the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2024-09-06
- and I do ( ^^ my first demo at revision)
- Sehen Sie! Sie baden g'rade Ihre Hände drin.
- Have not seen a demo from the brazilian mfx section
- hmmmmm brazilian mfx
- In 3 Monaten ist Nikolaus, putzt schon mal eure Stiefel. 👢👢👢👢
- 100 points for Gryffindore-64 ! 50 for HufflePCstuff ! Atarivenclaw and SlytherMac get 40 points. Take note, Professor McGonamigall !
- spekulatius, dominosteine and lebkuchen already in the supermarket, melt in the sun before they reach the mouth!
- Faweevah yaang ahwannabe faweevah yuung
- op een grote paddestoel, rood met witte stippen
- zat kabouter spillebeen heen en weer te trippen
- badger badger badger
- Apologies for my three previous oneliners that were worrying, I'm not doing well at the moment
- If you like Cyberpunk music:
- 2024-09-07
- and this will affect the Demoscene.
- I just had the perfectestest Friday. And you can have it, too!
- Flashira: no need to apologize <3
- ↑ yes, hope you get well soon.
- Is there any good demos for the OG RP1?
- / Morpheus Buress
- 2024-09-08
- Finally came around to watch Mars Express. Really feels like the French Ghost in the Shell
- Oui, je suis d'accord.
- yeah, it was pretty good
- 2024-09-09
- you can't spell demoscene without demon, winamp source code when
- Why the C64 and Amiga was 99% exclusively Joystick while the CPC always had redefine keys? I got Spelunky64 and joystick has weird way to do bombs/ropes, where are keyboard defines?