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Quasar (pc) [demozoo] [glöplog]
type prodname platform release party release date rulez piggie sucks avg popularity last comment
4k MS-Dos cheatingsucks Assembly 1994 august 1994 0 1 0 0.00
isok 2015-02-27 07:55:22 sensenstahl
8k bbstro MS-Dos Deceptions in Eternity BBS 1 3 0 0.25
isok 2016-05-06 20:31:54 sensenstahl
32k MS-Dos Jointro september 1996 0 4 0 0.00
isok 2016-10-12 17:50:09 sensenstahl
16k bbstro MS-Dos Quanta-Net BBS 3 2 1 0.33
rulez 2016-06-01 11:44:53 sim
musicdisk MS-Dos Synthetics #1 august 1997 4 0 0 1.00
rulez 2010-04-22 13:09:59 zefyros
64k MS-Dos the particle day july 1997 3 7 0 0.30
rulez 2017-06-27 17:10:19 sensenstahl
added on the 2002-09-16 01:13:10 by dipswitch dipswitch
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