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who wants to teach me some shit?

category: general [glöplog]
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added on the 2008-12-30 17:44:33 by button button
I probably lack the talent to compose music.
Some of my puny attempts are at my homepage

You're absolutely right.
added on the 2008-12-30 20:27:31 by hfr hfr
no need to know scales or modes. just do it.
added on the 2008-12-30 23:01:06 by tempest tempest
Well, I know scales and notes, and I play the piano, but still I probably lack the talent to compose music.

They sound like compositions to me! You may want to add a bit of rythm programming to make them sound more complete. Can't track a rythm? You could always use a couple of 'breakbeats' and trigger them at the start of each bar! As you develop then you would be wanting to chop them up and possibly record your own, but a lot of proffesional D'n'B composers do not even bother (lamers!).

no need to know scales or modes. just do it.

True, but NEED is the operative word here. You may WANT to have a little bit of knowledge however.

Now here's a litle bit of music knowledge I can give you here...

...A Chord is three or more notes played simultaneously. And...
...A Power Chord is an interval of two notes between each note in the chord. I.E.
A power chord in C-1 is: C-1, E-1, G-1, C-2.

Although you can leave one of these notes out (except the first one) and it's still a power chord. I.E.
On a Guitar a power chord in C is: C, G, C

Many rock bands only use this chord for ALL their compositions. Nirvana being a most notable example.

Now if you use this formation in your "oldschool arpeggios", you should have a heavy, rockin' sound. And otherwise simple melodys will sound much more "full".
Powerchord is only root (base note), fifth (7 semitones up), and octace (12 semitones up, optional) or some times sub-octave, no third (E.g no E-1 in that C-1, E-1, G-1, C-2 chord). JSYK.
Ahh, just shows how much (little) I know (or don't as the case may be).

So, C-1,G-1,C-2 IS a power chord, but C-1,E-1,G-1,C-2 is something else. If I understand correctly.

Is there another term for the something chord I described? I use it a bit in my AHX/chiptunes and it seems to work well. If I knew the correct terminology that would be grand.
Oh, and it would not be a chord if it only had two notes in it. Check the dictionary definition of a chord.

In music a combination of three or more notes sounded together in harmony - Websters (although Oxford and Macquarie say similar)

With only two notes then you have what is called a harmony. Not to be confused with an harmonic, but that's another story.
I never called a powerchord a chord, you did.

C-E-G is a C chord, aka. C major (root, major third, fifth).

(And yeah, I just know my most basic basics, I have no clue about anything else).
anakirob: Tracking a rhythm is exactly where I have a problem. I have no idea how to add a rhythm to my compositions. Maybe my compositions are too melodical.
added on the 2008-12-31 11:00:56 by Adok Adok
They are not "too melodical" (there is no such thing), they are just too monotonous and bland. You simply lack the intuition for interesting melodies. Your problem with rhythm just adds to it. :)
added on the 2008-12-31 15:20:32 by tomaes tomaes
That may be true. For me personally they are catchy enough (I run around humming them for hours after listening to them once), but maybe I have a bad taste of music.

Some of my favourite music tunes are:
- first level soundtrack of Mystical Ninja (SNES)
- endboss soundtrack of Mystical Ninja (SNES)
- first level soundtrack of Pocky & Rocky (SNES)
- level selection soundtrack of Pocky & Rocky 2 (SNES)
- first level soundtrack of Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: Turtles in Time (SNES)
- first level soundtrack of Castlevania: Bloodlines (Mega Drive)
- second level soundtrack of Castlevania: Bloodlines (Mega Drive)
- first level soundtrack of Castlevania 3 (NES)
- first level soundtrack of Super Castlevania (SNES)
added on the 2008-12-31 15:37:26 by Adok Adok
With references like these, you might like stuff like minibosses.
added on the 2008-12-31 15:48:32 by tomaes tomaes

Me and my other half did not mind them at all...They are not really "finished" to me but they are quite catchy.

You simply lack the intuition for interesting melodies.

forget this jerk. Someone asks to learn and we get naked black guys, tumbleweeds and German trolls. WTF? It seems some people need to make other people feel small in order to fel big.

Anyway...find me via the contact on www.systemofsound.org and I'll give some pointers on rythm. Or you could waint until my associates and I have finished our 4ch, 8-bit tracking tutorial.
forget this jerk.

Voicing opinions without beating around the bush is for jerks. Also, proper spelling is for morons. Can't wait for your amazing tutorial on 4ch tracking... in 1989, err 2009. =)
added on the 2008-12-31 16:08:01 by tomaes tomaes
tomaes: don't forget that anakirob is from tasmania, where everything is the wrong way round :P
added on the 2008-12-31 16:24:41 by havoc havoc
Hexen, there are some good tutorials out there to get you started, but it depends on what language you want to code, and it somewhat depends on what demo platform you want to code on. If it happens to be on Atari ST, Perihelion (if I spelled that right) wrote a pretty good tutorial on beginning 68000 assembly language. I worked my way through it a bit.

One thing you might want to look out for though, in terms of coding tutorials that focus on making demos, you might need to work around some parts as most of them tend to assume you're using a PAL machine. However, the NTSC/PAL differences don't apply if you want to code on say, a PC or a Mac.

Aye, with that said, I've given up on learning to code for now...ever sinc eI got some turntables, I've been trying to learn that. Though I found myself itching to connect my STe to my mixer in addition... Octalyser is quite a fun program to play with. However, it seems that most ST trackers are somewhat buggy. I wonder if I can code more of a live performance-oriented tracker for the Amiga, and just use that instead.
use MaxYMizer :)
everyone: don't forget that tomaes is from the land of beer an nazi's!
(IMHO beer is even more distasteful than cask wine! Give me scotch!)

If being backwards means that if someone asks for help then I offer it (no matter how lame). Then I personally thank the Lord that was not born forwards.

And for the record we make better beer than you too!
PulkoMandy, MaxYMizer doesn't do MODs as it is primarily a chiptracker. Nor does it offer the same realtime control that Octalyser does.

I'd like to be able to throw a little Jesus On E's into my mixes.

I suppose a YM J.O.E's would be cool, but...bleh.

As for beer, Newcastle Brown Ale, ftw.
I'd like to be able to throw a little Jesus On E's into my mixes.

Pop this in your protracker! Studying other peoples mods can be a good way to learn new tricks.

This is the style we will be teaching you to compose.


oh, and if I remember my Y12 English Teacher correctly then...
When using colloquial English, the rules of spelling and grammar can be discarded. All that matters is that the intended audience knows what you mean.
anakibob, since you appear to be too lazy to do any research whatsoever on who you pretend to be "helping", i'll spell it out for you: being backwards in this case means getting lured into writing articles for a magazine famous mostly for it's promotion of nazi ideals.

don't say we didn't try to warn you...
added on the 2009-01-01 12:46:56 by havoc havoc
everyone: don't forget that tomaes is from the land of beer an nazi's!

Your trolling attempts are as cute as your 2nd grade level spelling and your "knowledge" about anything related to music. Hail AMIGAAAAAAAAAA!
added on the 2009-01-01 14:38:58 by tomaes tomaes
Excuse me, but I'm not planning to write articles for any magazine/website other than my own.

I had a brief look at Hugi, I didn't see any facism, but I didn't see anything "oldschool" either. So I was simply not interested. OK. Windows prods are not my thing. And this did not get looked at much beyond the download section.

Facism? For real!? That this could be anything other than a joke in this era is beyond me. I would not even bother responding, but if anyone seriously thinks that I am a facist, then that needs to be cleared up NOW!

And I do believe that the title of this thread is "Who wants to teach me some shit?"

And I put up my hand because "I want to teach me [+him/her] some shit!".

I'm not telling him how to wire up a bomb! I'm telling him how to use AHX-OctaMED-Protracker!

Some people for whatever reason do want to learn how to make music on Amiga HW and some of them asked me how do I do my thing in AHX, that is why I started on the tute. The section which is on the site is the section which has been beta-tested by a couple of people and declared "readable".

There are MANY tutorials on ProTools/Cubase but FEW on Oldschool composition tools. That is part of why I feel the need to write something on the topic. If you think your superior knowledge of music can produce something better then do so.

I will admit when I started I thought I would be finished in a night, and I've been working (on and off) for a couple of months now. But I'm actually doing something productive which seems to be more than some. And I'm pretty sure I'll be finished sometime soon.

How an honest request for tutorial descended into a troll-fest is beyond me. Although I must acknowledge and apologise for my part in it. I should know better than to stick nazi on a German (but we DO make better beer in Tassie). Shouldn't you know better than to behave like this too!

Do I care if Adok is a Nazi? NO! That's none of my business! Do I care if Adok wants to improve his music composition skills, Yes! If he asks for my help in this area then I would be mean-spirited if I did not provide it.

And maybe I should say again:
When using colloquial English, the rules of spelling and grammar can be discarded. All that matters is that the intended audience knows what you mean.
So who cares about my spelling!

(Besides don't you know it's spelt AAARR--MMEEEHHH--GARGH!-)

Now if you'll excuse me again, I don't have time for this shit. I have a tute to write and mods to track. So you'll just have to argue with yourself from now on! Those of you who do want to learn, I'll get back to you with something a little more solid in the near future.
Here you can listen to me playing the piano (records from when I was 11 years old):
Die Lore auf der Eisenbahn
Regen in China
Level 9
All music composed by me, of course...
added on the 2009-01-03 13:17:47 by Adok Adok


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