the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2007-07-09
- diabeetus
- I think. I made 7 video game in 2006, and I finnished my 3D modeler in 2007.
- dadaist trolling is the wave of the future
- my computer composes without telepathy...
- solo2: time for you to create a 2 disks megademo.
- yes - with or without telepathy
- I think. In 2005, I've build 12 games and half of 2 others. It's cool.
- non. non. non. non. non. non.non. non. non. non. non. non.non. non. non. non. non. non.non. non. non. non. non. non.non. non. non. non. non. non.
- quelle époque !
- o tempora, o mores
- someone let a 486 in a dustbin near to me...
- save it! it probably plays second reality like a charm...
- And Crystal Dream 1 and 2!
- Afterburner is a very sad music :P
- I think. Humans are like animals, that kill children of other species, or eat the proof of their violations of the Creation...
- You think too much.
- i like cheeeese! ^^
- I think. I think clever. I think smarter species. I think with discernment.
- tg HAL.
- ouais, Ta Gueule, tu saoules, vraiment.
- faut po dire des choses comme ça c méchant !!!
- salutesions!
- keops ! fidel alié ! la scène , c'est la vie ! ;)
- la scene est amour \o/
- Don't you understand LCF is to pouet what chuck norris is to the reality ?