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scene.org acting like a criminal, refusing to remove my files

category: residue [glöplog]
-for, it's morning
added on the 2008-06-30 07:02:30 by leijaa leijaa
People like you who want to control every single bit of information that is being published are only making it worse.

sparcus: he's danish, he can't help it. it's an underbelly feeling that they all get here from time to time - "omg, this thing isnt regulated yet it exists! quick, let's make some more rules and be done with it!". he doesn't mean bad.
added on the 2008-06-30 10:04:48 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel: In fact I heard that the swedes should be even worse regarding that way of thinking, however, I do get your point!
added on the 2008-06-30 10:06:32 by Puryx Puryx
The fun part is, the guy hasn't even reacted anymore. I guess he has no court case, so this whole thing will be done soon enough.

I propose to make this thread about ponies again!
added on the 2008-06-30 10:33:29 by okkie okkie
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added on the 2008-06-30 10:45:09 by okkie okkie
gargaj > wow 2004 is ringing ?
Guardian: Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia..
added on the 2008-06-30 12:25:33 by leijaa leijaa
I've heard an american saying that goes something like "you can't put the shit back into the horse". The internet does not forget. If you remove something from somewhere there is no guarantee that it won't show up somewhere else.

"The *** is killing the scene!" type of statements has been beaten to death over and over but I think it might actually be true if there are to many legally binding contracts involved.
added on the 2008-06-30 14:54:45 by El Topo El Topo
You see, there's this thing called "Public Domain"..

Yes, look it up.

I've never had the chance to add any of my own productions to Pouet or upload them anywhere because someone always beats me to it.

Well it pretty much suggests that if people were able to put their hands on that prods and add them to pouet or any other scene db you released them at a party. AFAIK party release == immediate spreading and no excuses.

And you missed the point by a mile. That line is about the shocking speed with which the "uploading scene" grabs hold of your material to put it online. As if there's a rush, and as if I wouldn't do it myself. You know, maybe this sort of thing makes some people feel preyed upon.

doom: so you're not projecting, you're just too fast decontextualizing things for your demagog conclusions completly disregarding they been written by people who been discussing the importance of these issues from both sides of the fence for years. you're completly right, i take it back, you're not projecting personal discontent, you're just plain dumb.

There are times I almost feel like you're a respectable person, but then there are times like these. Seriously now, I'm not allowed to have this opinion because I'm not the first to express it? Huh? The fact that I'm not the only one a bit uncomfortable with the situation makes me dumb? What?

Look, nobody's saying released material should be taken down whenever requested. But look at what Mr. Underscores was saying (the thing I reacted to before you started blowing it all out of proportion by projecting and decontextualising): not only does he see an inherent conflict of interest in claims to have material taken down, he also sees scene.org as a service to the community, with the implication that we should all just shut up and be thankful (apparently he doesn't even enjoy doing it).

Now, my opinion about that is what it is. If you have something to say about it besides tired old smug-sarcasm-and-insults, go ahead, I'm actually not that stubborn. And like I said, apologies if I'm not differentiating enough between the various scene sites (as interconnected as they do tend to be).

Ah, so what do you suggest then, that party organizers ask every visitor to sign a form giving them permission to make pictures of them and to publish these? Or that they forbid people to make pictures? Great, more rules disclaimers and contracts, just what we needed.

No, I suggest sceners who want that kind of exposure open Facebook accounts, and that the scene paparazzi put a little more thought into what pictures they take and what they do with them. Slengpung isn't just a photo gallery, it's a database of photos linking names, faces, places and dates together. See, you can legally take pictures in public, and in itself there's nothing wrong with that, but when you start labeling and cross-referencing them it's just not that simple, not ethically, and not legally.

To be fair, though, Slengpung got rid of their "if you have a complaint then fuck off" disclaimer (yes, I'm paraphrasing), and that makes all the difference as far as I'm concerned. Which is really the whole point. It's about attitude.

People like you who want to control every single bit of information that is being published are only making it worse.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

sparcus: he's danish, he can't help it. it's an underbelly feeling that they all get here from time to time - "omg, this thing isnt regulated yet it exists! quick, let's make some more rules and be done with it!". he doesn't mean bad.

Danes are pretty quick to regulate, but no worse than the rest of Europe, and way more liberal than places like France or the UK, except with regard to taxes. Personally, I'm a libertarian, I believe in zero regulation (ideally) so I don't fit in anywhere.
added on the 2008-06-30 14:56:43 by doomdoom doomdoom
added on the 2008-06-30 15:02:20 by tomaes tomaes
doom: actually, slengpung would probably do more than that if we had any interested developers.. (apart from the hide from users not logged in clause, that is)
added on the 2008-06-30 15:14:41 by leijaa leijaa
One thing is sure; Slengpung and Scene.org is not the same thing. :) But yes, it is a complicated issue when someone who is not the original creator of a work is not the one uploading it. With parties it's pretty easy, since most parties (or at least, the sensible ones) retain the right to redistribute entries delivered, but with the eyes on the whole "archive" aspect of Scene.org it gets a bit trickier. Luckily, smarter people than me are already discussing ways to solve that. :)
added on the 2008-06-30 15:25:04 by gloom gloom
Gloom: We sure are!
One thing is sure; Slengpung and Scene.org is not the same thing.

pretty much the same people though.
added on the 2008-06-30 15:37:10 by Gargaj Gargaj
Slummy: Less Pouet, more email-answering plz. :)

Gargaj: So? Just because someone works for two organizations doesn't make those organizations the same thing. :)
added on the 2008-06-30 15:53:06 by gloom gloom
Gargaj: So? Just because someone works for two organizations doesn't make those organizations the same thing. :)

Really? I thought McCain was working on the new fairlight demo :(

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added on the 2008-06-30 15:58:10 by xernobyl xernobyl
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added on the 2008-06-30 16:18:51 by mic mic
doom: considering how many people already tried explaining to you on this thread that mister underscores didnt quite state what you concluded, the fact that you're not the only one a bit uncomfortable with the situation does make you dumb. yes. sorry. i label it automatically to people who dont reason and consider all sides of the agenda before preaching their ideal sketch of a solution to a non existing problem. nothing personal.
added on the 2008-06-30 18:06:25 by psenough psenough
what's wrong with your pics, doom?
added on the 2008-06-30 18:16:19 by v3nom v3nom
ok so i get it. People actually do recognise the OP as the author of said files, correct? But because he is an asshole, its ok to shit all over his IP?! am i getting the scene logic correctly here? (nice!!!, sceners who makes games, please identify yourself and where you work, thank you very much)

had he said puetty plueaase, his files would have been removed, no problem. But because he didnt go about it "teh rights wayz like", fuck him and his IP? And some of you people call me an asshole and a troll...lol atleast im hoenst about being an asshole, unlike you fuckers who claims not to be but sure as hell acts the part atm.

If the guy wants his files removed, what is the exact problem??. I have read this whole thread, and the one linked to KVR to expose how terrible a person he is and why its ok to shit on him, and im just still not getting it.

added on the 2008-06-30 18:35:12 by NoahR NoahR
If the guy wants his files removed, what is the exact problem??

I don't care about this guy's files or whether they are removed or not, but I think the main argument of those who want him to give a reason is: scene.org didn't put up his files without his consent. It was the TS who himself applied for space at scene.org, and in the process gave them the right to keep hosting those files for as long as they wish. He agreed to their terms and now he wants to break the agreement without explaining why.
added on the 2008-06-30 18:46:04 by mic mic
yes, so that makes him even more of an asshole. Breaking of contracts is utterly disgusting, however...the Legal binding of a "press here if you have read and understood the terms", means nothing.

Unless they have his signature on a legal document, they have nothing to show for such a contract, thus by any measure those who refuse to remove his work are the purpetrators until PROVEN otherwise.

If they DO have an actual real contract with him, take the fucker to court, thats what its there for anyway.
added on the 2008-06-30 18:52:49 by NoahR NoahR
I have no opinion about his assholishness. But I'd have to say that it seems kind of silly to come at somebody with an attitude when he knows he's the one who fucked up in the first place.

As for taking the case to court, that's up to him since he's the one who's unhappy about the current situation.
added on the 2008-06-30 18:59:51 by mic mic
again, just do some googling about the guy. :)
added on the 2008-06-30 19:00:44 by Gargaj Gargaj


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