi you did your work on it and I respect that. You should spend more time improving your skills than speaking.
Nice for a 64k. It's also very GAY.
After all the thumb downs thom did i thought he was the master of the universe of so..
Oh, btw.. the music was veery annoying, I had to press ESC, but. I won't be as pathetic as thom is, i won't thumb it down asi you did your work on it and I respect that. You should spend more time improving your skills than speaking.
The only downside of this is the flybyishness, especially the first scene with the airship and the birds should have a bit more action in it. Other than that, <3
(and oh well, the Enterprise bridge could have a bit more polygons.. they're cheap nowadays :))
(and oh well, the Enterprise bridge could have a bit more polygons.. they're cheap nowadays :))
I don't like techno :D
heh, trace seems to have one bad morning! :P
i found it quite funny as it looked really crappy here and there, which is exactly the charm of this production i think.
hurray for birds that look like boomerangs! :))
i found it quite funny as it looked really crappy here and there, which is exactly the charm of this production i think.
hurray for birds that look like boomerangs! :))
I really like the arrow.thingie and the city-model. The birds indeed look like boomerangs and the music is aehm... a bit too classic for my taste ;-)
Maali: My morning is perfect ;) I'm just quite irritated with Thom adding thumb downs and saying shit about prods that are much better than that one. (And i'm not really talking about mines).
apparently not boom-boom-techno enough for some euro-sceners, but that's no loss with this invtro, right? :)
i have to say i admire thom's improvement in 3d modelling, like the airship and city. the whole thing is butter-smoove, but i guess we have demopaja to thank for that. :) as a whole, yes, it looks and sounds like a public access cable intro.
i have to say i admire thom's improvement in 3d modelling, like the airship and city. the whole thing is butter-smoove, but i guess we have demopaja to thank for that. :) as a whole, yes, it looks and sounds like a public access cable intro.
>>Maybe the pink arrow was okay to look at, but this thing dragged on and on. I looked at the mp3 file and was surprised the music was only four minutes long -- it seemed more like an eternity
I hit space and found the editor... then found my picture in the env map for the teapot.
Do I get a prize?
(s_tec-powered spline arrow is teh awesomest. s_tec, plz make the arrow into a 4k entry. Hell, it might fit into a 256b)
Do I get a prize?
(s_tec-powered spline arrow is teh awesomest. s_tec, plz make the arrow into a 4k entry. Hell, it might fit into a 256b)
i believe phoenix said it best: "as a whole, yes, it looks and sounds like a public access cable intro"
hm, well, it wasn't as bad as i expected it to be after your description.
And yeah, some good models.
And yeah, some good models.
I actually liked it up until the zeppelin part. Even the music was refreshingly different at first. But the rest.. Argh! But the "art" screen made me laugh out loud, so how could I thumb this down? :)
Not bad but...
- Uglish textures and not much lighting
- The music was nice but got extremely underproduced towards the end
- Rather ugly camera moves
- Vsync please :)
- Too long, too many dead parts
Then again, cute references and overall not a bad watch, especially with some nice effort in the modelling work.
- Uglish textures and not much lighting
- The music was nice but got extremely underproduced towards the end
- Rather ugly camera moves
- Vsync please :)
- Too long, too many dead parts
Then again, cute references and overall not a bad watch, especially with some nice effort in the modelling work.
the music does make you smile.. and sounds very snes rpg like..
the whole thing is kinda odd.. although up until the star trek part, i quite liked it. (maybe down to the fact it`s refreshing and colourful for once!)
the whole thing is kinda odd.. although up until the star trek part, i quite liked it. (maybe down to the fact it`s refreshing and colourful for once!)
It's like Pilgrimage 2004 Invitro: Episode II. :-)
The boomerang birds r0x0red, but when is the TBD going to be replaced with an actual party location? Isn't this thing less than 4 weeks away?
The boomerang birds r0x0red, but when is the TBD going to be replaced with an actual party location? Isn't this thing less than 4 weeks away?
most boring thing in ages... hopefully windows update saved me of seeing this, interrupting in the middle of this long powerpoint slideshow... for once in life i thank windows update!
phoenix: eurosceners prefer not to see a 3d slideshow!
phoenix: eurosceners prefer not to see a 3d slideshow!
Trace: If I don't like a demo, I thumb it down. If I like a demo, I thumb it up. If I can't decide, it gets a piggy. If my opinion of a demo is opposite to yours, of even the majority of gloppers, then that is my right. Deal with it.
oink. Kirk would be proud.
relaxing.. this was made with love ;-)
ok.. as this the mentality behind that prod is pathetic and the prod seems pathetic to me as well.. that's my vote.
that's my right. Deal with it X'D. Next time I should let you walk alone from breakpoint to the hostal through the wrong street X)
that's my right. Deal with it X'D. Next time I should let you walk alone from breakpoint to the hostal through the wrong street X)
LOL! lets put more trash with the trash.
The image hangs up but the music comes along
Err... And *I'm* supposed to be the immature troll? Wow.
woaaah, notice the nice pattern that shows up in trace's url-gibberish.. it's art! 

ok, let's just say it's a bad day for faking thumbs in posts -_-
All dissing should be aimed directly at myself.
You just had to ask it coming.
Oh Gargaj, I can always count on you to point out life's simple truths!
Not bad, I like bird movements syncronized with flute sound.
i absolutely LOVE that pattern!
trace/xplsv is my superhero! \o/
trace/xplsv is my superhero! \o/
i just hate it. sorry.
- awful awful textures and mapping. really, some of the worst textures ive seen. ever.
- very low quality 3d.
- hardly any noticable lighting at all. you could have burnt in lighting automatically in your 3d modeller and it'd look like 100x better.
- camera work is all over the place.
given that it's a 3d flyby where those are the only selling points, means that it's not going to do too well.
- the ocean is a static texture. come on..
- music is ok "musically", but the sounds are like seriously dodgy general midi patch abuse.
- no new ideas at all.
it actually reminds me of one of those really early opengl "demos" (im talking the stuff on the SGI examples from like 1997 or something).
oh well. i know it must have been quite a bit of work to do this while learning 3d, but it just looks so bad i cant help but thumb it down.
- awful awful textures and mapping. really, some of the worst textures ive seen. ever.
- very low quality 3d.
- hardly any noticable lighting at all. you could have burnt in lighting automatically in your 3d modeller and it'd look like 100x better.
- camera work is all over the place.
given that it's a 3d flyby where those are the only selling points, means that it's not going to do too well.
- the ocean is a static texture. come on..
- music is ok "musically", but the sounds are like seriously dodgy general midi patch abuse.
- no new ideas at all.
it actually reminds me of one of those really early opengl "demos" (im talking the stuff on the SGI examples from like 1997 or something).
oh well. i know it must have been quite a bit of work to do this while learning 3d, but it just looks so bad i cant help but thumb it down.
The textures and colourscheme were really bad and a bit of fog would have helped, but on the whole I quite liked it. The music was a nice change and it had atmosphere so I'll give it a thumb up.
Haha, thanks for the tribute! :)
Piggie for the fun.
is oki funny
Fuckin' horrible and fuckin' boring
i get a runtime error...
somehow it works now... beats me why, i haven't even rebooted since last attempt ;)
anyway, i think i'm blind now.
anyway, i think i'm blind now.
Last year it was better.
Somebody has been playing far too many japanese rpgs.
flyby style demo.
gfx ain't good.
however, demo flow was good.
The mistake is not found though music is a style not so used.
The overall strange content.
however, I like it.
gfx ain't good.
however, demo flow was good.
The mistake is not found though music is a style not so used.
The overall strange content.
however, I like it.
I'm not thumbing something down after its author has done it. :) Wouldn't be worth it anyway.
Modelling is okayish, but totally spoiled by very expressionless lighting. Music would have diserved better rendering.
Hey, thom, why don't you send your production over to view by some scener whom you trust to make some constructive criticism/ suggest some improvements and not leak it before release? Perhaps someone could record your music in a better way?
Modelling is okayish, but totally spoiled by very expressionless lighting. Music would have diserved better rendering.
Hey, thom, why don't you send your production over to view by some scener whom you trust to make some constructive criticism/ suggest some improvements and not leak it before release? Perhaps someone could record your music in a better way?
I just watched this again. Ewww. So awful.
There are some rather nice elements here. I particularly liked the arrow and they sync elements.
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This is the second demo I've “designed”, so it's completely my fault. S_tec is (mostly) innocent. All dissing should be aimed directly at myself. (Unless the demo crashes, then I can't help you.)
What I learned from this all-too-long of an experience is:
-- I can't design.
-- I can't texture.
-- I can't make synth patches.
-- My audio mastering still needs improvement.
-- My 3d modelling shows promise.
-- I should stick to composing classical music, not electronic.
I also learned what XML is, what normals are, and what is meant by UV mapping. (Hey, I'm nowhere near as much of a geek as the rest of you!)
This is also my second serious attempt at 3d modelling. I actually feel quite comfortable doing this and wish to progress into more “organic” shapes and bone animation. (Hopefully someone else will provide textures...)
Now it's your turn – speak your minds and place your thumbs. I've thumbed down enough of your stuff, so feel free to return the favour!