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cows n snakefights #6 by Nukleus [web]
screenshot added by xeNusion on 2005-06-10 11:42:42
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release date : june 2005
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popularity : 59%
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alltime top: #9186
added on the 2005-06-10 11:29:44 by xeNusion xeNusion

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typical amiga diskmag...
balanced mix of:
interviews,interesting stuff,banale nonsense and platform war

the interface is acceptable and i really loved the small cliparts
rulez added on the 2005-06-10 12:11:39 by xeNusion xeNusion
Cewl! A mag worth reading is a mag worth supporting. (if time allows unfortunately)

Amiga magz forever! Quality, Quantity who carez!? Just do it!
rulez added on the 2005-06-10 13:03:53 by magic magic
Amiga is dead so the contents are a waste of time and the interface is too harsh on my eyes and ears. Looks more like an 8bit prod.
sucks added on the 2005-06-10 17:32:59 by Shanethewolf Shanethewolf
Shane, you are such a fucking retard. I know you're only pretending to be that retarded, but that in itself is just as retarded. Congratulations.
rulez added on the 2005-06-10 17:41:28 by xeron xeron
Xeron: I assume by "retarded" you mean opinionated, unbiased and honest.

I have no issue with the staff I just don't like the prod, thats why there are thumb down icons as well as thumb up icons.
2 all nukleus members: its a big step forward. I liked the articles I have read so far. The choosen colours were not my favour but the detailed grafix were done with love and without photozop :D. Some more modules would be nice in future.
Its a nice Issue and it proofes that amiga is NOT dead... The so called pc-scene is not more active (and alive) between the big party compos and a lot of the compo productions were crap. When was the last PC-Diskmag release??? And was it worth the big download???
rulez added on the 2005-06-11 10:12:36 by dirtie dirtie
Enjoyed the interviews. Also the In / Out report was cool :)
added on the 2005-06-11 14:35:36 by loaderror loaderror
shane stinkt
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 02:07:14 by starbuck starbuck
hehe, the Amiga Scene is dead? Did you see the Amiga demos released at this year's BP?? They wiped the floor with the stuff released in the PeeCee section!

All that processing power wasted on Larmaahs...*tutut* The Amiga Scene is the motherland of the entire Scene...respect it & humble yourself PC-Fool!!
added on the 2005-06-12 08:29:07 by peta peta
Good issue, really!
Shane, fuck off!
rulez added on the 2005-06-12 13:30:44 by ghandy ghandy
This is a mag that surely stirs the pot. But that's perhaps just what the scene needs =) There's lots of interresting and entertaining articles to read in a new strong gui. The only thing I could complain about are some errors of fact.

Great work from Nukleus!
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 10:31:14 by Dalton Dalton
Shane: No, by "retarded" i mean "acting like a retard".
added on the 2005-06-13 10:35:58 by xeron xeron
I somehow fell in love with the gfx (from the first time I had seen the screenshot), I don't know why, it's as shane says, a bit 8bit like (but I wouldn't say 8bit like because there are more colors), but somehow it brought my some nice nostalgy, and I love those very tiny screenies with various pixeled themes that seem to want more work, but still they brought me that feeling I can't exlain and I like. A mix in gfx quality between a CPC and an Amiga diskmag and funny, with funny chip tunes and..

..wow, the articles! Actually it's the first time I try to read this mag, I don't have any idea about the authors and that's the first issue I read yesterday, I stayed for four hours, there is some kind of attitude in their texts towards other sceners, groups and mags, not too harsh and fun, the scenespirit like, those mag had spirit and was fun. As with other Amiga mags sometimes who get a bit with platform and sceners wars, but this had more of it's spirit or perhaps I had mood for reading mags yesterday. But something caught me in the texts and it was fun! I don't know. I did enjoyed reading this yesterday..

And the nudity in pixeled gfx and comparison of the scenes to the Amiga (even if I disagreed with some views) were really interesting to read!

Still there is more to read, unfortunatelly I don't find time to read diskmags anymore (a diskmag article might take 5-15-30 minutes to read, while a demo 3-5-8 minutes, so I still watch demos when I want to enjoy something fast, whenever I am busy..)

rulez added on the 2005-06-13 13:29:19 by Optimus Optimus
Things that I disagreed with:

As, why did the Atarians seemed too much more patriotic than all the others to you? Actually, in terms of patriotism I observe something similar in both AtariSt, Amiga and C64, or perhaps I am mistaken. From the few answers at the polls, it didn't seemed to me that they were more patriotic than others. Afteralls, I have seen both AtariST and Amiga diskmags sometimes writting PeeCee in their texts and beeing too proud of their own brand!

Also, staying true to one platform with the same limits does truly happen in C64 (20 years in the same exactly breadbox), but not in the same scale in Amiga (with RAM and CPU expansions and PPC and Truecolor gfx cards). Of course, nothing is like PC, but nothing is like C64 in those terms (Perhaps C64 is more close to the CPC in those terms, where we never moved away from the 6128 model for demomaking in the scene except from the really few individual demos for 6128+)
added on the 2005-06-13 13:42:47 by Optimus Optimus
Or I should better write to the author for friendly discussion or perhaps submit an article or two instead of writting about here ;)
added on the 2005-06-13 13:47:46 by Optimus Optimus
Looks kewl, although I like some of the C64 mags better. Still, f-ing huge and some nice text. Nice to see some Amiga stuff coming out.
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 17:36:01 by madcrow madcrow
Nice reading thx for it ;o)
rulez added on the 2005-06-13 21:08:27 by wayne wayne
Looks like you guys don`t have access to a spell checker, reading the article text in the screenshot :)

Seriously, I hope to get some sort of winuae workbench up and running to check this out.
added on the 2005-06-13 21:18:49 by darkus darkus
Wow! I have just finished this issue after like 3 hours of reading...and I didn't intend to sit in front of my computer that long tonight!
GREAT work by Nukleus! The articles reveal a really self-confident Amiga-Scene which makes it pure fun to read. I especially enjoyed the Snakefight-Section, because it represents competition which is important for movement.

Already looking forward to the next issue!! :-))
rulez added on the 2005-06-21 02:51:04 by novel novel
ehm.. i sort of lack words. seems like the people behind this mag have their own idea how gfx should look, music should sound, magsystems should be, articles should be written etc. but its always entertaining with people who have strong opinions
added on the 2005-06-26 19:48:32 by hollowman hollowman
I really like this one.
rulez added on the 2005-07-28 22:30:21 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
A neat one.
rulez added on the 2005-08-10 09:59:04 by ALiEN^bf ALiEN^bf
Some interesting reading. Has its own style.
rulez added on the 2005-08-11 00:31:24 by exocet exocet
Content wise the best diskmag for Amiga in 2005 I'd say!
added on the 2005-10-28 20:51:50 by ghandy ghandy
It goes totally different ways as EC or JP. Our panels are modern and I suggest the new ones from EC won`t look less uptodate aswell. Their graphics and music is totally oldskoolish.

A very good improved magengine, cool backgrounds (mostly shot by his handy), loads of great selfpixeled cliparts and many enjoyful hours of reading await you in case you didn`t grab it already!!?

Browallia doesn`t make friends by being so hard`n honest in many of his articles. But otherwise this makes it pretty interesting to read. He has and defends his opinions, maybe some will find them strange but he`s going his way quite straight. And I like him for that fact.

I don`t think we are going to see a new issue of this mag that soonish. Erik moved back from Aachen to Stockholm in order to make the exams in his mother language.

But now it`s up to other editors to beat this! A hard job, more than 82 interesting articles, not for forget the huge platform survey and most stuff is written by only one person, namely Browallia himself - that`s quite a lot to beat!
added on the 2006-02-08 21:01:50 by ghandy ghandy
Oh I wouldn't be so sure - when I talked to him at TRSAC he told me he had already an impressive number of articles collected. And he's got a new co-editor, too.
added on the 2006-02-08 21:07:09 by novel novel
Ghandy: for such nice words, I may even kiss you. And I sure get a good opportunity next week in Duesseldorf :-) .

Is Stingray reading this thread aswell? If so, then join us in NRW, there is a couple of good gothic places next month!

Venom is poison is venom! ;-)
added on the 2006-02-25 01:50:44 by browallia browallia
Yes, of course I'm reading it. :) Tho, next week I most probably won't have any time to come to Düsseldorf :/
added on the 2006-02-25 03:37:32 by StingRay StingRay
no worries there, I will stay one month in joy-money :-)
added on the 2006-02-26 21:18:21 by browallia browallia
rulez added on the 2017-11-20 00:23:37 by sim sim

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