the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2020-09-08
- 2nd Reich flag, 2nd Reich war flag, some undefined LGBTIQ nazi hipsters, the usual stuff
- El Topo, bifat: no that's a different flag:
- ... and in Germany the Peace movement was quickly undermined by guess who, and stuff like Pegida came out of it. So in this case it really means just "even more Nazis" (and the similarity to the pride flag is very deliberate)
- why you can't just draw a generic rainbow
- next generic rainbow please
- talking about trve rainbows
- I prefer that rainbow _logo
- ^^
- mArUsHA hAs tHe hIgH gRoUnD
- Live now, playing drum & bass and drinking tea:
- Can someone deactivate my account here please? It's getting political. Now it's really time to go.
- Come get your sizzlin' alien meats from here! Stable 030. We have stabbed meat, plasma shot meat, multiple rocket hit meat for that extra stingy smaka and even dropped-from-the-orbit meat thats still on fire when you arrive for that extra charcoal taste! Come now.
- we also have mackarel on isle 3
- daxx, you could try posting some trigger content, like this
- I can't read or hear it anymore. political here and there. :/ The pot is full.
- Didn't you leave like five times already?
- Preacher: six times. :)
- 2020-09-09
- daxx: sorry i forgot to add "to have your account deleted (banned/blocked)". it was a joke. i am still practicing jokes.
- The world is political. If you can't handle Pouet reflecting that, take a break. (I don't mean that as an insult, I take breaks from websites all the time.)
- Reminder: spectrum next kickstarter has 1 day to go.
- next kickstarter please
- should we divide spectrum next to NE and XT?