the so complete pouë oneliner
- 2018-07-31
boozembly on Saturday:
- 2018-08-12
I am actually more of an ### ILLEGAL TELEPATHY ### than ever.
- 2018-09-17
demobit was excellent this year. hopefully i can come there again next year
- 2018-10-10
But seriously.
- 2019-01-19
Minus256: congrats! :)
- 2019-02-13
- true that
- 2019-03-31
miks ei samantein napsahdus
- 2019-05-19
cool demoshock for Japanese VJ brains!
- 2020-03-06
does someone happen to know when Xenium 2020 will be held and whether its in Katowice/Krakow area again? i need to book a flight to september in krakow and would like to align it with the party dates :)
- 2020-03-07
ps: the website seems to say "And see You at Xenium '20" so I'm hopeful ;)
- 2020-05-23
does that mean that Zoo moves from 2021 to 2020, if X moves from 2020 to 2021 ;-)
- 2020-09-22
where's that quote from?
- 2020-10-15
jco: you can always try the FI social security numbers available in this demo:
RIP :(
- 2022-05-03
Skeneklubi ry will have its annual meeting (vuosikokous) 17th of June - including compos/sauna/beverages - In case you are a member and did not get a mail about it just now, please let me know :-)
- 2022-07-24
hömpsyt in Helsinki
- 2024-08-17
and this will affect the data centers