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category: general [glöplog]
i went to tp8 and vowed to never go again.
unlike most other people, i tend to keep that promise
All the TPs I went to more or less sucked. Of course I still had fun back in the earlier years, as there were plenty of sceners around so you could just ignore the incompetent organizing (remember "rave party in the sleepinghall"? yuck).

No worries if the gamers take over old, fucked-up parties. We can just create new ones. :)
added on the 2002-10-31 02:12:39 by scamp scamp
I attended TP3 through TP8. Went downhill each
year... First 2 editions I went to were great, lots
of sceners, lots of friends, the last one was simply
horrible. Oh, and how about a porn watching
compo at TP? Should have a lot of competitors and
after all: "porn watchers are the lee7 of the
video watching scene" ;-)
added on the 2002-10-31 07:31:22 by MsK MsK
I attended TP95-96-97-98-99 and actually had quite fun all the times, due to my friends of course. However the general attitude and lack of competance and understanding from the organizers made me never want to come back.

Some time ago, i can't remeber exactly what year, most of the danish scene gathered on #dk-scene and set up a meeting there with some of the main organizers of TP (this was around summertime). This meeting was *OUR* attempt to persuade *TP ORGANIZERS* to improve the scene-side of TP (this is and that totally bullshit 'how to make a demo' article by hybris/nemesis is what made me write the 'what is a demo' article on www.theparty.dk). The TP organizers seemed quite nice and friendly and more or less compromised to most of our "demands" (such as a demo-lounge for demosceners only etc. etc.). But when TP was finally announced (around november) we saw that they had done *nothing* of what they said they'd do and when we contacted them to explain our dissatisfaction they just blew us of with "oh, i see - but it's too late to change that now, we'll do better next year, we promise!".

So, there you go! Deconstructive Rasmus has been constructive.
styx^hcr: "f*u*c*k the gamers.come to tum. come to 0a000h. be happy."

word ;)

http://www.0a000h.de and http://www.tum-hom.de make you happy
added on the 2002-10-31 07:43:51 by Fzool Fzool
Oh yeh, a translation of my first letter is available here : http://www.daimi.au.dk/~kaae/brev_til_tp.html

and a non-translated copy of my reply tp the reply i received from TP is here: http://www.daimi.au.dk/~kaae/brev_fra_tp.html
Weasel/padua: " Well, who would really join a bus-trip taking like at least 20-22 hours I guess..."

20 hours isn't even long for a party trip...
added on the 2002-10-31 08:41:58 by uncle-x uncle-x
Reading http://www.theparty.dk/pages/scene/tips_for_demomakers_a_story_to_tell.html i didn't know if i was supposed to laugh or cry...
added on the 2002-10-31 08:59:44 by uncle-x uncle-x

I quit demolab BEFORE the incident with your entry being run at 15bit

( HAHA! denne gang var det ikke mig som fuckede dine ting op :))
added on the 2002-10-31 09:10:43 by fessor fessor
hihi last year my 45min made intro ran one part without sound, but that was probably for the better :-)

i still cant understand the replied e-mail .. my danish is way to poor ;/
added on the 2002-10-31 09:28:49 by Hatikvah Hatikvah
Dear fellow sceners,

we (the tUM*o2 organizers) are currently working hard to create an event offering everything that You would expect from a good scene party.

We know the difficulties that The Party developed over the years and we are not happy about it. Nevertheless we have to face the fact, that TP is dead for the scene and there seems to be no real effort by TP's organizers to improve the situation. Let's try to see it with their point of view: why should they be concerned? TP has always been a great success for them, since the majority of visitors (which are gamers now) is satisfied with it. Maybe it's like blasphemy to express this thought but: I believe that TP does not need the scene anymore (one big "excuse me!" to all those who may feel offended by this, esp. TP's orgas who pretend to think different).

Therefore we decided to set tUM*o2 to the familiar TP date. We think that it's kind of a tradition for sceners to gather at the end of the year and this tradition must be kept up.

There may be some of You who visited our first TUM back in 1999 and were a bit disappointed by the "lack of seriousness". To all those folks we promise that this year's tUM is going to be different. Surely we think that partying means to have fun. Nevertheless we also think that serious competitions should be a main aspect of a demo scene party.

the Ultimate Meeting is still a young project and only with Your help we can make it a good one. If we get enough positive reaction we would like to hold it annually.

Our chosen location for this year offers enough space for about 150 sceners, a sleeping hall, a stage and most other things required to have a decent party. Unfortunatly we have only about 60 reservations, yet.

So, we invite You to join us! It's up to You to make tUM a great demo scene party for this year and for the future!

Kind regards...

Visit http://www.tum-home.de for information.
added on the 2002-10-31 11:00:35 by benJam benJam
I'd rather visit Tum... last year TP sucked big time, if we talk about what happened inside the partyplace. Sorry for the demolab guys, who seemed to be a cool bunch of people anyway.
added on the 2002-10-31 11:34:12 by dixan dixan
dix: true, true. Respect for (some of) the demolab ppl and the clueless security<g>. The trip to and from tp on the HiRMU bus and the boozing/bbq:ing outside was fun (as always) but inside the feeling was just gone:-(

too bad...
added on the 2002-10-31 11:44:16 by uncle-x uncle-x


weasel, from munich to helsinki.. is more like 50 hours cause its 25h from riga to berlin. could be half of distance.

added on the 2002-10-31 12:46:21 by raver raver
I really can't blame them for turning their attention to the gamers this year, atleast they're not trying to hide the fact that these are their primary group of visitors. I can't see any way they would be able to make TP a grand scene event again, there are simply too many sceners with bad experiences from TP and from trying to make the organizers realise what it would take for them to make TP a place to go for the scene. They have their idea about how things should be and it doesn't look like the stubborn bastards intend to change that.

The sad part is that the scene looses a great opportunity to get exposure and followers. Loosing TP as a place to go, well - i have better things to do in the christmas hollydays than to hang out with a gang of geeks :P

If only the TP organizers weren't such a bunch of dumbfucks. Exceptions ofcourse, some of them try, but fighting against bureaucracy and stupidity is hopeless.
added on the 2002-10-31 12:58:39 by thorsten thorsten
difference is: unlike .lv, we have ROADS over here ;)
added on the 2002-10-31 14:47:56 by scamp scamp
i told you that haujobb is not coming to TUM. well thats not entirely true. xxx/haujobb is going to TUM.
sorry, my fault (since i asked not all the haujobbers before who will go and who not).
added on the 2002-10-31 15:15:12 by jazz jazz
Jazz, I see no problem with haujobb coming to tUM. You are all welcome.

>> tum will suck! haujobb is not going there because it will definitely one of those lousy scamp meetings.

How can You know that? tUM should be more Evoke-alike this year. And please, just because You might not like them, scamp's meetings are not lousy. Ok, can agree that UC is something special, but it's not lousy. It's fun.
added on the 2002-10-31 17:04:33 by benJam benJam
ok but please next time dont spam xxx with your emails (whoever that was). you guys know my email addy so if you have to tell me something do it, but dont UBER-react in mailing other people.
grabbing a beer now :)) cu
added on the 2002-10-31 18:17:33 by jazz jazz
jazz, you must be mixing up something. we did not spam anybody. the last spam (caused by party organizers) was for the CRAU.02 party in france for which i got 16 mails! at once. the responsible person has already apologized afaik.
read http://www.ojuice.net/index.htm?OJ_NEWS_QRYpg=3 news from 15/10/2002 by Dahan/BOS.
added on the 2002-10-31 18:56:32 by benJam benJam
Enough has been said already, but hey:

After TP5 I swore never to go to that craphole again. In a weak moment I signed up for TP8 -I deserved getting ripped off for that ;)

Why don't we focus on other parties to congregrate, -like Scene Event, hmm? ;)
added on the 2002-10-31 19:06:16 by Shifter Shifter
two of the big three have fallen. I really hope abyss & co (and the scene as a whole) can keep asm from not suffering the same fate.
added on the 2002-10-31 19:31:23 by uncle-x uncle-x
Well, Gloom gave me the impression that he was at least trying to turn things around at TG2002... they finally got the "wake up call" after 2001. It's not back to the scene activity level of a few years ago, but at least someone there is trying to improve things again. Plus they have an extra challenge of attracting sceners, with Mekka & Symposium on the same weekend. Just gotta hope they get some more scene orgs next year and don't fall back down.
added on the 2002-10-31 20:27:45 by phoenix phoenix
BTW, http://www.theparty.dk/pages/other/statistics.html is a very telltale page.. especially note the percentage of amiga users, year by year. PC users were the _minority_ until 1998-99, and it only took a couple years more until Amigas virtually disappeared. I think they'll be lucky to get 1% this year. :)
added on the 2002-10-31 20:32:58 by phoenix phoenix


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