the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-09
- Spelunky 64 looks nice.
- The Enterprise had a joystick built into the main unit, which I thought was stupid. I mean, what could you do if it broke?
- well, use the backup? any other control mechanisms can break as well, so you'd always need a backup anyways, no?
- use your return warranty
- Interesting, but what if the electrical contacts wear out? Best to stick with a separate stick, as you have a huge choice of sticks as well
- but what if both joystick ports wear out?
- Extension cables?
- Luckiliy, in order to break Enterprise stick, you’d first have to code your own games.
- girls just wanna have fun, enterprise port
- I wonder if any Enterprise ports were made of "Track & Field"-style sports games which involved lots of joystick waggling? ;)
- and sex games
- Girls They Want To Have Fun by Brilliant Software .. yeah whats that
- I'm searching for a Windows video player that can loop videos seamlessly. Can't seem to find it :(
- 2024-09-10
- wtf is this? another stolen music?
- not "another":
- i see, i just saw that the first time, what a wacko.
- mx player @ d vibe
- i want to give up on graphic design music production and all that
- You'll do what you want
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- @Rabzen Thanks! I'll check it out!
- and this will affect the Demoscene.