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What happened to Virtual Reality helmets?

category: residue [glöplog]
It's 2007 and I honestly thought we would all be using VR helmets by now, playing online games as if it was real life and watching demos from within...not pissy flat screen monitors.

VR helmets were up and running in the 90s and it's not like it's all that complex. My guess is that they were phased out to avoid anti social behaviour or long term eye problems, but even if they weren't available for home use, they could be available in arcades or something.

Bah! What a disappointing future we live in.
They suck! The ones from the ninetees sucked and they still suck! I have to shady fortune of owning a Virtualboy and I can tell you that that thing is the quickest way to eyecancer!

Can I add to your list of 'where the fuck is it?'?

- Jetpacks
- Flying cars
- Nike shoes with electric laces
- Pizza hydrators
- Hooverboards
- Sexbots
- Robots in general
added on the 2007-08-27 10:20:11 by okkie okkie
Also, what happened to jet-packs, flying cars and Duke Nukem Forever?
added on the 2007-08-27 10:20:16 by kusma kusma
Is the lack of VR headsets killing the demoscene?
added on the 2007-08-27 10:21:11 by bfx bfx
Gah, okkie was too quick for me... :(
added on the 2007-08-27 10:21:23 by kusma kusma
There are plenty of head-mounted display manufacturers out there...
added on the 2007-08-27 10:22:59 by Sverker Sverker
come one, we have teh intarweb v2.0 :)
added on the 2007-08-27 10:41:47 by Zest Zest
nothing prevents you for buying 3d display gadgets, from screens to projectors, glasses, helmets, trackers, or complete caves if you want. Problem is, they are ALL completely unusable after few minutes, whatever invasive (glasses) or not (3d holographic displays). They are nothing more than toys so far.
added on the 2007-08-27 10:55:05 by iq iq
How come? I never tried them.

Does it bring motion sickness like when you are reading in a car?
The Epaper, the Electronic Ink will change be the new devices
come on! VR was powered by AMIGAAAAAAAAH!!! IT CAN'T SUCK!!!

added on the 2007-08-27 11:15:18 by jaw jaw
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Flying car:
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Electric laces, dehydrated pizzas and hoverboards aren't due until 2015.

Sex robots:
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Now, it doesn't move but at least it's heated internally. So the evolution of sex dolls seems to be:

- "It's like fucking a block of wood"
- "It's like fucking a piece of plastic"
- "It's like fucking a corpse"
- "It's like fucking an unconscious person"

The one in the picture above apparently also has an imitated heartbeat. So as you see, we're getting there. I think if you start saving up money now, by the time they start giving head, you can afford one. The japanese are working on it as well:

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And as for robots:
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Yeah, ok, that is pretty pathetic.
added on the 2007-08-27 11:16:53 by doomdoom doomdoom
That's exactly a puzzling question I wonder about all the time.

added on the 2007-08-27 11:19:06 by Optimus Optimus
Yeah, as Doom points out (between the lines) you really don't want to rush these things.

Think of WestWorld, goddammit!
Influence Device: But where is Duke Nukem Forever?!
added on the 2007-08-27 11:24:17 by kusma kusma
Hooverboards: Thanks to a certain Mr. Casimir we might be getting there.
added on the 2007-08-27 11:29:01 by raer raer
Samsung has partnered with Korea university and developed the machine-gun equipped robotic sentry. It is equipped with two cameras with zooming capabilities one for day time and one for infrared night vision. It has a sophisticated pattern recognition which can detect the difference between humans and trees, and a 5.5mm machine-gun. The robot also has a speaker to warn the intruder to surrender or get a perfect headshot. The robots will go on sale by 2007 for $ 200,000 and will be deployed on the border between North and South Korea.

but is it able to give head?
added on the 2007-08-27 11:31:10 by hollowman hollowman
can detect the difference between humans and trees

wow. I'm amazed.
added on the 2007-08-27 11:37:46 by raer raer
wood you believe it ;)
added on the 2007-08-27 11:42:51 by bfx bfx
what if koreans use ninja disguises ?

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added on the 2007-08-27 11:51:07 by Zest Zest
It has a sophisticated pattern recognition which can detect the difference between humans and trees

Hehehe funny, cause that makes it sound stupid..

, and a 5.5mm machine-gun.

... :(

Thankfully, IIRC those things are stationary. Won't be long now, though.
added on the 2007-08-27 11:52:23 by doomdoom doomdoom
- Hooverboards

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added on the 2007-08-27 13:32:11 by Gargaj Gargaj
After browsing 133 pages of random image thread, i finally found it:

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added on the 2007-08-27 13:32:54 by kurli kurli
It has a sophisticated pattern recognition which can detect the difference between humans and trees

Good, you don't want to have your trees shot up.
added on the 2007-08-27 14:07:14 by El Topo El Topo


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