the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2025-01-08
- Blueberry: It's *that* broken?!
- kusma: Usually not. Just very specific. ;)
- blueberry: exactly
- blueberry: original is quite ambiguous term
- Soon you'll be the assistant of your assistant.
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- Demos so fresh. and this will Axe eFFECT the Demoscene.
- Wenn Ihnen ein Fremder plötzlich Blumen schenkt, könnte das an Impulse liegen.
- Ab an das Gefrierfach! Nogger Dir einen!
- Dann fahren wir nach Oggersheim Und schieben uns noch 'n Nogger 'rein
- Demoscene Report 8 January 2025
- What's the Revision facebook banner about? I don't really get it tbh. How do you grow beyond poetry, operators or d3dx9_43.dll?
- 2025-01-09
- Ed von Schleck
- i suggest we switch to pennsylvania dutch english
- Stages of FOBO by AI: denial, anger, depression, rejecting civilization and living in a wilderness
- Whats the banner about here? Jää ny hajoo siihen kun koskee virtaa. Häh.
- dutch phonetically is like deutsch, just prounced like if some countryside cheese making redneck is speaking.. and pennsylvania dutch is a perfect example of nieder deutsch from nieder landen. all was one country during Otto I-IV with the capital in Aachen at the end...
- The CurryWurst Wutz Kutzed all over the Infodesk. Yah, Well.
- braadworst, wir šprychen duitch, daz Panzylwania duitch :>
- count bretzula aus bretzylvania
- actually you sound like you just had a stroke
- It ain't much if it ain't Dutch.
- normalize my cat leaving me alone when i'm trying to compose an .it
- normalize in wonderland
- normalizer normalizes everyone