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LulzSec is killing the internet.

category: offtopic [glöplog]
Short version: The label anonymous/anonops/lulzsec is creative commons. If you wanna use it for whatever reason, you do ... if you don't, you don't. There's nothing like a predefined shape of your protest, membership, control instance or personal fame, making it a very interesting phenomenom.
added on the 2011-06-15 11:06:16 by shock__ shock__
On a serious note:

You suggest the the RITR is not a serious topic?
On a tangent - my point about Anonymous was that *most* of the protests so far have had imo a "social justice" slant (bringing to task corps. that are generally screwing many of us over) whereas ddosing a site then hacking a db to harvest info and putting up on teh webs really just smacks of "Look at me!".
Put it this way if lulzsec were ddosing and piss-taking say lodsys and macrosolve I might be more impressed.
added on the 2011-06-15 11:43:51 by ringofyre ringofyre
Having re-read that tho - any tool can buy a Guy Fawkes mask and turn up to a protest or join a zombie-fest. What really shat me about lulz was the uk atm - like I said before, it's all fun and games till it's your financial details in a txt file on the webs.
added on the 2011-06-15 11:52:10 by ringofyre ringofyre
ringo: lodsys are going to be DDoS'd by lawsuits the way things are going ;)

A whole bunch of companies are currently suing them right back, I think last count it was 4 different companies suing to get ALL of their patents invalidated, and one is also going for damages. If they win, Lodsys could be left with no patents and very empty pockets :D
added on the 2011-06-15 11:52:17 by psonice psonice
on the other hand they are giving everyone and their mother a good lesson on some basic internet security which should already have been in everyones mind for over a decade now:

for users: don't reuse your passwords.

for admins: block password hammering, clean up sql injection holes.
added on the 2011-06-15 12:09:56 by psenough psenough
ps wins.
added on the 2011-06-15 12:39:11 by ringofyre ringofyre
"Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
added on the 2011-06-15 13:16:43 by Gargaj Gargaj
Unfortunately that's just the way the world turns Gargaj.
Gargaj, when you get hurt, do you bleed movie quotes?
added on the 2011-06-15 13:22:04 by ferris ferris
Never said I was original.
added on the 2011-06-15 13:23:22 by Gargaj Gargaj
Woulda been more impressed with -
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added on the 2011-06-15 13:35:22 by ringofyre ringofyre
The worrisome part is that that's about right when it comes to a representation.
added on the 2011-06-15 15:08:02 by Gargaj Gargaj
Where can I go to get a demoscreen implanted in my belly?
added on the 2011-06-15 17:10:56 by shuffle2 shuffle2
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added on the 2011-06-15 17:20:56 by Gargaj Gargaj
Internet is killing the internet.
Welcome to the reality... things here are not static.
added on the 2011-06-15 17:57:50 by Frost Frost
Nobody's killing anything. Except poachers.
added on the 2011-06-15 18:05:11 by ferris ferris
It's only fair after internet has been killing us for so long!!!
added on the 2011-06-15 21:34:10 by linde linde
Yes, let's all go back to hosting our own services on our Windows-machines at home instead of having an encrypted, centralized storage online

Do you - as a computer literate scener - honestly believe that "cloud data" is stored "online" i.e. in the vastness of ze intarWebZ ???
Of course your private and/or confidential or whatever sensible data you choose to "store" in a "cloud" will in the end be filed on a 19" rack in a climate controlled cellar somewhere!
But in this case ( e.g. corporate sollutions) you have singed terms of agreement that your data will be subject of some obscure "anti cyber terror" legislation and/or used to create corporate profiles.

And what about so called encryption? You mean those algos that have the backdoor built in, eh ? muahahar
added on the 2011-06-15 22:55:38 by d0DgE d0DgE
Meanwhile, the moon slowly gets back to light...
added on the 2011-06-15 23:48:24 by Korguiq Korguiq
Also meanwhile, lulzsec appear to have DDoS'd www.cia.gov. Balls out and touching. Maybe they want to take bin laden's old spot at the top of the most wanted charts? :)
added on the 2011-06-15 23:51:33 by psonice psonice
Don't worry, internet is a zombie (just like the demoscene).
added on the 2011-06-15 23:53:47 by Danguafer Danguafer
what gargaj quoted seems to apply here!
been there, done that! ( not in the net but in real life )

just hacking big sites for fame makes no sense tho!
anonymous is actually kewl due to them disturbing bad things and while at it showing others whats going on while they look somewhere else, as no1 can have his/her eyes everywhere!

back to bbs is my guess! (if they continue hacking it all without any reason! just makes no sense to hack game-servers/sites!)
well, script-kids, been offline until i renewed my IP ;)
FUCK YOU lulzsec...its not funny to kill internet for ppl that need it to be able to generate money to buy food!
you have no idea whom you are hacking anyway right now :p


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