the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-02-26
- my mistake, nice gesture indeed gargaj.
- 2007-03-05
- Krabob, this is getting lame. Have a chat with keops if you have some problem with him.
- are bronx people coming to bp ?
- 2007-08-11
- hey guys. been a while
- i missed you guys. but i'm back! how about i fix some prods, for a start?
- 2007-08-14
- alles foxen ausser muttie!
- 2007-08-15
- flu is superflu (\/)nn(\/)
- hejsa maali & ps! too long, for sure.
- hallo knackarsch
- 2007-08-16
- hey reed! how do you do?
- irokos! yow!
- med \o/ !!! mandarine will never die !!!
- 2008-10-17
- Greetings from main party!
- 2009-10-04
- greets to everyone who was at MAIN this year, it was awesome