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Friday mysteries of Solskogen

category: parties [glöplog]
nosfe code. steel code still unknown.

Code: public Class Nosfe extends FinnishScener implements Scener { public GreatTime party(PartyPlace place) { this.travelTo(place); try { Alcohole salmiakki = new Salmiakki(1, Salmiakki.BOTTLE); while(salmiakki.bottleIsEmpty == false) { salmiakki.drink(); this.feelGreat(); } } catch (PassOutException e) { Tent t = Tent.findRandomTent(); House h = House.findRandomHouse(); this.fallAsleepAt(t); while (this.getFeeling != Nosfe.FEEL_LIKE_MOVING) { this.sleepABit(); this.checkFeeling(); } this.walkTo(h); this.fallAsleepAt(h); while (this.isSleeping()) { this.dreamOfDemos(); } this.walkBackToPartyPlace(); // may take several hours this.addAfterPartyAction("ask pouet what i did"); } return super.party(place); } }
added on the 2010-10-01 17:24:11 by scicco scicco
Scicco: I'd like a summary of this Scener interface :D
added on the 2010-10-01 17:38:43 by d0DgE d0DgE
you're setting a very unpleasant precedent here :D
added on the 2010-10-01 17:44:31 by Gargaj Gargaj
added on the 2010-10-01 18:02:44 by nosfe nosfe
Fantastic! ;-) Simply hilarious.

On the other hand - you'd probably generate exceptions. You need:

Cellphone c = this.pocketContent;

... and then, somewhere between the sleep-on-tent-loop and the waltTo(h) - add a

Position p = rand(t,h)

Or whatever - I'm just a musician :-p
added on the 2010-10-01 20:56:50 by Punqtured Punqtured
eagerly waiting what mysteries will revision bring
added on the 2012-03-24 15:26:08 by nosfe nosfe
nosfe: that depends - are you still running the same code as two years ago? If so, the results ought to be quite predictable :)
added on the 2012-03-24 17:42:47 by gloom gloom
i'm sure i must have some more bugs in the code now
added on the 2012-03-24 20:21:01 by nosfe nosfe


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