Party-dates needed for retro-calendar 2008
category: general [glöplog]
For the upcoming infamous Metalvotze retro-calendar for the year 2008 we intend to forgo on public holidays, but therefore include all dates for demo-parties. However i have no idea (besides a few partys) when those will take place. Thus i'd be happy if you can inform me either in this thread or by email ( Btw: The calendar should be obtainable from Evoke on. Price is not sure yet, but targeted even cheaper than last year. is your friend.
though, 2008 is probably still a large questionmark for most parties :)
Most, but not all. Outline 2008 is pretty much set already.
I think you'll be able to imagine when BP2008 might take place ;)
tum2008 should also be clear
..and dont forget to come to inerciademoparty2005!