the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2025-01-10
- paranormalize(ghosts & goblins);
- this may be a good time to delete your facebook/instagram/etc accounts: check
- if all the previous ~15 years of shit didn't convince people to delete their accounts i doubt this will
- back to myspace for accurate opinions on vaccines, geopolitics and cat photos!
- I just want to code some rotozoom without thinking about moral/ethical/political consequences
- If you identify as a household objects, can you then be refered as an "it"?
- pennywise does not like that
- Clickbait title
- You could also read Hugi for accurate opinions on politics ;)
- Only way is not to play.
- 🤡
- tomkh: Looking forward to it! ;)
- "if all the previous ~15 years of shit didn't convince people to delete their accounts i doubt this will" - this, would prolly need physical drilling to cranium B)
- hey maali, you household object!
- Can we PLEASE make the pouet no.1 source on political and medical opinions?
- Tütenwein es muss nicht immer Schampus sein
- have you ever felt the presence of a brain?
- la_mettrie: "have you ever felt the presence of a brain?" ... Beside thinking, also headache.
- 2025-01-11
- So THAT'S the origin of this NOISE by Drifters!
- so, I am a dining table.
- Auf dem Tisch steht kein Atari.
- What table?