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category: general [glöplog]
... BTW, you can't imagine how many photos of dog disguised in batman you can find with google image... It seems that many people, all over the planet, are bound to buy batman panoply,pushed by a strange force, equip their dog with, take photos, and publish them worldwide with INTERNET.
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added on the 2006-06-21 11:00:16 by krabob krabob
added on the 2006-06-21 11:04:57 by krabob krabob
It's amazing (and kinda hilarious) what you can find nowadays while searching at google image ;)
added on the 2006-06-21 11:36:48 by Optimus Optimus
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added on the 2006-06-21 12:16:31 by StingRay StingRay
my favorite one:
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added on the 2006-06-21 14:34:17 by krabob krabob
but also...
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added on the 2006-06-21 14:35:33 by krabob krabob
and, look ! look !
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added on the 2006-06-21 14:40:49 by krabob krabob
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It must be embaracing, I mean, if they come to a party all in the same outfits.

added on the 2006-06-21 14:46:49 by krabob krabob
added on the 2006-06-21 14:50:57 by xernobyl xernobyl
...end it seems to have no end.
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added on the 2006-06-21 14:53:10 by krabob krabob
Guess what ?
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Yeah, and now, find the intruder:
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added on the 2006-06-21 15:05:50 by krabob krabob
I wish I had a dog worthy of superheroes.
When I was a kid, we had a dog. But he bit me, and he died.
...I don't know if it is worthy of, (by exemple) batman.
added on the 2006-06-21 15:25:18 by krabob krabob
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As I'm about it, Batman is just bruce wayne wearing batman clothes. OK, but if a dog has no batman clothe at all, is it all the more disguised in bruce wayne ?
No, it (he?) is not, of course, because dogs always have lots of hairy pils, that forbid them clearly from any tentative to look like bruce wayne.
a shaved dog, maybe.

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added on the 2006-06-21 15:58:52 by krabob krabob
... I don't know. Maybe they think the best way to look like bruce wayne for a dog, is to be disguised in batman ? The following image clearly demonstrates the necessity of a social recognition for batdogs dogs:

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added on the 2006-06-21 16:05:50 by krabob krabob
From a coder point of view, I find all that very dangerous, because it deals with recursivity:
- batman is a man disguised as a bat. But batman does not exist.
- batmandogs are dogs, they take themselves for a man disguised as a bat. And they exist.
- batmandogmen are men,but they take themselves for dogs that take themselves for a man disguised as a bat.
And they exist.(confer google image,but it would be out of the subject.)
It would be as unexpected as , by exemple, a scener taking himself for a man taking himself for a wolf taking himself for a dog !!!

As I said, This is extremely dangerous: not only it would bring to schizophrenia, but an amiga computer can't handle infinite recursive algorythm as the stack overflows are not handled by the system. So recursivity is bad.

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added on the 2006-06-21 16:29:42 by krabob krabob
Now, let's be serious.
There is only one race of dog, wolves. They are the same. All dog races are degeneration of wolves, a wild predator which life in pack, and these are the result of crossing and selection done by men, very lately in the last milleniums, for its purposes.

Now look that photo again:
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Who is the degenerated bastard in the photo ? the dribbling dog that understand nothing, or the poor retard that find extremely fun to disguise his dog and release the photo to show his friend.

Which is the degenerated race ? Not only you have to reach a certain level of moronism to do that, but it seems that humans do that massively, like if acting stupidly were programmed in our pityfull genes.
added on the 2006-06-21 17:22:01 by krabob krabob
Best recent Pouet thread ever!!!
added on the 2006-06-21 19:11:29 by Optimus Optimus
krabob: why do you have so much free time? shouldn't you be saving the world or something?
added on the 2006-06-21 20:12:57 by jeenio jeenio
Oh shit, there are quite many stupid people...

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added on the 2006-06-22 02:23:23 by bdk bdk
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added on the 2006-06-22 03:27:17 by StingRay StingRay
added on the 2007-12-20 21:49:12 by krabob krabob
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added on the 2007-12-20 22:25:27 by xernobyl xernobyl


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