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category: residue [glöplog]
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This is why I hate point-and-shoot cameras. :(
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Old skool slr (notice the lack of "d") with the aperture open on a tripod with 12v dc motor gear-ratiod to geo-sync will work fer ya.
Oh and leave the flash off. ;P
added on the 2012-03-25 23:55:44 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-26 02:16:10 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-26 19:36:02 by w00t! w00t!
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added on the 2012-03-26 21:33:49 by svo svo
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added on the 2012-03-26 21:38:56 by ewerybody ewerybody
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added on the 2012-03-26 21:46:32 by ewerybody ewerybody
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added on the 2012-03-26 23:20:07 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-26 23:20:31 by Salinga Salinga
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added on the 2012-03-27 01:50:00 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-27 09:31:41 by svo svo
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had actually THIS as a captcha on wiki:
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added on the 2012-03-27 10:36:19 by ewerybody ewerybody
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added on the 2012-03-27 17:31:03 by svo svo
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added on the 2012-03-27 17:50:43 by Bartoshe Bartoshe
what energy crisis?
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added on the 2012-03-27 22:03:21 by FunGas FunGas
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added on the 2012-03-27 22:54:21 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-28 23:46:45 by Korguiq Korguiq
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added on the 2012-03-29 01:04:45 by ringofyre ringofyre
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i lol'd.
added on the 2012-03-29 07:23:24 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-29 13:04:07 by svo svo
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added on the 2012-03-29 13:24:52 by ringofyre ringofyre
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added on the 2012-03-29 21:25:13 by ringofyre ringofyre
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"Why the long face?"
added on the 2012-03-30 01:54:24 by ringofyre ringofyre


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