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Dipswitch is alive and kicking, here's the proof

category: general [glöplog]

die. simply.
added on the 2005-07-08 18:26:29 by rmeht rmeht
So U 2 guys interesteed in a new pong or not?

rmeht, I've just checked your web site: 404, I didn't die but your web site yes.

See you.
added on the 2005-07-08 18:51:10 by ep ep
No one wants a new Pong. Come up with something original (and I'm not talking only about pong, but everything about you).

Or just go away.
added on the 2005-07-08 20:13:53 by teel teel
ep, don't loose even more good chances to shut up, please
added on the 2005-07-09 12:37:40 by makc makc
added on the 2005-07-09 17:34:45 by 4kum4 4kum4
Teel, ozn, and others: some are interested in a new pong and I'm currently working on it.
If you don't like pong, don't be negative.
If you love pong, vote and when the counter will reach 20, I'll make it.
That'll be my contrib to the scene with the VE-DB: a database for coders and computer historians, featuring only the needed stuff to understand past and new tricks.
I mean code snippets will be 10 to 30 lines long in general, not full sources will be included, leading to get just what we need to understand how the effect was done, nothing else.

See you.
added on the 2005-07-09 19:58:37 by ep ep
ep: I gave you same wishes for the DB, you gave me an FU, I just didn't care anymore. But now I'm confused: Why the fuck should there be lines of code in a VIDEO EFFECTS database?
besides.. some code in asm, some in c, some in c++, some in java, some in python and some and some and some.. ever thought of that?
I haven't read anything except the fist post.

ep: commit suicide.
dipswitch: your dick has grown.
apparently Al Qaeda has missed its main target in UK.

(do i need to put a winking smiley ?)
added on the 2005-07-10 12:17:51 by Zest Zest
All in favor of permanently attching EP to the painstation...
Wow, ep. You managed to miss my point like miles away. Congratulations.
added on the 2005-07-10 14:31:41 by teel teel

OMFG!:D // <3

added on the 2005-07-11 19:39:13 by raver raver
Zest, I want to interview you: you are arrogant and I love that, readers will love your Confessions / answers.

Contact me at
added on the 2005-07-12 02:56:27 by ep ep
Zest, I want to interview you: you are arrogant and I love that, readers will love your Confessions / answers.

Contact me at epcosmik@yahoo.co.uk please.


Al Qaeda have made a mistake here in UK: they have killed innocents and didn't give the right message to the western world. Killing people who are in no way responsible for the current situation in the Arabic countries and especially Irak can only bring more violence to the poor people in there. The good way to stop the war is bringing to Europe / USA pictures of destruction in the Irak territories + showing the reality in the USA like did Michael Moore in his last movie Farenheigh 9-11.


Mr Twist Laser: Can I infer you've got a sex party involving dipswitch? At least you've said us that dipswitch's dick was smaller before, if I were dipswitch this would not please myself to get such details beeing revealed.


I'll release for all you fans of the DB a small link on the preview page to show what will be included inside it and what the uses of it.

Stay tuned.
added on the 2005-07-12 03:04:50 by ep ep

Al Qaeda have made a mistake here in UK: they have killed innocents and didn't give the right message to the western world. Killing people who are in no way responsible for the current situation in the Arabic countries and especially Irak can only bring more violence to the poor people in there. The good way to stop the war is bringing to Europe / USA pictures of destruction in the Irak territories + showing the reality in the USA like did Michael Moore in his last movie Farenheigh 9-11.

No one is innocent.


Mr Twist Laser: Can I infer you've got a sex party involving dipswitch? At least you've said us that dipswitch's dick was smaller before, if I were dipswitch this would not please myself to get such details beeing revealed.

If you were dipswitch i guess you'll probably have some sort of (or be receptive to) humor, so it wouldn't matter that much.
added on the 2005-07-12 04:06:11 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
Hitchhikr: good stuff at your website, oldskool intros using newskool technologies.

Hoodlum? You're a cracker!?


Londoners aren't responsible for their government actions: most people there came from others part of the world, they perhaps don't even vote and no Mr Blair didn't say them "Ho during my mandate, I've planned to go to Irak killing lots of innocent people and then get lots of petrol in my pocket with a big and powerful friend aka USA!".

So most londoners didn't choose such Irak war and even last election Mr Blair lost his majority proofing that londoners and people in the UK have choosen to punish him for this decision.

Terrorists have made a big mistake, they should invest in video camera instead in bomb, that'll be far better for everybody.


Of course Dip have humor, myself too and I did teasing to Mr Twist Laser.
added on the 2005-07-12 04:36:52 by ep ep
ep: my name is nobody.
added on the 2005-07-12 13:30:17 by Zest Zest

Hoodlum? You're a cracker!?

No & i've nothing to do with the illegal activities of (the now dead) hoodlum.


Londoners aren't responsible for their government actions: most people there came from others part of the world, they perhaps don't even vote and no Mr Blair didn't say them "Ho during my mandate, I've planned to go to Irak killing lots of innocent people and then get lots of petrol in my pocket with a big and powerful friend aka USA!".

So most londoners didn't choose such Irak war and even last election Mr Blair lost his majority proofing that londoners and people in the UK have choosen to punish him for this decision.

Terrorists have made a big mistake, they should invest in video camera instead in bomb, that'll be far better for everybody.

Citizenship is more than just voting & basta, it's also a day by day support of a system that generates such situations (even by simply switching on a light in a room of your flat you use the (nuclear) resources provided by the system and maintained by people who're paid for this & work & consume the way we all do).
We're at least guilty of leaving a minority of people to decide for the (obviously suffering) majority while some others are guilty for not providing the means of educating the masses as they should be.

Blair made some political choices according to his views & what he thought the situation required, probably taking in account a lot of parameters (uk relationships with usa aswell as with europe or what a war could bring to a country in diplomatic & economical terms, for example).


Of course Dip have humor, myself too and I did teasing to Mr Twist Laser.

Good, now if you could be a little bit more subtle that'll be just fine.
added on the 2005-07-12 13:50:58 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
as funny as banging your head against a wall.
added on the 2005-07-12 13:52:38 by rp rp
rp: that can be funny if its done ghettorocker style :)
added on the 2005-07-12 14:25:35 by Gargaj Gargaj
okay, point for gargaj ;)
added on the 2005-07-12 14:35:08 by rp rp
hitchhikr : I'm aware of the fact using electricity is using petrol and so using ressources from others countries gotten illegaly or by force.
It has always be the case: remember what happened in 1492 in America? "Evangelisation" of savages!!!
Gold search in "india" by spanish.
UK was a country who had made wars and colonialism all the time.
But London is the commercial and financial center of Western world.
So young boys and girls get their chance there to find a job:
lots of people are young there.
Friends follow, families too and lot of people don't care about politics:
I never met anybody talking about politic there.
Newspapers talk only about that with murders and such stuff however.
But to talk again about petrol:
here in UK a lot of the production is done using "natural" green power and not petrol.
They also buy electricity from EDF which is Electricite De France (we are lame froggies but we produce 1/3 of the world wide electricity!).

"A day by day support of a system", you said?
A day by day burden of a not choosen system that people follow more or less:
cash on hand work for example is illegal and widely used here in UK like in France too.

Most people don't know the system as they are:

1/ not interested by
2/ not educated to

They however get advantage of some of its features.
But here like everywhere in the world there is more "pour" people than "rich" people,
just because to a lot of people, money isn't a aim.
Their aim is to live quietly having a low to medium paid job, a family and basta.

When it cames "to be guilty of leaving a minority of people to decide for us", I'm not Ok with this:
I was born in France without choosing my country and the system I was educated and grown in like you!
I did not choose my family anymore and you to!
Now that I'm aware the system isn't perfect and that a minority have the power on hands, what can I do?
I said "they have power" and yes they have it: police, army, administration, banks, ...
So if I'm not happy what can I do?
Building an association like Greenpeace or something like that?
Yeah, and does it changes a lot of things?
Perhaps but not enough because people who love freedom want total freedom and this is not possible:
a state is effectively a set of people who have decided to be ruled by a set of rules, if there is not rules then it's total chaos.
So nothing work well because there is no norms.
Norms are constraint?
Yeah and thet's because there is constraint that your computer works and your compiler too!

And when it comes to have actually accepted all the rules a country is ruled by...
Did Londoners know all the rules they have to follow from laws by hearth?
Did they have read them all?
Where to find them?
The truth is that the system is so complicated that nobody understand it perfectly as it's too complex.
So we live in a country with some incertainties and I'm not alone in this case: who can predict the future?
I met lots of people there: English but mainly Chinese, French, Polska, Spanish, Vietnamese, Bengali, ...
None master English enough to understand the rules and laws of this country so they are unaware and innocent.
They know only one thing: here there is work and that's all because they need to live.

You know in reality good and bad are melted: you'll never find a country were everything is good and everything is perfect.
You'll have to do things you don't like to and some people have put themselves in such situation that they now do really bad stuff.
Like selling weapons or getting petrol by force.
They became evil because the contect lead them to, their education too, the media, the society around them.
They simply had to deal with reality to survive: a bit like young people we were, who pirated tons of software and games.

We are all good and bad BB Image


Zest: you are a arrogant, I love that and I'm not alone.
So your name is nobody?
But you perhaps have some friends?
Not interested by getting an interview and show them who you are and what your personnality is?
Well this doesn't matter, I have some others to interview anyway.
However if you change your mind, you can contact me at epcosmik@yahoo.co.uk.

added on the 2005-07-12 15:57:34 by ep ep
added on the 2005-07-12 16:12:11 by p01 p01


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