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Pokemon Mini devkit

category: general [glöplog]
Ultra super mega rare devkit for an ultra super mega weird handheld

Sorry for promoting my auction here, before you rape me let me tell you my excuse: ... BASS!!!!11

It's quite a rare collectible and the only way to see SHizZLE on real hardware :-)
added on the 2006-05-03 22:48:56 by Lupin Lupin
Invalid auction, and besides I think I've seen hongkongian devkits for it. If not you could prolly just solder wires to an EEPROM if you want to run software on it.

I have permission to rape you though, since I have more BASS!!!!!!!1!~!! than you do!
BB Image
added on the 2006-05-04 07:59:09 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
I assume it was removed by eBay because Lupin set hyperlinks. Yep, eBay doesn't like hyperlinks - they made the web great but eBay people fear they will prevent from increasing cash income.
Right, it was removed, because "eBay prohibits hardware or software that would enable members to duplicate copy-protected material."

Uhm well, I sell sets of Flashcart and Linker for 69 euro, contact me! :)
added on the 2006-05-04 10:56:19 by Lupin Lupin
Damn! that flashcart! I'm still opted for one? :)
added on the 2006-05-04 12:22:27 by okkie okkie


Looks like they have a lot of auctions to close! ;-)
added on the 2006-05-04 12:25:03 by xeron xeron


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