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Brain Damage

             _____     ___________ ________________________________
          ___\   /_____/  _____  /_\_______  __\_______/      ____/
          \    __|    /     /___/_\   /___   \      /_\    \_    \
           \___ \|  ° \____/     ° \_____/  ° \_____ ° \____/   ° \
     öbrain \:/________\::/_________\::/_______\wh!/____\::/_______\
    ____\___  _/______   __\____   ____/_______   __\   _____ /    ______/
  _/    ___/  \    /___  \      \_/    _/  /___   \       /__/__    __/____
  \____ |/   ° \______/ ° \_____|/_  ° \______/  ° \_____/    ° \_____  °  \
        :+op:warhawk :            :          :            :       ödamage:
        %            %            %          %            %              %
        .            .            .          .            .              .

          - fuel mem - aif mem (=) ma ghq (=) vdo mem (=) dps dist -
           tk dist (=) shc dist (=) lor ghq (=) zo dist (=) ue dist
             (=) x-treme dist (=) tbf dist (=) mhs dist (=) scl ghq
           (=) dcy dist (=) inf mem (=) naps dist (=) shoot dist (=)
                                (=) d4n dist (=)

                anal: +49-221-xxxxxxx ö isdn: +49-221-xxxxxxx
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